A faint mist of water surrounds Genjin, releasing terrifying power to decompose the body, refine the spirit, and dissolve the spirit into the rules of heaven and earth.

This kind of power is so terrifying that even a body as strong as Genjin cannot bear it and is disintegrating.

Brilliant multi-colored light bloomed all over his body, and the power of his physical body surged, resisting the power emanating from the mist of the sea water. In the process, the already powerful flesh shell was tempered more deeply and became stronger little by little.

At the same time, Genjin is also using this environment to practice the Immortal Sutra.

It can be ranked among the top three methods of all heavens. It is a supreme body training method that is famous in all heavens and all realms.

All fairy kings long for it.

If the Nine-Level Immortal Sutra falls into the hands of Luo Mo and reaches its peak level, he can rely on the Taoism of the supreme Immortal King to stand up to the giants for a period of time without falling behind, and his combat power will be far greater than before.

If the scriptures obtained by Genjin were not forbidden by the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, and forcibly obtained them, Genjin would fall and disintegrate. Luomo would have taken them by force.

He loves his disciples so much that instead of taking them by force, he helps Genjin hide the fluctuations of the Immortal Sutra to prevent others from seeing it.

In the world of the dam, there is eternal silence, and the sound of the endless waves hits the dam regularly. On the gray and plain dam, apart from the immortal corpses, there are only two masters and disciples of Luo Mogenjin.

Under such circumstances, Gen Jin naturally did not need to avoid anything. He practiced the Immortal Sutra with all his strength. After decades of practice, he had only reached the first level. Even so, the blessings of the Immortal Sutra on the physical body were so great that it made people feel uncomfortable. be surprised.

At this moment, Genjin's flesh shell is already comparable to a creature at the top of the extreme realm. He just doesn't have the corresponding Taoist cultivation, so he lags behind.

If he can cultivate the Immortal Sutra to the second level, then his physical strength will definitely reach a higher level.

Luo Mo was relieved to see his apprentice growing stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If we follow the current pace of practice, we will achieve immortality within 20,000 to 30,000 years.

The only regret is that the Immortal Sutra, which is famous in the heavens, has a forbidden power and cannot be obtained. Otherwise, if he cultivates the Immortal Sutra, his combat power will be arrogant to all the top kings, and he will not be able to become a giant, but he will be the king among the top. good.

Luo Mo sighed. Compared with this, he still hopes that his beloved disciple will grow up smoothly and become the immortal king.

Master and disciple are both immortal kings. This has never happened before in a foreign land. When the time comes, it will be a beautiful story that will be remembered forever.

Time passes, twenty years pass by in a flash, and we are now one hundred years old. In the previous world, one hundred years old was a big milestone. Most people passed away and turned into dust before they were one hundred years old. Only A few people live to be over a hundred years old.

However, in this world, a hundred years is too hasty and cannot be compared with the blink of an eye of a true immortal.

Gen Jin is still impossibly young, with long black hair hanging down his shoulders, cold facial features, and a strong body. His whole person has an aura of calmness and self-reliance. Just a look in his eyes can make people in the same realm tremble and feel sad. fear.

In twenty years, with the help of Jie Hai Mist, he made a big breakthrough while consolidating his cultivation in the middle stage of the supreme realm. He was promoted to the late stage of the supreme realm and moved towards the top of the extreme path.

The further you go, the slower your pace of Taoism becomes. Even in this environment that is conducive to sharpening your Taoism, it is still difficult to move forward.

However, this is all expected. Genjin's cultivation speed is already very fast. It took only twenty years for him to reach the late stage of Supreme Realm. You must know that the geniuses of the Imperial Clan who are of the same age as him are still at the halfway stage of Supreme Realm. Struggling and seeing no hope of breaking through.

Of course, this speed of cultivation is inseparable from the help of Master Rama.

Even in the late Supreme stage, it is difficult to withstand the full power of the sea water mist. The reason why he has been able to practice unharmed so far is thanks to Luo Mo's help to dilute the sea water mist and create a suitable environment. Otherwise, Genjin would not dare to introduce the sea water mist to temper his Taoism. and physique.

According to his estimation, if you want to withstand the erosion of the sea mist with your own strength, you must at least be at the top of the Ultimate Dao.

This is still the case where Genjin's strength is different from ordinary people and he stands out in the same realm. If it were anyone else, he would not be a true immortal or immortal, and coming here on his own would be tantamount to seeking death.

Sitting cross-legged on the embankment, in addition to the mist of the boundary sea that is actively attracted, you also have to face the invisible and mighty power of the boundary sea.

