Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 245 Ending Cause and Effect

After walking through the silent ancient road, Genjin arrived at the God of War Academy.

At this moment, the news that he had attained the Supreme Dao had spread. After a night of viral spread, the entire foreign land had learned of the news.

The eighty-year-old Supreme Being has never been seen before and will be rare to see in the future. Everyone is sighing, saying that he has a bright future and is expected to become the immortal king.

Even the sleeping Immortal King was alarmed and praised Gen Jin's achievements repeatedly.

Naturally, the creatures in the God of War Academy also learned that many of them belonged to the same era as Gen Jin, and even entered the God of War Academy in the same batch as him.

Decades passed by, but the situation was completely different. They finally caught up and became a half-step supreme. As a result, Gen Jin made another breakthrough and became a human supreme, overlooking the world. Many of Gen Jin's old friends gained After learning the news, they all froze in place for a long time, speechless. In the end, they could only show a helpless smile.

At the same time, there was some relief.

Perhaps they were wrong from the beginning and should not have pursued an unattainable dream.

Some creatures are destined to soar in the nine heavens, while some creatures are destined to become the stars that guard the bright moon.

The Daodao Palace, hanging high in the sky, is majestic and majestic, filled with a strong aura of immortality. This is the place where the God of War Academy lectures. At a certain time, a thousand students from the academy will come here to gather around. Sitting on their respective futons, they listened to the sermons of their seniors.

Once upon a time, Genjin was also one of the thousand students, but that became a fleeting moment in his life. He soon flew away and became a disciple of the Immortal King.

When I came to Daodao Palace again, old memories from those days came to my mind like a tide.

Genjin strolled to the Daodao Palace, stopped in the chaos, and stared ahead quietly.

There are a thousand students, no more and no less, including newcomers and old people. The eight-armed boy he met, Zi Ye, from the Zidian royal family, is among them, and he is the oldest group of students.

Generally speaking, students from the God of War Academy with certain backgrounds will choose to attack the God of War Tower, obtain the title of God of War, and then leave the academy and return to their families to receive more favorable training in order to achieve the ultimate goal.

But now, the eight-armed boy, Ziye... all choose to stay.

There is no other reason. Here is the man they all want to chase in their dreams. To narrow the gap and see Gen Jin's back in the distance is the dream of almost all academy geniuses.

To be able to come here and become students, they are not ordinary people. They have great ambitions, and Genjin is their ambition. Everyone is chasing that figure silently.

Before yesterday, all the students were in high spirits, chasing after each other, but now, this atmosphere is completely gone, and their Taoist hearts have almost collapsed.

Enlightenment at the age of eighty is a supreme myth worthy of being famous throughout the ages. It makes those who hear it go crazy. How can they pursue it?

Not to mention chasing, they can't even get close. Therefore, many people have lost confidence and their spirits are sluggish. Only the eight-armed boy, Zi Ye and other older generations of creatures still have their Taoist aspirations.

After the obsession was released, I felt relaxed all over. Without that sense of burden, practicing Taoism became much more enjoyable.

The immortal on the Taoist platform saw this, but he did not point it out or comfort him. It is people's instinct to chase the bright moon in the sky, but they must also recognize themselves and be down-to-earth, which will be more beneficial to their future.

As the Immortal preached, a thousand students gradually became immersed in the ocean of the great avenue, which diluted their loss to a certain extent.

Soon after, the sermon ended, and the students woke up one after another, feeling that they had learned a lot.

The few creatures who escaped to the first realm still closed their eyes, meditating on the great truths narrated by the Immortal.

At this moment, the immortal on the platform suddenly stood up and looked at the chaotic mist in the distance behind the students, where a tall figure stood.

Genjin, you are here.

The Immortal spoke out, making the students present feel as if they were struck by lightning. They were stunned on the spot, and then they all looked behind them. Everyone's expressions were wonderful, including reverence, enthusiasm, sighs, and smiles...

Senior Gumo, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you were preaching at Daodao Palace, so I came to find you.

The immortal creature on the Taoist platform is the immortal Gumo, who was a blessing to Genjin. When he was still in his youth, Gumo was the only one who was most optimistic about him and invested heavily in him.

As the saying goes, adding icing on the cake is not as good as providing help when needed. Gumo is the one who provides help when needed.

Back then, as Genjin's protector, he led Genjin around, including Xiayuan and the Five Elements Dao Furnace.

At the Five Elements Dao Furnace, for Gen Jin, he almost died at the hands of the Immortal King of Five Elements. To this day, that cause and effect is still etched in Gen Jin's heart.

