Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 257 Continuous Killings

"Have they given up and accepted their fate?" Someone said to himself doubtfully.

“I guess so, it’s a certainty that foreign lands are not as good as my fairyland.

That person appeared out of nowhere and hung high in the long river of history like an emperor star. His appearance triggered a frenzy of cultivation among the monks in the entire Immortal Realm.

Today's Immortal Realm is no longer what it used to be. This can be seen from the results of the recent confrontations between the two realms. They have lost more and won less, and have a tendency to be crushed. With the pride of a foreign land, it is normal for them to go crazy. of. "A true immortal said.

The surrounding creatures nodded in agreement. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the Immortal Realm has an advantage over the two realms in this arena. Moreover, the advantage is huge. In the long run, they have occupied a high psychological position. , quite a feeling of overlooking a foreign land.

However, the descendants of the foreign imperial clan are not vegetarians, and there are still many winners.

"Foreign land, scum in the dark, nondescript, should have been wiped out long ago. Watch me take action and suppress that foreign creature with one hand." The supreme leader of the Taishi clan who was about to go into battle spoke coldly, with stern eyes, not letting Gen Jin go at all. In the eyes.

As a strong candidate for the top ten in the Immortal Realm, it goes without saying that he is powerful.

Looking at the human beings in the entire Immortal Realm, his talents, talents, etc., can be ranked in the top twenty, between ten and twenty. The top ten are the most dazzling top ten in the Immortal Realm, and those after that are They are such candidates.

Once a creature among the top ten enters the Immortal Realm, or encounters an accident and dies on the way, a candidate will enter as a substitute.

Throughout the ages, there has not been a single one among the top ten Immortal Realm creatures and candidates who have been ranked among the top ten. In the end, the one with the lowest achievement is also the True Immortal Realm, and each one is more amazing than the last.

Therefore, the supreme leader of the Taishi clan is very conceited and arrogant. He has this kind of strength and confidence.

The battle was about to begin. He put his hands behind his back, looking like a peerless master, and looked down at Gen Jin who was walking step by step.

Opposite him, Gen Jin said nothing, carrying a mottled bow and arrows, and holding a rusty halberd. His aura was restrained, and he looked nothing special, very mediocre.

This further fueled the arrogance of the Supreme Supreme Being of the Taishi clan.

"Haha, is there no one in the foreign land? I sent an ant like you to participate in the battle. To suppress you, I only need one hand." He shook his head and said with a sneer.

Genjin is very calm and is not affected by these words, because his strength has already surpassed the realm of the supreme and can control the realm of immortals. In his eyes, the Supreme Supreme of the Taishi clan is like a flea jumping up and down, weak. It's outrageous, so there's no need to talk too much to this kind of ant.

I saw him taking off the mottled bow and arrow from his waist, and then taking out a rusty arrow. Then, he aimed it at the Supreme Being of the Taishi clan and fully drew the bow string.


Many rust stains made a cracking sound and fell from the bow and arrow.

This scene made the supreme leader of the Taishi clan want to laugh even more. How many years has this bow and arrow been used? It's already rusty, but you're still using it. With a bow and arrow like this, you still want to hurt him? It's just a fool's errand.

"You can shoot, it doesn't matter if it's one, ten, or a hundred, I only need two fingers to clamp it." He wanted to humiliate the foreign land and let them break their defense, so he said this.

However, the creatures in the foreign land were not angry at all. They just looked at him with pity and ridicule. After realizing this, the supreme leader of the Taishi clan was surprised and thought a lot. He looked at Genjin with a lot of things in his eyes. Many doubts.

It wasn't until he heard the voices of immortal creatures in his ears that he realized something was wrong.

The rust that keeps falling off the surface of the mottled bow and arrow is not metal rust at all, but the blood of some kind of creature has dried up and solidified on it. It has been tempered by killing energy day and night, turning it into something like rust.

"That's the dried shell formed after the blood of the True Immortal dries up. Don't be careless and fight the enemy with all your strength." The words of the Quasi-Immortal King came, shocking the Supreme Supreme Being of the Taishi clan. He was about to go all out to deal with Gen Jin. , however, it was too late.

The mottled bows and arrows bloomed with unparalleled seven-color brilliance under Gen Jin's spell. The aura was too huge, so huge that the Supreme Supreme of the Taishi clan felt what it meant to be precarious.

In front of the arrow pulled by Gen Jin, he seemed to be a small boat in the endless ocean, swaying there and might be submerged by the waves at any time.

He had the opportunity to shout out the word "admit defeat". If he shouted out, the quasi-immortal king of the Immortal Realm would have the right to end this battle, and his life would not be in danger. However, the big words just now have been spoken. If you terminate it now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face? If so, how could he still stand in the Immortal Realm?

