Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 246 Footprints, Water Mist

Watching Luo Mo's car leave, the quasi-immortal king closed the gate, and then stood on the city gate without moving for a long time.

It wasn't until an immortal came over to ask that he spoke leisurely.

One day ago, Gen Jin, the direct disciple of Ancestor Luo Mo, attained enlightenment to the Supreme Being at the age of eighty, which shocked the ancient world. Only one day later, Ancestor Luo Mo left the ancient world in his old man's car and headed outside the world.

There is no doubt that there should be a young hero in the supreme chariot, and Patriarch Rama took him to practice outside the world.

I really can't imagine what kind of treatment it would be like to be accompanied by a supreme immortal king. How many epochs have passed, this is the first time that a creature like Gen Jin appears.

The quasi-immortal king expressed this emotion. Compared with what he did after attaining the supreme enlightenment back then, he was like an inconspicuous little splash looking up at the mighty waves.

The Immortal is also sighing.

The Immortal King accompanies him and helps him practice. This kind of treatment is really enviable.

The two looked at each other and saw the shock and envy in each other's eyes.

With a master like this, when that creature comes back next time, I'm afraid it will already be immortal. It's only a matter of time before I catch up with you.

I seem to see a young immortal king rising step by step. It is also a blessing to be a witness.

Outside the foreign land, in the vast void, a three-tailed ancient beast pulled a chariot across the universe at an unimaginable speed.

This is a vast void that transcends foreign lands. Many places are covered by chaos. Occasionally, the remains of the ancient universe can be seen, standing quietly in the void.

This is not the first time Genjin has been in such an environment. The last time he, Haochen and Qinghuang took the ancestral fry to the end of the waterfall, ate the bloodline soul, and then returned to a foreign land, this was the same path they took.

At that time, they were not even supreme beings. They were cautious wherever they went, for fear of encountering powerful men who were hostile to the ancient world and dying without a burial place.

This time, with the Immortal King Master accompanying him, Genjin did not panic or worry at all.

The only people who can pose a threat to Luo Mo are probably giants.

There are only so many giants in the original ancient world and the fairyland. One or two of them have either gone to the boundary sea or are in retreat. They will not come out once for tens or millions of years. The possibility of running into them is almost zero. Therefore, there is basically no chance of running into them. No need to worry.

Looking at the magnificent scenery passing by outside the window of the chariot, Genjin fell into endless reverie. Perhaps countless epochs ago, these ruins were a world more splendid and glorious than the original ancient world, fairyland, and foreign land. In this world, countless powerful people are born, grow, and rise in the great world, standing high above and overlooking the heavens.

But in the end, everything decays. Time is ruthless. Nothing in this world is eternal and will one day be destroyed.

What's wrong? Luo Mo sensed his beloved disciple's mood swings and asked immediately.

Master, I am thinking, is the Immortal and the Immortal King really immortal?

Hearing this, Luo Mo was silent for a while, his thoughts wandering and looking back, as if he was going to the end of the mysterious river of time to explore the buried taboo ancient history.

After a long time, he replied: If we look at it from the perspective of longevity, the creatures in the realm of immortality are indeed immortal and can live forever without interference from external forces.

But in fact, there is no real pure land in this world. The whole world is a chessboard, and all living beings are chess pieces. The living beings who set foot in my realm are already strong enough, so why do they still have to fight tirelessly?

I just want to truly transcend, jump outside the chessboard, and become a real chess player.

From this point of view, the immortal king is not truly immortal and will eventually perish.

Hearing Luo Mo's answer, Gen Jin was quite surprised. He originally thought that with the overwhelming power of the Immortal King, he would definitely tell him that the Immortal King overlooks reincarnation and is accustomed to life and death, so he is naturally immortal.

Who would have thought that Lomo had such profound insights.

It turns out that not every immortal king is as confident as An Lan.

Just as Genjin was feeling emotional, a magnificent scene outside the chariot window appeared in his field of vision.

In the dim ruins of the universe, fairy light shines, bursting out from a large black hole, as if a round of fairy sun has fallen into it, releasing the fairy light.

What an amazing sight. There might be some great opportunity hidden there. Genjin exclaimed.

Haha, you are still too young. From the appearance, it is indeed extraordinary, as if there is some treasure buried there.

