Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 255 Immortal East Gate

Genjin's physical body, energy and blood power were already powerful enough to scare Gu Mo. When they collided with each other, Gu Mo was completely suppressed and was no match at all.

In the end, he was defeated, defeated by a humane creature.

This was something that Gu Mo had never expected. One day, he would be defeated by the realm he called an ant.

Genjin, if you became immortal, how powerful would you be? Maybe you could fight against the quasi-immortal king. Gu Mo said.

Absolutely. Gen Jin nodded.

Hearing this, Gu Mo sighed with emotion. Thirty thousand years ago, he had a keen eye and saw that a young human race boy was extremely talented and would become a great person in the future. Therefore, he gave his Immortal Ancient Sutra along with a lot of spiritual knowledge. Resources include various sources, sources of immortality, etc.

This gave the human race boy a stepping stone to take off, and he took advantage of this to achieve a leap.

From then on, the human boy made rapid progress all the way up to a height of 90,000 miles.

In the past, Gu Mo always said that it would not be long before he would call Gen Jin his senior. Unexpectedly, this day came so quickly. The wild boy from the wilderness, who was weak back then, had already reached the point where he could defeat him. .

Witnessing Genjin's growth process with his own eyes, Gu Mo felt very lucky and had a sense of accomplishment. After all, he was the first one in the God of War Academy to take a fancy to Genjin and invest in it, and later became Genjin's protector.

Now, the seeds have blossomed and bear fruit, and his efforts have been rewarded. With Genjin's character, he has become an immortal and has become the queen of immortality. He will never treat Gumo badly.

He showed a look of relief and was full of praise for Gen Jin.

In the following time, Gen Jin traveled back and forth between his cave and the God of War Academy.

On the one hand, he accompanied his Taoist companion Haoxuan, and on the other hand, he constantly challenged the higher-ups of the academy, and one immortal after another was defeated by him and resigned to defeat.

These immortals were all surprised. Humanity rebelled against immortality, which was simply beyond common sense. However, seeing that the person who achieved this was Gen Jin, it was not surprising.

They all envied Gumo and had established a deep friendship with him when Wataru was young. They were heartbroken when they thought that back then, when they were in an immortal position and had a far-sighted vision, they failed to notice the good talents of the younger generation in time. , regret it.

It didn't take long for Gen Jin to defeat all the high-level invincible opponents of the God of War Academy. Without a quasi-immortal king, he could naturally dominate them.

Then, he set his sights on the Immortal of the Luo Clan.

Compared with the higher-ups of the God of War Academy, the immortals of the Luo tribe are different. They have the bloodline of the Immortal King and are much stronger than ordinary immortals.

However, Gen Jin continued to push forward with invincible bravery, and he did not stop until all the immortals were defeated by him.

Further up, there is the quasi-immortal king. This is not a field that Genjin can challenge. Unless he is promoted to an immortal and completes his qualitative transformation, otherwise, if he challenges rashly, he will only fail.

During this period, some things happened in the God of War Academy. The original eight-armed boy, Ziye and others from the Purple Lightning Royal Family, after tens of thousands of years, finally realized the Supreme Dao and entered this field. Although there was no way to compete with the number of geniuses of the Imperial Clan. Compared to a thousand years of enlightenment, but compared to others, thirty thousand years is already amazing enough.

After knowing the news, Gen Jin did not go there, but asked someone to bring him a message of congratulations.

They are no longer living beings in the same world. The gap has long since widened. They can no longer talk to each other like they did when they were young. There is a layer of separation between them. In this case, there is no need for too many interactions.

As for Genjin's two younger brothers, Haochen and Qinghuang, they visited the Luo people many times during this year and reunited with Genjin to reminisce about the past.

Now the two of them have advanced to the supreme level, much faster than other descendants of the imperial clan.

The bloodline fruit formed by the first spiritual root in the world has unimaginable effects that are unimaginable. It has already been reflected in Genjin and them. In the future, the effect of the bloodline fruit will become more and more obvious, especially in the process of achieving immortality. That level of king.

After learning about the unparalleled achievements of Genjin's losing streak, the two creatures were both shocked and envious. This inspired their competitive spirit and wanted to follow Genjin's footsteps and continue to move forward, at least not too far behind.

After reminiscing about old times, the two creatures returned and began a new round of hard training.

After seeing the two of them off, Genjin took Haoxuan to the distant place of the Five Elements Dao Furnace to visit his other master, the Immortal King of Five Elements. Seeing his disciples so amazing, the Immortal King of Five Elements was happy. He couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear and nodded repeatedly.