Just a moment of hesitation caused him to completely lose his chance of survival.

The seven-colored light burst out, and a terrifying seven-colored arrow shot out. With unparalleled murderous intent and momentum, it broke through all obstacles and shot the Taishi clan's ultimate supreme defensive weapon to pieces, directly driving it into the center of his eyebrows.

Inside the head, a glowing little man was inexplicably frightened. He didn't expect that his defense was so vulnerable. He wanted to make some reaction to deal with the colorful golden arrows, but it was too late.


The seven-colored light burst out, and the Supreme Supreme Being of the Taishi family was drowned and died on the spot. People only heard a faint roar. Then, everything returned to calm. People knew that it was the cry of the Taishi family's body. A certain kind of giant beast was originally the trump card of this clan, but as a result, it died before it could be used.

The seven-colored arrows are quite spiritual. After shooting the enemy, they turn into a stream of colorful light and fly back to Genjin's hand.

With just one arrow, Genjin killed a famous top ten candidate in the Immortal Realm. This horrifying scene shocked all living beings in the Immortal Realm.

Just now they were belittling Foreign Land and looking down on Genjin, but the next second they were hit in the face by this arrow.

"How is it possible? They are both in the human realm, so the gap cannot be so big. He must have cheated and used external power." Some creatures in the fairyland couldn't accept this result and roared.

Many people agreed, feeling that Gen Jin had used despicable means, causing the Immortal Realm to lose a genius.

"Foreign lands have always been despicable. This is their usual method."

However, the quasi-immortal king of the Immortal Realm shook his head and said something that shocked the hearts of the true immortals and supreme beings present.

"He did not resort to outside forces."

Not relying on power means that Gen Jin shot this arrow entirely by himself. However, at the top of humanity, why is the gap so big? Is it possible that Genjin's method is special, that all the power is concentrated on one arrow, and that he becomes tired after shooting?

The foreign land side was completely opposite to the fairy land side. Everyone welcomed Gen Jin's return with smiles on their faces, and there was an unhesitating look of surprise on their faces.

Legends and witnessing are two different things. After hearing many legends about Gen Jin, seeing him display his power with your own eyes is really a shocking thing.

The quasi-immortal king of the foreign land changed his previous gloomy expression and became cheerful, chatting and laughing with Gen Jin.

Seeing this, the atmosphere in the Immortal Realm was terrifyingly silent. In the same realm, killing ten candidates with one arrow, what is the concept? It was simply beyond common sense. In their cognition, this was impossible. However, it really happened, right under everyone's eyes.

At this time, all the direct line supremes of the Immortal King family were a little panicked. Although they did not show it on the surface, in fact, they were all frightened. No one wanted to face this monster Gen Jin and follow in the footsteps of the supreme leader of the Taishi family.

Afterwards, the duel continued, and as expected, the Immortal Realm still had the upper hand, which calmed the frightened creatures of the Immortal Realm a lot.

When the duel was over, the quasi-immortal king took out the ancient cauldron, allowing the victors and onlookers to continue choosing their opponents. Opening the interface teleportation array cost a lot of money, and those who wanted to continue the duel could continue.

The Supremes on the Immortal Domain side all trembled secretly, staring at Genjin. They were the first to choose the target to compete for, and they also wanted to match the opponent's Supreme. If Genjin chose them, they would have to fight to save their lives. It would be a shame to have to admit defeat without fighting in front of the creatures of both worlds.

Under the spotlight of everyone, Genjin came to the ancient tripod and without hesitation chose a Supreme Being from the Yuanchu clan.

The chosen one was shocked. In terms of strength, he was not as good as the supreme master of the Taishi clan. If he went up to fight, it would probably be a matter of one stone.

According to the rules, he had to go on stage before admitting defeat. Although he was reluctant, he had to stand on the ring.

The moment the duel began, he finally shouted out the word "admit" after struggling for a long time. However, as soon as he shouted the word "admit", a strong wind swept over him.

Genjin's speed was so fast that he used an immortal king-level escape technique as fast as lightning and killed him in an instant.

The seven-colored light was blazing, and this time it was no longer a seven-colored golden arrow, but a heavy and monstrous seven-colored golden halberd, shattering the void and crushing eternity.

The supreme Taoist of the Yuanchu clan looked horrified, and before he could say the word "lose", the seven-colored golden halberd suddenly fell down.


Unsurprisingly, the supreme leader of the Yuanchu clan was immediately chopped open and turned into a pile of rotten flesh in the blink of an eye. His flesh and blood organs were scattered on the ground, bloody and miserable.