But in fact, the black hole was a trap. A certain evil ghost who had been dead for endless years and whose mother world had been reduced to ashes was unwilling to sink and set a trap.

However, creatures in the human realm are not the targets of evil spirits, only those in the immortal realm are.

Once a creature from the realm of immortality enters the situation, there is only one end, and that is to become the food of the calendar ghost. Luo Mo smiled lightly and revealed the terrible secret behind the fairy light black hole.

Gen Jin felt chills running down his spine.

After practicing Taoism for so many years, according to his experience, the Immortal Light Black Hole must be a treasure of Immortal Dao. Who would have thought that such a terrifying killing situation was hidden.

And it is a killing of creatures in the immortality realm.

As far as I know, many creatures in the realm of immortality have been tricked and buried in it forever.

Even the immortals in our world have fallen into disrepair. Luomo continued.

That's it. Thank you Master for clarifying my doubts. Genjin said gratefully.

From now on, in your practice, you must keep in mind that the more sacred and attractive the place, the more cautious you must be, because behind the sacred place, there is most likely a world-shattering murderous intention hidden behind it.

However, the road to spiritual cultivation is a struggle with heaven, earth, and people. The thin line between life and death is a common occurrence. Luo Mo said earnestly.

Genjin nodded.

Soon, the chariot passed through the Immortal Light Black Hole, leaving it far behind.

During the subsequent journey, Genjin saw many vast sights that he had never seen before in the big world.

Luo Mo was very patient and explained Gen Jin one by one.

Along the way, Gen Jin felt that this world is really dangerous, there are killings everywhere, and there will be no pie falling from the sky.

He, Haochen, and Qinghuang followed the ancestral fish fry, found the first spiritual root blood fruit in the world, and successfully ate it, successfully returning to the mother realm. They were really lucky.

Generally speaking, there are all kinds of dangers around shocking spiritual objects. The First Spiritual Fruit in the Heavens is an exception. It uses the blood of endless creatures as its soil and usually grows in a world where the world is destroyed. As soon as there is any disturbance, it will disappear without a trace.

The fact that they were able to find it was also due to the Ancestral Fish Fry.

After a long journey, the three-tailed ancient beast pulled the ancient chariot towards a primitive world. Here, there was no void, no stars, no sun and moon, only chaos.

Everything is so primitive, as if we have reached the end of heaven and earth, where chaos has not yet opened and it has returned to nothingness.


Luo Mo spoke out, looking into the distance with a complex expression.

Not long after walking, the sound of thunder and lightning came from the chaotic void.

Genjin guessed that the source of these thunder and lightning was the vast thunder and lightning abyss in the original work.

It is not formed by the heavenly punishment in one realm, but affects all heavens and all realms, and is the source of the heavenly punishment in all heavens.


The chariot was approaching, and Genjin had already seen the terrifying thunder and lightning abyss. The sky was filled with lightning and divine punishment, converging into a vast ocean, and there was even a simple thunder pond wandering in it.

Even before we actually arrive, we feel trembling and uneasy.

But immediately, that feeling disappeared, and Luomo's ancient chariot isolated all fluctuations.

Facing the Thunder Abyss, the three-tailed ancient beast was very direct, pulling the ancient chariot straight through the sea of ​​lightning and thunder. No matter how turbulent the sea of ​​thunder was, it could not damage it or the ancient chariot at all.

Soon after, the chariot passed through the sea of ​​thunder and escaped from the thunder and lightning abyss.

The front is unusually quiet, like the end of the world or the depths of the desert.

When they got here, Luo Mo called out to ask the three-tailed ancient beast to stop, and then he and Gen Jin stepped out of the chariot.

In the void, a faint white mist curled up and spread in front, misty and mysterious, with no end in sight.

There is a piece of sand under your feet, very quiet, without any fluctuations.

However, as soon as Genjin's soles landed, a terrifying thunderous mist burst out from the sand, impacting Genjin's soles and sending out a terrifying stinging sensation.

It didn't take long for the flesh and blood of his feet to disappear, leaving only the colorful bones. Fortunately, Luo Mo took care of it in time and suppressed all the thunder and mist.

Under this sand is an ancient battlefield, which seals the blood mud of countless powerful people. There is a saying that the Thunder and Lightning Abyss was built to seal this place.

If you want to walk through the sand, only the creatures in the immortal realm can do it, like a barrier or a dividing line.

