Senior is so complimentary.

Genjin said humbly.

Hui Sha shook his head and said nothing more. He just stretched out his hand a little, and a wisp of gray mist flew out. It could be seen that it was a branch of a plant, flying straight to Genjin's wrist, turning into a lifelike mark.

If there is danger, you can activate this mark. It only takes a little magic. I can sense it and then take action. Taoist Hui Sha said.

Genjin nodded solemnly. This was a matter of his life and fortune, so he couldn't be careless.

Later, Taoist Hui Sha gave Gen Jin a strange token.

Luo Mo sent you here with the intention of training you to participate in the struggle for the newborn universe. You can compete with the direct descendants of the Immortal King's family in the Immortal Realm. It will be of great benefit to you. Our world encourages all efforts in this regard. Competition, and rewards are set up to motivate the younger generations. Therefore, descendants of the Imperial Clan often come to this city to gain experience.

This token is related to rewards. Every time you win a new universe or world, you can take out the token and collect a piece of the world's avenues and record it in the token.

Later, you can use the token to come to the Immortal East Gate to receive rewards from the ancient world. Taoist Hui Sha explained patiently.

That's it. Thank you for reminding me, senior. Genjin quickly thanked him and accepted this simple token.

This is nothing. Remember, you are the pillar, leader, and leader of the young generation in the ancient world. The person with the greatest hope of becoming a king in this era. Don't get too involved in the danger. You must save your life. Taoist Hui Sha gave another instruction.

Gen Jin nodded, indicating that he knew. Then he bid farewell to Taoist Hui Sha, left the ancient palace, and headed to the center of the Immortal East Gate.

There, there are powerful men at the level of quasi-immortal kings, and there are endless immortals.

If you want to leave the foreign realm, go to the chaotic area, and start a battle for the nascent universe with the creatures of the fairyland, you must come here first.

In this majestic ancient palace, you can clearly see information such as the number and quality of the newborn universes born in the chaotic area near the Immortal East Gate, as well as the names, backgrounds, achievements, etc. of the contenders for the Immortal Domain.

For countless epochs, the two worlds have been fighting endlessly to compete for the newborn universe. Over the years, they have reached a certain tacit understanding.

Once a new universe appears, powerful men from two realms will arrive and each will send out contenders. In terms of cultivation, either the latter will be equal, or the latter will be lower than the first.

Most of the time, both sides have the same moral principles, and then they start a fierce battle. One battle determines the outcome. The winning creature gets the newborn universe, while the loser returns empty-handed.

In this process, few living beings will die. After all, both sides will send older living beings to watch when the battle is ongoing. Firstly, to prevent the other party from committing evil tricks, and secondly, to terminate the war in time to avoid unnecessary losses.

The descendants of the Immortal King and the Imperial Clan are not easy to reproduce. Neither party wants to suffer too much and ruin the genius.

However, in history, there were cases where the opponent's genius was directly killed in the battle. This situation usually occurred when the strength gap was too large.

If a creature on either side is killed in a normal battle, they will basically not be held accountable, because being able to admit defeat without shouting under the watchful eyes of the elders can only mean one problem, that is, they are too weak.

Genjin walked into the vast ancient palace, and there were living beings standing in twos and threes inside. Some were closing their eyes and concentrating, while others were whispering. Without exception, they were all descendants of the Immortal King. They were the geniuses of the imperial clan, and they were from all realms. , there are many supreme immortals, all of them have powerful auras and are extremely compelling.

On the platform, a quasi-immortal king sat cross-legged, suppressing the place and maintaining order.

Under the Taoist platform where he sat cross-legged, there was a large cauldron filled with the aura of immortality, with many rays of light dancing inside.

Several immortals stood in front of the cauldron, closing their eyes slightly and letting the immortal aura linger around them, as if they were sensing something.

Genjin knows that these immortals of the Imperial Clan are sensing the information of the newborn universe. The big cauldron in front of them is the information pool. They can stand in front of the cauldron and sense and select through their spiritual thoughts.

He stepped in. Since it was his first time here, his face was very new, and he immediately attracted the attention of all the supreme and immortal beings.


Someone recognized him and couldn't help but gasp.

He was an immortal from the Wushang Emperor Clan. He had witnessed the whole process of Genjin marrying Haoxuan, the pearl of the Wushang Emperor Clan, more than 30,000 years ago, so he recognized him at a glance.

What? Is he Gen Jin?

When the creatures in the ancient palace heard this, they suddenly looked shocked, and they all looked towards Gen Jin.

His name is so resounding that it is impossible for the immortals from other lands not to hear about it.