Unknowingly, a year passed and the time agreed upon by Luo Mo and Gen Jin came.

He always remembered that Luo Mo said that there would be a task for him to complete in a year.

So, on this day, Genjin bid farewell to Haoxuan, went deep into the ancestral land of the Luo tribe alone, and headed straight for Luo Mo's cave.

On the way, when the core members of the Luo tribe saw Gen Jin, they all saluted and showed sincere respect for him. Those immortals who were defeated by Gen Jin interacted with his peers.

However, many living beings of the older generation are still called seniors. With his humility, naturally he will not really call them by their names, but will still call them seniors as before. This makes Many immortals nodded secretly.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, the three-tailed ancient beast saw Gen Jin coming and quickly stood up to greet him.

It sighed in its heart that 30,000 years ago, it could preach to Genjin as a senior, but now, Genjin's strength has surpassed it, and its status has been reversed.

After saying hello to the three-tailed ancient beast, Genjin walked into Luo Mo Cave. The immortal king master was sitting cross-legged on the magnificent Taoist platform, seemingly closing his eyes to rest.


Genjin pays homage to the master.

Luo Mo slowly opened his eyes and nodded downwards.

The task assigned to you this time is very important. It is related to the deep-seated confrontation between our world and the fairyland. You must not be careless.

Hearing this, Genjin was slightly shocked.

A deep confrontation between the alien world and the fairy world? What will it be? How come he's never heard of it?

With doubts in his mind, Genjin asked about the details of the mission.

Luo Mo explained patiently: The Immortal Realm and our world are both complete worlds, with vast territory and boundless territory, with a primitive ancient world sandwiched in the middle.

Therefore, the borders between the primitive ancient world and our world are the largest and longest. However, the fairyland also has areas that directly border our world, adjacent to the chaotic area.

There, new chaotic worlds and universes are often born, appearing in the chaotic zone between the two realms.

A nascent universe like this often contains rich monastic resources, various innate materials, sacred treasures and great medicines. It is a rare treasure.

Since ancient times, there has been a confrontation between our world and the Immortal Realm. Whether it is ideology or other things, they all compete with each other, and they also have disputes over the ownership of the newborn universe.

This time, the task I want to give you is to go to the border area bordering the Immortal Realm and participate in the fight for the nascent universe. In the process, you can come into contact with the creatures of the Immortal Realm and experience the magic of that world in advance. Sooner or later, one day , we will fight against that world.

At the same time, all the resources in the nascent universe that you have won belong to you. This is a good opportunity to enhance your own foundation and should not be missed.

I think, with your ability, you will be able to capture it easily.

Luomo's words made Genjin breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was competing with creatures from the fairyland. If the other party was from the primitive ancient world, it would be troublesome.

The Immortal Realm is originally a combination of universes and worlds. The strong ones come from multiple worlds. Therefore, different camps are formed. Unlike the original ancient world, most of them are native-born creatures.

However, there are still many forces close to the Wang family in the Immortal Realm. When the time comes, Genjin will need to distinguish them by himself.

I will obey my master's orders.

Gengen takes on this mission.

Later, Luo Mo told Gen Jin one by one about the detailed process of fighting for the newborn universe, relevant information, etc.

Soon, he walked out of Luomo Cave and instead of returning to his own cave, he headed straight towards the borderland.

The place Genjin is going to this time is not simple. It is called the Immortal East Gate. It can directly approach the Immortal Realm and is a place of hundreds of battles.

It was too tragic back then, the Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm fought in that area, and too many lives died.

It is said that several eras ago, the Immortal King and the Immortal King fought in the area outside the Immortal East Gate, causing bloodshed and the death of many important figures.

In the end, both sides could no longer bear the loss and had to retreat. Later, the place was sealed and no one had set foot there for several epochs. It became a true dead land. Only the Immortal King knows where it is now. How's it going?

Naturally, Gen Jin's trip is not going to the sealed place. Only the Immortal King can enter there. Others who approach rashly will be robbed and die in vain.

He was going to the chaotic zone around the Immortal East Gate seal area. The nascent universe often emerged from this place, and the competition between the fairyland and the foreign realm often took place in these places.

Teleporting all the way across the void, Gen Jin finally arrived.

He also saw the legendary Immortal East Gate.

It was a gigantic city, filled with immortal energy. It was majestic and majestic, surrounded by unparalleled power, suppressing the borders of foreign lands, facing the Xitian Gate of the Immortal Realm from a distance, and facing each other across the sky.