Because of this, throughout the ages, most of the creatures that go to the dam world are creatures from the immortal realm. There are very few humane creatures like you, and they are basically brought here by their elders. Luomo spoke.

Genjin nodded.

Next, let's hike there.

The three-tailed ancient beast put away its chariot and followed the two quietly.

After walking for a while, the scene remained unchanged, still light white mist and sand.

Luo Mo suddenly asked: Did you notice anything?

Hearing this, Gen Jin thought for a while and replied: It's strange that neither master nor disciple can leave footprints on this sand.

Although he knew the reason, theoretically it was his first time here, so naturally he couldn't show his knowledge.

Luo Mo smiled and nodded.

Yes, this sand is very special. Even if it is as powerful as the Immortal King or the Giant, it cannot leave any traces on the sand.

Since ancient times, countless powerful people have tried here and failed.

However, one mysterious creature did it.

After saying that, he pointed to the distance and walked over with Gen Jin.

As he approached, Gen Jin saw a line of vague footprints carved on the sand, emitting a faint light that flickered on and off.

“Not only on this sandy land, there are also footprints on the embankment in the distance, left by the same person.

Era after era passed, where even the strongest giants could not leave their footprints, there was a creature who did it. Generations of strong men regarded him as a legend, inspiring people to sail towards the vast boundless sea.

In our world, many giants have gone to sea just for that illusory realm. Even if there are endless dangers in the world sea, they will not hesitate. Lomo sighed.

Then, he led Gen Jin, following the line of footprints on the sand, all the way to the dam boundary.

In the dirt ground, a gray and plain embankment lay across the ground, majestic and giving off an indescribable sense of oppression.

Qiang Rugenjin couldn't help but feel trembling.

The pressure is too great and there is great terror, which cannot be endured by the Supreme Being.

When Luo Mo took Gen Jin onto the embankment, he saw a horrifying scene.

On the other side of the embankment, countless star skeletons fell down, cracked under the embankment, and turned into endless rubble. One after another, huge black shadows collapsed on the embankment in various postures, motionless, and died on the embankment. There.

Looking at those corpses from a distance today, their bodies are well preserved. Countless thousands of years have passed, and they are still lifelike. There is still some blood that is glowing and has not dried up.

The blood was immortal blood, crystal clear, still lingering with immortal energy to this day, exuding a great majesty.

At a glance, there are more than a dozen corpses lying on the long embankment. They were all creatures in the realm of immortality in life, and they were from all realms.

However, without exception, they are all lower than the Immortal King.

When you reach the Immortal King Realm, every part of your body is of great value, and it is impossible for the corpse to be preserved for so long without anyone touching it.

“These immortal creatures come from different ancient worlds, and some have existed for dozens or hundreds of epochs. They all went to sea without knowing their capabilities, and wanted to return, but ended up exhausted and died on the dam.

You should take this as a warning. This sea is very dangerous and scary. Even if I go to sea, I can't guarantee that I can come back alive.

In the sea of ​​​​the world, the enemies of our world are everywhere. Once we encounter them, a life-and-death battle is inevitable. Lomo instructed.

Yes, please remember this.

Then, they found a relatively complete embankment as a training ground.

The Boundary Sea, as the name suggests, is an ocean made up of countless worlds. In this sea, a wave is like an abandoned world. It is so vast that even the immortal king has difficulty crossing it.

If a creature in your realm enters the realm sea with its own power, it is no surprise that it will be crushed into powder.

Therefore, for now, you can only practice on the dam and use the mist floating on the sea to sharpen your Taoism.

Don't underestimate this mist, it is formed by the endless rules of the great road, disintegrating the form and spirit of living beings, turning them into rules, essence, etc., so that they can die without a burial place.

For the Supreme, it is extremely terrifying and can easily crush the Supreme's body. Even the immortal may fall at any time. Luomo said.

Genjin nodded solemnly. He naturally knew how terrifying the mist in the sea water was.

Since Genjin is still in the middle stage of Supreme, it is a bit reluctant to use the boundary sea mist to practice, so Luo Mo personally attracted a ray, diluted it with the Taoism of the Immortal King, and then used it on Genjin, trying little by little.

It wasn't until Genjin's physical body showed signs of dissolution and collapse that Rama stopped.

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