You must know that Genjin's combat power is comparable to that of the Immortal Late Stage, under the Quasi-Immortal King. To kill a mere Ji Dao Supreme, he can naturally capture it with his hands. With one halberd, he can destroy the enemy's physical body and soul without any resistance. The power is palpable.

"Yuan Guang!"

In the Immortal Domain camp, someone exclaimed, and all the Supremes stared wide-eyed, full of fear.

He couldn't even shout "admit defeat" but was mercilessly killed. How desperate is this?

At this moment, those Supremes who were the first to choose the newborn universe and had not yet waited for their opponents were all panicked. Everyone was in danger, fearing that Gen Jin would be the one to choose next.

"Too weak, vulnerable." Gen Jin shook his head, returned to the foreign camp, and started selecting again in front of the ancient tripod.

The big halberd he was holding on his shoulders was like the sickle of death at this moment, making all the supreme immortals in the fairyland have chills on their necks and cold sweats all over their bodies.

On the side of the Immortal Realm, the Quasi-Immortal King's chest felt heavy, and his eyes stayed on Gen Jin and never left him. When did such a heaven-defying creature appear in a foreign land? Comparable to Wang Heng in the Immortal Realm.

This is a big event and needs to be reported to the Immortal King.

Under the same realm, one arrow could kill ten candidates, and one halberd could kill the direct descendant of the Immortal King. This kind of strength could no longer be described as an exaggeration. It was simply an exaggeration itself.

After searching for a long time, he could not find the supreme descendants of the three great immortal kings of the Ao Sheng camp. Genjin was a little disappointed and prepared to set his sights on the true immortals.

Suddenly, a name appeared in his sight, Lu Ling.

Lu Ling, the descendant of Lu Gu, the giant of the Immortal Realm, has amazing talent and has the appearance of the top ten. Now he is one of the candidates and hopes to step into it.

"Another candidate for the top ten in the Immortal Realm?" Genjin shook his head and chose this Luling without hesitation.

There is no other reason. The giant Lu Gu is the eldest brother of the Ao Sheng camp. The old senior can be regarded as the Immortal King of the Ao Sheng camp. Therefore, Genjin treats everyone equally and prepares to kill a descendant of Lu Gu. There are many Immortal Kings in this camp. With strong strength, he can't favor one over the other.

When he learned that he had been selected, Lu Ling panicked and felt that the god of death was waving to him.

It turned out that he was a descendant of a giant, with extraordinary talents, various auras, and a reputation in the fairyland. He was able to strike hard when facing alien creatures.

Now, he had witnessed the two supreme beings being killed instantly, and was frightened by Genjin's terrifying combat power. He was submissive and uneasy.

Just when he was uneasy, the quasi-immortal king of the fairyland made a voice, which contained ripples in his mind, ringing in his ears, asking him to go on stage and start using the forbidden secret technique, and at the same time shout out the word "admit defeat" to avoid Bu Yuanchu's descendants. ’s footsteps.

Lu Ling nodded, feeling a little calmer.

When he arrived on the ring, he followed the instructions of the Quasi-Immortal King, exerted all his strength, and used the most powerful Immortal King's secret technique, and then shouted the word "admit defeat" in his mouth.

This time, he came prepared, learned the lessons from the former, and paid attention to the details.

However, in the face of absolute power, no amount of details is useless. The current momentum is overwhelming and unstoppable. Lu Ling still only lets Lu Ling shout one word. Before the second word is shouted, Lu Ling's soul is chopped into pieces, and his body is shattered. It will disintegrate and die without a burial place.

"Ah! Luling!"

The Quasi-Immortal King couldn't help being furious when he saw Lu Ling's tragic death under the euphorbia. You must know that before coming, Lu Ling's elders specifically asked him to take care of him, but in the end, he was killed in front of his eyes. The path of death disappears.

"Junior, you must know when to stop. If you kill too much, you will easily get robbed and die on the way." He looked at Gen Jin, his eyes were dim and filled with a murderous intent.

Gen Jin has no fear and looks into the eyes of the Quasi-Immortal King.

"When I march into immortality, I will kill you like a dog."

"What did you say?" The quasi-immortal king was furious. If the quasi-immortal king of the foreign land hadn't exuded terrifying energy, he would have killed him directly.

Gen Jin sneered and ignored it, but returned to the foreign camp and continued to select opponents in front of the ancient tripod.

According to the regulations, as long as he keeps winning, he is eligible to continue to be elected.

This time, Genjin did not continue to choose the Supreme because there was no Supreme who was the direct descendant of the Immortal King of the Ao Sheng camp in the information pool.

He set his sights on the true immortals, and one of Ao Sheng's descendants of the true immortals was among them.

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