In that sea, there are vast ripples, which ordinary people cannot see, invisible and colorless, but people in the supreme realm can feel it, as if there is a blazing divine light sweeping over them.

For the Supreme Being, surviving on the embankment is a kind of practice and an experience.

This kind of environment is much better than practicing hard in a cave. It is an extremely rare and precious place for training.

For twenty years, Luo Mo has always been with Gen Jin, diluting the fog of the sea water for him and protecting his safety.

Although the world of dams is deserted and it takes hundreds or even thousands of years for a figure to pass by in a hurry, either going to sea or returning, there is still the possibility of encounters between strong men.

Especially since the Great Reckoning is imminent, many creatures who went to sea embarked on their return journey one or two epochs ago.

Places like Jiehai are very mysterious. For the same stretch of road, some people need one era, and some people need ten eras. It's hard to tell clearly, but generally speaking, the stronger you are, the faster you go.

In just twenty years, Luo Mo and Gen Jin met two living beings who had returned from crossing the sea.

One is the Immortal King and the other is the True Immortal. The former is so ancient that his motherland has turned into the dust of history. The latter recognized his own strength not long after he went to sea and returned in embarrassment. He encountered several dangers along the way. Fortunately, With good luck, you can survive every time and come back successfully.

There is no enmity between the returned Immortal King and Luo Mo, and there is no good intention between them. They fight in foreign lands and are called the descendants of darkness. Their reputation is definitely not good.

However, this Immortal King doesn't care about this at all. His mother world has collapsed into dust, and all the cares in the world have been wiped out. His only obsession is to defeat the king and become an emperor. In order to achieve this goal, he immediately fell into darkness. He had no hesitation in joining the camp.

This type of immortal king cannot be said to be good or evil. There is no common people in the world in his eyes, only his own way.

He will not do anything that is not conducive to his own path and has no interest in it.

Therefore, after the Immortal King climbed onto the embankment, he only looked at Luo Mo from a distance, and then left immediately.

With the mother world destroyed, he has no place to stand, and it is impossible to join the big world. He can only find some small and medium-sized worlds to stay temporarily.

When the dark storm of the Boundary Sea is extinguished, he will return to it and continue the struggle.

As for the true immortal, he came from the Immortal Realm and was the proud son of a hidden family. After being promoted to the Immortal Realm, this creature realized that his potential was exhausted, so he came to the Dam Realm and tried to go to sea. As a result, he could not go out for tens of thousands of years. Don't stop, turn around and go back.

It was too dangerous there, and he could encounter Immortal King-level experts at any time, as well as all kinds of dangers. He realized that he would only die if he continued walking, so he turned around and returned to shore.

When he climbed onto the gray and plain embankment and saw the immortal king Rama standing in the distance, he was so frightened that he almost collapsed to the ground.

The Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm are sworn enemies with deep hatred. Since the fall of the Emperor, they have fought many battles. King-level creatures have fallen one after another. Both sides want to destroy the other.

In a place like the Dam Realm, when a true immortal from the Immortal Realm meets the Immortal King from a foreign land, it is basically impossible to escape death, and will be easily wiped out by the Immortal King.

This time is no exception.

Before the Immortal Realm True Immortal could react, Luo Mo took action boldly, grabbed out a big hand that covered the sky, held the True Immortal in the palm of his hand, and exerted gentle force.

The imaginary explosion did not appear, because the real immortal had the means left by the immortal king.

At the moment before the Immortal King's method broke out, Luo Mo changed his mind. If he killed the true immortal of this hidden family here and alerted the Immortal King behind him, then his beloved disciple Genjin would not be able to calmly stay on the embankment. Practiced.

Thinking of this, Luo Mo used his magic power to bring everything back to its original point.

With a soft drink, he turned into a soul blade, cut off part of the true immortal's memory, and then threw him into the sand far away.

True Immortal Youyou woke up, feeling dizzy. He looked around nervously, then checked himself, and was relieved when he saw that the Immortal King's artifacts on his body were intact.

Then, the true immortal left, and his figure slowly disappeared into the mist of the sand.

These two people are both creatures who have returned from crossing the sea. There are no creatures who have arrived in the dike world and are ready to go to sea. Regardless of the vastness of the heavens and the world, there are very few creatures who really have the courage to sail to the sea, including the big ones who are currently staying in the mother world. Some immortal kings prefer to stay in a corner.