In the Immortal East Gate, there is an Immortal King sitting there all year round to guard against sudden attacks from the Immortal Realm. Although this possibility is very small, it must be guarded against.

In addition to the Immortal King, there are many immortals and supreme beings here, most of them from the Imperial Clan, competing for the newborn universe. It is a rare experience for the creatures of the Imperial Clan, including the descendants of the Luo Clan.

Because of this, Luo Mo asked Gen Jin to come here.

In comparison, the Xitian Gate of the Immortal Realm, which is opposite to the Immortal East Gate, is not so prosperous. On the contrary, the West Tianmen is silent, not a blade of grass grows, and even the spiritual energy is almost drying up and replaced by evil spirits. It has infected more than one Immortal King. The blood caused this city to lose its vitality.

Generally speaking, those who are sent here to guard the passage between the two realms are direct descendants of the Immortal King family who have made big mistakes. Being demoted here is considered a kind of punishment.

If there is a newborn universe, there will also be the direct descendants of the Immortal King family coming here to compete with the descendants of the foreign imperial clan.

Genjin arrived, and after revealing his identity, he walked into the city.

The Supreme Being responsible for guarding the city gate stared at Gen Jin's back with a horrified expression, and said to the other Supreme Being: He is the creature who rebelled against the immortal, the disciple of the Immortal King. Throughout the ages, he is the number one Supreme Being in our world - —Eternal.

He is a disciple of Ancestor Luo Mo. It is not surprising that he came here. Recently, there has been a lot of movement in the chaotic area, and the nascent universe may usher in a blowout period.

The No. 1 Supreme Being in our world came here, so naturally he wanted to give the Immortal Realm a powerful blow and attack their arrogant arrogance.

You're right. If this creature takes action, the Immortal Realm will be in bad luck. Haha, I can't wait to see the Immortal Realm in ruins.

Several Supremes smiled.

They have been guarding the border areas all year round, and have fought countless times with the creatures of the Immortal Realm. They already have deep hatred that cannot be resolved, and naturally hope that the Immortal Realm will suffer.

Entering the ancient city, Genjin felt an astonishing evil aura. In the dark, he seemed to hear an earth-shattering roar, carrying unwillingness and resentment, transmitted from the distant ancient times to the modern era.

The Immortal King!

He confirmed that the roar in the dark came from the Immortal King who was about to die in battle, and the blood of the Immortal King was splashed in the Immortal East Gate. The unwillingness could be felt by people even though they were separated by eternity.

Genjin calmed down and went directly to the forbidden place in the ancient city, which was the retreat place of the Immortal King who was responsible for guarding the Immortal East Gate.

He took out the token given by Luo Mo and activated it, turning it into a five-color fire and flying into the tall ancient palace of chaos.

Soon after, there was a reaction in the Ancient Palace of Chaos, and an old voice came, asking Gen Jin to enter.

It was very spacious, shrouded in chaotic energy. On an ancient Taoist platform, a hazy and huge figure sat cross-legged. A pair of eyes contained the eternal blue sky and stars, as if he could understand the past, present and future at a glance.


When the Immortal King spoke, there was a rumbling sound, which contained the sound of the great avenue, which was deafening.

Genjin pays homage to Senior Hui Sha.

Before coming, Luo Mo had already informed that during this period, the immortal king responsible for guarding the east gate of the immortal was named Hui Sha.

Of course, this is a small part of his honorable name. The real full name is very long and can fill a long article, just like Anlan Tudorama.

Gray Fiend is not the ultimate immortal king, much less so. The real body is a kind of plant, which is surrounded by gray mist all the year round. Its murderous aura is overwhelming, and any creature that approaches rashly will be mercilessly killed.

When they arrived at the Immortal East Gate this time, Luo Mo asked Gen Jin to visit Hui Sha first, just to ask this creature to take care of Gen Jin for a little while.

After all, Xianyu and Foreign Realm are sworn enemies. After Genjin showed his prominence and shined, Xianyu learned that Foreign Realm had produced such a stunning and eternal talent, and he would definitely try his best to do something evil.

Although Luo Mo and Five Elements left a lot of backup plans on him, in the end, it was nothing compared to the presence of an immortal king.

Famous is worse than meeting. You are really good. You deserve to be called the number one in our world. Hui Sha sighed. He had never seen such an amazing young man.

This is the first king who has not yet attained immortality, but he is given a kind of creature that will surely attain enlightenment in the future. No wonder Luo Mo entrusted him so solemnly and asked him to take care of Gen Jin.

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