As a human being, he went retrograde to attack the immortals, fighting all over the God of War Academy and the Luo Clan's invincible hands. All kinds of defiant actions shocked the entire foreign land and made the immortals of the Imperial Clan tremble.

It is difficult to imagine what it would be like for a humane creature to be superior to all immortals. It can only be said that Genjin is extremely powerful.

Even the quasi-immortal king, who had been closing his eyes on the platform, couldn't help but open his eyes, wanting to see the true appearance of the legendary Gen Jin.

Sensing the terrifying energy coming from Eternal Humanity's body, the quasi-immortal changed color slightly and secretly sucked in the cold air.

The rumors are true. This creature really has the ability to fight against immortality. It is really amazing.

Soon, the descendants of the Imperial Clan gathered around, clustering Genjin in the center, like stars holding the moon, and started talking to him. Most of them were immortals, and even the Supreme Beings were not qualified to get close.

He stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling people, but responded to them one by one, chatting and laughing with these immortals.

He already has the combat power to suppress the Immortal, so when talking to the Immortal, he naturally treats them as equals.

When they learned that Gen Jin was about to participate in the battle for the newborn universe as a contender, the foreign creatures present laughed, complimented and congratulated Gen Jin in advance.

With his combat prowess and record, it was easy to suppress the geniuses of the same level in the Immortal Realm, and even the True Immortals, like a tiger among sheep.

This time, the arrogance of Immortal Realm will be severely dealt a blow.

As descendants of the foreign imperial clan, they were of course happy to see the Immortal Realm being attacked.

After some discussion, Genjin walked out of the crowd and came to the immortal ancient cauldron.

I don’t know what kind of material it is made of. The surface is already rusty and extremely ancient. It has experienced an unimaginable long time. It is said that after the foreign land was formed, this ancient tripod stood here and witnessed thousands of things. Since the Era, the two worlds have clashed again and again.

Genjin took a deep breath, and like the immortals who stood here before, he looked into the immortal ancient cauldron for his spiritual consciousness.

It's really vast inside, like a vast ocean. Those meteor-like lights are the information of the newborn universe, one corresponding to one universe.

After the Imperial clan creatures browse the information inside, if they intend to fight, they can intercept the meteor and devour it with the token.

The immortals who were standing in front of the ancient cauldron had all chosen their goals.

There is a certain limit on the number. You can only choose one for the time being. If you defeat the opponent in the fairyland, you can continue to choose. If you fail, you will not be able to come back for a thousand years.

Genjin's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the ocean, looking for his target in the dancing light.

Generally speaking, the strength of the combatants can reflect the strength of the nascent universe. The more powerful the universe, the richer the resources in it.

Normally, the strongest combatants are those in the later stage of immortality, unless some amazing universe is born in the chaotic area and requires the quasi-immortal king to come forward to fight and fight for it.

Genjin carefully browsed the information in the streamer. There were both supreme level and immortal level information. It was very rich. Luo Mo sent him here at this time, which naturally had a certain meaning, just in time to catch up with the blowout period of the nascent universe.

His spiritual mind glanced over and saw information about the descendants of many Immortal King families in the Immortal Realm. The ones he was more familiar with were Hunyuan Immortal King, Pan King, etc., and their descendants all appeared.

At the same time, there are also people from the Ao family, the Taishi family, and the Yuanchu family who are familiar to the present and no longer familiar.

In the past, he had no interest in these three Immortal King families, but after dreaming back to the Ancient Immortal Era and becoming Wang Heng, these three families were on opposite sides of the Wang family, making Gen Jin even more hostile to the three families.

Now, during the battle between the two realms, Genjin naturally set his sights on these three tribes without hesitation. He would not be merciful in attacking the enemy.

After a lot of selection, Genjin finally selected a supreme Taoist from the Taishi family.

Good things take a long time, and it would be boring to fight against the true immortals from the beginning. He wanted the creatures of the three tribes in Ao Sheng camp to feel what fear is.


The token glowed and accepted the stream of light.

Then, Gen Jin opened his eyes, and all the immortals and supremes were eagerly waiting to see which descendant of the Immortal King family in the Immortal Realm Gen Jin had chosen as his opponent.

The Supreme Being of the Taishi Clan?

Everyone was in a daze. They had already defeated the invincible immortals of the imperial clan. Now, if they go to fight against the Supreme Being, wouldn't it be possible to suppress them with just one finger, just like beating a baby?

Haha, that's wonderful. People in the Immortal Realm don't know how powerful our world is. Brother Gen will start from the Supreme and suppress it all the way, so that the Immortal Realm can feel what the darkest moment is.