Yeah, long time no see, probably fifty years. Gu Mo nodded with a smile.

He was really pleased to see Genjin soar into the sky and reach a height that was difficult for anyone to reach.

Although Genjin is a human race, he has always regarded Genjin as his nephew, nephew and descendant, with a kind of kindness and care.

Everyone, haven't you always regarded Gen Jin as your goal and wanted to chase him?

Now, just in time for the meeting, he came to the Daodao Palace and entered the venue as a Supreme Being. According to the rules of the Dao Dao Palace, he should give a sermon to the students here. You are blessed today. Gumo said with a smile.

Gen Jin was also smiling and did not refuse. He saw the eight-armed boy and Zi Ye from a distance. The two of them looked at him with a complicated look. In the end, this look turned into deep respect and awe.

In foreign lands, the strong is heaven, and surrendering to the strong is something engraved in people's bones.

Genjin didn't say anything, he walked straight onto the stage, sat down cross-legged, and revealed every trace of his supreme energy, which shocked all the students present.

They sat upright and listened attentively to Genjin's sermon.

He talked about his various experiences of honing his Taoism in the world of mortals when he was half-stepping into the Supreme Tao, and also told about the various disasters he encountered when he became a Supreme Taoist.

Listening to Gen Jin's words, the students at the God of War Academy felt as if they were actually there, as if they were the ones experiencing this period of life.

After a long time, the Daodao Palace fell silent and the sermon ended. Genjin stood up directly and left the place with Gumo.

From the beginning to the end, he did not say hello to his old friends, because the so-called old friends already had bad feelings due to the huge gap, and could never discuss them together. They were people from two different worlds. In this case, there was no need to reminisce about the past. .

It only takes fifty years to complete a journey that the top geniuses need to walk for two thousand years. In the process, you must have suffered a lot. Gu Mo sighed.

All the suffering is worth it. Genjin walked side by side with him through the mountains, seas and clouds of the God of War Academy.

The two of them hadn't had such a quiet walk in many years, and they both enjoyed this moment.

Yes, it's worth it. You created history. From ancient times to the present, you are the only one.

However, the higher you stand, the more careful you have to be, humble and cautious. No one will be brilliant forever. Gu Mo reminded me like this.

Senior, don't worry. Genjin understands that you taught me this way back then.

Hearing this, Gu Mo nodded with a smile.

“You have done well over the years, and I hope you can continue to do so in the future.

Maybe not long after, we will be peers, and from now on, it will be my turn to call you senior. He said jokingly.

Senior is my protector. Once you protect the way, you will be a senior all your life. Genjin responded.

Seeing the current situation, Gumo felt even more pleased.

Hearing that he was going to the dam world, Gumo's expression changed at first, showing worry, and then immediately returned to normal.

I once had a glimpse of the embankment world. I saw it from a distance. It was very mysterious and terrifying. Strong men from all over the world often passed by that embankment. Once an enemy encountered it, it would be a scene that shook the heavens. Great war.

It is indeed very dangerous for you to practice there with your mid-supreme cultivation level. If you are encountered by the powerful people from the Immortal Realm, the primitive ancient world, and the ancient world that are enemies of our world, you will inevitably be in danger of life and death.

However, if Lord Guzu takes you there personally, there will be no problem. With Lord Guzu taking action, he will be able to protect you. Gumo said.

The two reminisced about old times, and finally it was time to part ways.

I don't know when we will meet again next time. By that time, you may be close to the immortal.

I really want to see when you can be promoted to immortality. I have a hunch that you will create myths again and shock everyone. Gumo said goodbye with such emotion.

Senior, you are ridiculous. The enlightenment is immortal. You have experienced it personally and know the difficulties involved.

I know, but your words cannot be judged by common sense.

The two waved goodbye, and Genjin returned to the ancestral land of the Luo people.

Two familiar figures have been waiting there for a long time. They are his two younger brothers, Haochen from the Wushang Emperor Clan and Genjin's uncle, and the other is Qing Huang from the Tiantian Emperor Clan.

At that time, the two of them followed Gen Jin to ride fish and swim in the sea waterfall, which had already become a good story and was widely spread in foreign lands.

Although they also ate the bloodline fruit produced by the number one spiritual root in the world, the power of their bloodline was sublimated, some shackles were invisibly broken, and they had the opportunity to prove the immortal king, but after all, the two of them were not eternal. now.

