Perfect Supreme

Chapter 991

“How do you know this!”

At this moment, the two kings were stunned and looked at Lin Ling, full of fear.

Lin Ling, the ants in their hearts, especially the “阎”, he even regards Lin Ling as a beggar, but for now, this ants makes him jealous, even afraid of it!

All this, very dreamy!

When I first met Lin Ling, Lin Ling destroyed his altar. He never thought that this ants would grow to such a stage.

Hōng lóng lóng !

As if I heard something like summon, the mutation bulged, the earth shook, the ancient palace under the feet rolled over the earth, the dust was over the sky, an ancient voice permeated the palace, and the sound came out. A lot of alien martial artists in the distance were Seven. Orifices is bleeding, and they are going backwards!


More terrifying than the “阎” out of the magic!


A gray arm, like the arm of the ancient Demon God, stretched out under the gentle ground. The thick arm was like an old python, so that all the people were shaking.

The earth was constantly dug by the arm, and another arm appeared slowly. A pair of green eyes were slowly rising in the dust of the sky.

Yasha Wang is coming!

The magic, pinching the heart, is so dark, so shocking!

The huge Yashawang seems to climb out of hell. When it stands up, the whole earth seems to become a magical domain. The magic cloud that has rolled out is actually causing countless people to be corroded, incomparably terrifying!

No one can see how the Yaksha King is like, and can only see it vaguely, among the rolling magic clouds, the giant Demon God silhouette, and the strange eyes!

“Kill them!”

At this moment, the cold voice floated out of Lin Ling’s mouth, and at this moment he held the river figure jade beads, his face was indifferent.

The river figure Yuzhu is the soul of the Yaksha King, but unfortunately the life of the powerful Emperor smashed the soul, leaving only the “魄” turned into a river figure Yuzhu!

This is also the reason why everyone wants to get the river map jade beads, get the river map jade beads equal to get the night fork king!

“The king who used to be in the world, today is so dead!”

Towards that the ancient silhouette, the ancient sorcerer’s soul has some sorrowful roads. In the tall silhouette, it seems to have seen the brothers who fought side by side in the past, but now, it has become an unconscious walking dead!

Moreover, if Lin Ling does not break the taboo and break the taboo, it may also end up like the Yaksha King!


The earth is turbulent, and the magic cloud sweeps the earth, turning the earth into a vast ocean, and the alien martial artists are drowned!


“阎” heart trembled, he came from the 7-Star sanctuary, there are few opponents in the eight-star six Holy Land, but now I can’t take my face and run wild.

The bone-winged man is also a pupil, a bone flap, and flies away with the clouds!

Hōng lóng lóng !

However, there was a dark arm in the sky, as if it was only covered with the sky, and suddenly the man with the bones was shaken, but the blood was spattered, but it was absorbed by the terrifying arm. The bone man suddenly sighed, though he was A great king, but you can be the opponent of the Holy Land patron!

“Lin Ling, don’t kill him!”

At this moment, the voice of the ancient evil spirits came out: “I want its body, you are not Divine Ability with Soul Eater? Devouring his soul, let my soul enter it!”

“it is good!”

Lin Ling nodded, and his body was tired, but Soul Force had no loss at all, so it was not difficult to swallow the dying winged man!

Step by step, Lin Ling shot to the front, holding the river figure jade beads, so that the night fork king did not dare to move him, and he also saw the night fork king, this demon king is gray skin, solid muscles, head length Double angles, cold teeth, baleful qi rolling!

What shocked Lin Ling most was that the night fork Wang Gaoru was a giant, full of strength in pulling the mountains and rivers!


Without wasting extra time, Lin Ling’s eyes burst into mysterious rays of light, engulfing the soul of the winged man!

“Do not!”

The bone-winged man made a panic, but unfortunately he was already on the verge of extinction and could not resist.

After consuming the soul of the bone-winged man, Lin Ling noticed that his Soul Force has more than doubled, and the Soul Eater can boost his Soul Force by consuming other people’s souls!

“Lin Ling, thank you !”

In the distance, the almost transparent ancient evil spirits floated over. He faintly looked at Lin Ling said with a smile, and Lin Ling was also a smile. His contact with the ancient demon was beginning to be taboo against this ancient demon, but After the contact, I found that although this ancient demon is deeply rooted in the devil, it is a real man!

Gradually, the friendship between the two is also familiar. For Lin Ling, the ancient demon is like a senior, the respectable Magic Road!

The soul of the ancient demon disappeared in the body of the man within the body. After a moment, the man of the bone wing opened his eyes. Although indifferent, a sense of familiarity rose in the mind of Lin Ling. This is no longer the king of the wing. It is ancient inflammation!

“This body is really weak, but the innate talent is not bad. For the first time, using human body cultivation, it seems that I will become a human being in the future!” The bone wing man looked at his body and then looked at Lin Ling: ” Devil, I know that you have a lot of treasure, take some recovered heavenly material earthly treasure, don’t be so embarrassed!”


Lin Ling suddenly laughed heartily, this is the ancient inflammation he knows: “You are born again, you should have a name!”

“That is called the ancient war day!”

“haha, war brother!”

Lin Ling stepped forward and embraced the ancient sorcerer, letting the ancient war day glimpse, and the heart raised an indescribable feeling, very nostalgic!

In the past, he had so many brothers, but unfortunately they were all dead. Today, in Lin Ling, he noticed the kind of brother!

“The little devil, the man cuddles, messes up, you don’t take up I, your father is cheap!”

Ancient war days laughed heartily, and then could not help teased.


The laughter of the two people resounded through Heaven and Earth, and in the distance, An Yu’er and You Mengyun watched the two laugh. Before that, the two great kings were terrifying, they thought they were in danger, but who knows After Lin Ling and the efforts of the ancient war, they will eventually hit the enemy!

However, they were extremely nervous before, but Lin Ling was very calm. Obviously, Lin Ling did not encounter this kind of situation in the days they didn’t know. The life and death crisis seemed to be commonplace for Lin Ling!

“War, God, you let me come here before, I already knew that the Yaksha King was sealed here!”

Lin Ling asked after a smile.

The ancient war days shook his head, and the bones contracted behind him: “I just know, where the Yaksha King was sealed, so I brought you here, but broke the seal of the Yaksha King, and it still looks at you!”

Lin Ling blinked: “If I don’t find a taboo, then how do we face it!”

The ancient war days spread the stallers: “Only adaptable!”

Lin Ling was speechless, and if he had Eye of Time, it was a disaster!

. . . . . . .

Today’s five more, ask for a monthly ticket, oh oh, everyone happy new year!

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