Well, I have a hunch that the Immortal Realm is going to be in bad luck. The immortals spoke out one after another, laughing there, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

The quasi-immortal king who was responsible for suppressing this place on the Taoist stage secretly shook his head. This time, the Immortal Realm was going to bleed, and at least a group of direct descendants of the Immortal King would die.

There is no other reason. Genjin's strength is too much for the Supreme, and it is not difficult to kill him instantly. In this case, there is no way to stop it in time.

After selecting his opponent, Genjin stood aside and waited quietly.

The creature responsible for watching the battle is a quasi-immortal king. After the monks choose their opponents, he will come forward and lead everyone to a ring in the chaotic area to have a decisive battle with the fairyland side.

Soon, the monks in the ancient palace chose their targets, and a tall creature walked out of the chaotic mist, looked at everyone, and stayed on Gen Jin for a few more breaths, and then he said softly: Let's go!

After hearing this, everyone immediately followed him to a special teleportation array in the Immortal East Gate.

Since this array leads to the outside world, the fluctuations of the array are extremely strong, and each transmission costs a lot.

However, the quasi-immortal king didn't care at all. After everyone stood in the formation, he opened the formation without changing his expression.


The heaven and earth roared, the way of space flourished, and after a burst of dazzling light, all the creatures in the array disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was no longer in a foreign land, but standing on a vast arena. It was suspended in infinite chaos, had no fixed coordinates, and had been floating aimlessly.

On the opposite side of the arena, there is also a large formation that leads to the fairyland. It is very special and cannot be used by living beings other than this world.

At this moment, the arena was empty and deserted, as if it was the end of the world, silent for eternity.

Among the creatures who come here from the foreign land, there are those who have chosen their opponents, and there are also those who have taken the lead in choosing the nascent universe to fight for. It is the turn of the immortal realm to choose, and there are also those who have not chosen and come here to watch the battle.

The situation in the Immortal Realm is similar.

Senior, where are the people from the Immortal Realm? A creature who came here for the first time asked.

We'll be here soon. The teleportation array on our side is activated, and they will sense it. The quasi-immortal king whispered.

Sure enough, not long after, the teleportation array on the side of the fairyland emitted a blazing fairy light, and a group of creatures with fairy aura and extraordinary temperament appeared on the scene. They were all unpredictable, their auras were shocking, and the city was deep. Only a few of them appeared. Some supreme beings have stern eyes, claiming that they are invincible among the same level.

They are either true immortals or supreme beings. The former has passed the age of passion, while the latter is still young. It is normal to have arrogance and arrogance.

At the front of the Immortal Domain camp, a quasi-immortal king came forward to communicate with the quasi-immortal king from a foreign land. Both of them were very indifferent. Although they had met more than once and saw each other often, the relationship between the two worlds made it difficult for them to communicate with each other. They are destined to be enemies.

Soon, the battle for the ownership of the first newborn universe began, starting from the Supreme Realm.

The players on the stage are two Supreme Initial Stages. It can be seen from their cultivation that the universe they compete for is not big and can only be called a small chaotic world.

However, even if it is a small chaotic world, it is amazing and may contain treasures.

There was no testing, no hiding of strength, the first battle was extremely fierce, the creatures and enemies on both sides were extremely jealous when they met, and they all fought with real fire.

In the end, the Supreme Immortal King won out, took possession of this small chaotic world, and defeated the descendant of the Imperial Clan. This Supreme Immortal King was very excited, and looked at his opponent with contempt, and was very conceited and arrogant.

Seeing this scene, the alien creatures were furious, all holding back an unknown fire.

In the dozen or so battles that followed, there were winners and losers between the foreign realm and the fairy realm. However, in general, the fairy realm had the upper hand, which made the quasi-immortal king of the foreign realm very dissatisfied.

In the next game, it is the turn of Gen Jin, who is known as the First Supreme in Foreign Lands. His opponent is a Supreme Supreme from the Taishi family. He is extremely powerful and is one of the top ten strong candidates in the Immortal Realm. Amazing enough.

Seeing that Gen Jin was about to play, the quasi-immortal king smiled, because he knew that the genius of the fairyland was going to be in bad luck. Not only him, but all the creatures in the foreign land were laughing.

In the Immortal Domain camp, all the true immortals and supreme beings were confused and confused.

According to past experience, if they win in a dominant position, the faces of the creatures on the foreign side will be uglier than crying.

This time is different. I don’t know what’s going on in the foreign land. Is it because they are stupid?

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