After decades of hard training, they still cannot see the path to the Supreme Being, and they still need a lot of years to hone their skills.

However, the fruit of the number one spiritual root in the world is not for nothing. Gen Jin can see that Haochen and Qinghuang's Taoism is far stronger than the other half-step supreme beings, and they are closer to the supreme being.

Even if they cannot break the 500-year-old taboo red line, they can still prove the truth one step ahead of others.

If nothing else goes wrong, the two people will not be more than a thousand years old when they become enlightened. Putting aside Gen Jin, among the descendants of the Imperial Clan and the descendants of the Immortal Kings, this age is considered very young. Many Immortal Kings did not achieve this in their youth. at this point.

Brother Gen, you really did it, like a myth entering the world. Haochen praised.

Brother Gen, you are really... I cried to death. You are a bright light on my path of spiritual practice, guiding me forward. Qing Huang was the most excited. There is an eldest brother who became a Taoist at the age of eighty. It is simply unnecessary. So cool.

Even if others look at him with the prefix Genjin's younger brother, he doesn't care. Ever since he ate the bloodline fruit and was in the same realm, Genjin slapped him to the ground with one hand. Qinghuang was convinced. .

You will have this day too, and it won't be long.

I have to say that the scenery in the Supreme Realm is really wonderful, and I am waiting for you here. Gen Jin responded with a smile.

At the beginning, he had some selfish motives in accepting these two younger brothers. He wanted to use the devouring clouds at the end of the sea waterfall to plunder the talents in their blood. He finally succeeded. Later, Genjin really wanted to take these two younger brothers to practice.

Throughout the ages, there have been only a handful of creatures who have swallowed the Bloodline Fruit, and without exception, they have achieved extraordinary achievements. Haochen and Qinghuang have good foundations, and with the blessing of the Bloodline Fruit, they will have the opportunity to become immortal kings in the future.

Until then, the two creatures will definitely be the most powerful dipping sauce ever.

After some encouragement and lamentation, the two creatures said goodbye to Gen Jin. After they learned about the news that he had attained the Supreme Dao, they came all night just to meet Gen Jin.

After watching the two younger brothers leave, Genjin returned to Luo Mo Cave.

Is the cause and effect settled? Luomo asked.

Return to Master, it's over. Genjin responded respectfully.

Very good, we set off immediately. We may be away for a long time this time, and when we come back, it will be a changed world.

The path of spiritual practice is like this, dancing on the long river of time, accompanying the years. Luo Mo said with a smile.

After the words fell, he took Gen Jin out of the cave.

The three-tailed ancient beast had already prepared its vehicle and was standing there waiting quietly.

Seeing Luo Mo and Gen Jin walking out, it lowered its head respectfully. Even if Gen Jin was just a supreme being, it would bow its head willingly, because sooner or later Gen Jin's achievements would surpass it and reach the point where it needs to look up to.

The two masters and apprentices boarded a mottled ancient chariot. The three-tailed ancient beast roared, and the long gold chain on its body rattled. The next moment, the immortal power boiled, and it pulled the ancient chariot and disappeared at an unimaginable speed. In place.

Several immortals from the Luo tribe saw this scene, and they knew that this was the ancient ancestor who took Genjin to practice, and the Immortal King personally followed him. I am afraid that only Genjin is qualified to receive this kind of treatment.

The speed of the three-tailed ancient beast was very fast, and it swept through the endless territory in an instant. Everything turned into nothingness and retreated at a very fast speed.

It didn't take long for the chariot to reach the border of the foreign land. A majestic ancient city stood there. It was the boundary gate. Once you walked out of the boundary gate, you left the realm of the foreign land.

The quasi-immortal king guarding the gate opened his eyes in surprise and came outside the city in person to welcome the arrival of the immortal king.

After learning that Luo Mo was going to leave the boundary gate, the quasi-immortal king had countless speculations in his mind, but he did not dare to ask any more questions. If he offended the immortal king, even if he was a profound person, he would not be able to survive.

The quasi-immortal king did not dare to delay and immediately opened the gate.


Two huge chaotic stone doors opened, revealing the situation outside the boundary. It was a dark and dead starry sky. Even the rules of the avenue were broken and it was not a boundary.

Compared to a complete world like a foreign land, the environment outside the world is so poor that it is difficult to practice Taoism.

When the three-tailed ancient beast saw the gate open, it pulled the ancient chariot without hesitation and transformed into a stream of light, disappearing at the end of the dim universe.

After they left, the gate rumbled shut.

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