The master and the disciple each sat cross-legged and practiced quietly. Occasionally, they looked at the distant sea. Of course, there was no need for Rama to say anything. The eyes of the Immortal King could easily penetrate through the dim and dense mist and see the distant sea. .

But Genjin needs to open his supreme heavenly eye and use his utmost strength to break through the illusion and see the turbulent sea behind the fog.

In the ups and downs of the waves, one broken ancient world after another rose and fell in it, looming in the waves. Some were shattered, some withered, and some became nothing.

With every wave, the broken ancient world will be disillusioned and turned into dust.

Even though it wasn't the first time I saw him, I still felt shocked.

The dike is built near the sea. Sitting cross-legged on it, you can clearly feel the atmosphere of different ancient worlds, crossing the long river of time and blowing into your face.

Different waves, different broken ancient worlds, contain different auras, and the evolutionary paths that once prevailed are also different. They are the interpretation of countless avenues.

Together they form a magnificent boundary sea, forming that terrifying water mist and ripples.

Master and disciple looked into the distance together. With Genjin's Taoist practice, he couldn't see very far. In his sight, the sea of ​​​​boundaries stretched as far as the eye could see, and not a single living creature could be seen.

And when he took advantage of Rama's immortal kingly power, the whole world became smaller, and his vision broadened countless times.

Various mysterious scenes came into view, making Gen Jin couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

There are dark ancient ships stained with blood, mysterious beings sitting on islands and rocks practicing cultivation, creatures lighting lamps and moving forward in the thick black fog, strong men riding huge tombs, etc. It seems that there is a vast and bizarre world. Shown in front of Gen Jin.

Luo Mo introduced the origins of those creatures one by one. None of them were simple people. They were all immortal kings, coming from various ancient worlds. Among them were even giants that Luo Mo was afraid of.

It looks very close, but in fact it is far away. It is more than two epochs away from this dam.

The fastest creature among them will probably reach the shore in the next era, so there is no need to worry.

Genjin nodded.

At that time, you may have realized the immortal king. Luo Mo said with a little longing.

There is nothing more desirable than cultivating a powerful immortal king before the Great Reckoning.

The two said a few more words, and then the place became quiet and peaceful again, and a new penance began. According to Luo Mo's plan, Gen Jin would reach the top of the ultimate path here.

Don't look at the fact that the Supreme Being is only one step away from the top of the Ultimate Realm in the later stage. In fact, the gap between the two is very large. It is almost impossible for Genjin to make a breakthrough within a few decades.

However, he is still young, just one hundred years old.

In the primitive ancient world, in the Great Daotian, deep in the Cross Yin and Yang restricted area, there is a metal temple.

After decades of tireless training, Gu Wudi finally pushed the Void Refining Realm to its peak.

At this moment, Gu Wudi's whole body was filled with clear light, and he had an astonishing aura of being invincible in the past, present and future. He seemed to not belong to this world, he had jumped out of the world and was not among the five elements.

When he first entered Void Refining, he was able to fight against true supreme level experts. Now, at the peak of Void Refining, Gu Wudi is even more powerful. His whole person is unfathomable, and ordinary supreme beings are no match for him.

He has not yet advanced to the Supreme level, but he already has such shocking and terrifying combat power. It is hard to imagine how terrifying it will be after advancing to the Supreme level. Maybe he can really cross the chasm and defeat immortals in retrograde motion.

Feeling his powerful body, Gu Wudi couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart.

At the same time, there are also some emotions and vicissitudes of life.

The Qi refining system was really difficult, and it took him a full hundred years to reach the peak of Void Refining.

Next, it’s time to realize the Supreme Being. The red thread of the 500-year-old Supreme Being is stuck there. I don’t know how long it will take.

He sighed, there was no way, who told him to take the most difficult and painful new road from the beginning?

Efforts and gains are directly proportional. Refining the peak of the void, that is, escaping to the peak, half-step to the realm of the supreme, and counterattacking the supreme. This is a terrifying power that those creatures walking along the old road dare not even think of.

After Gu Wudi stabilized his cultivation, he did not leave the metal palace immediately, but tried the last step in the human realm of the Qi refining system, Hedao.

He has completed the preparation work before joining the Tao. All the roads have been paved for the realms of refining the spirit, returning to the void, and refining the void. He is just waiting for him to join the dao and soar into the sky.

The so-called Hedao means to be in harmony with and carry the Dao, thereby controlling the heavens and the earth, and exerting unimaginable power in the universe.

For Gu Wudi, he cultivated the inner way based on his body, so naturally he did not need to carry the outer way.

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