Soon after, the three-tailed ancient beast pulled a mottled ancient chariot and turned into a stream of light, disappearing into the ancestral land of the Luo people.

At the same moment, at the Five Elements Dao Furnace, the Immortal King of the Five Elements also set out. Looking at the bottomless dark abyss under his feet, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "This brat, after a catastrophe, almost destroyed my king's body." The birthplace was demolished.”

This time, it was still the gate, and the quasi-immortal king guarding the gate had not changed. He was still the same creature.

According to the regulations of the foreign land, this kind of realm gate guardian rotates every one million years, which is thirty times older than Genjin.

This quasi-immortal king has been guarding here for 700,000 years. In another 300,000 years, another person will come.

Seeing Romo's chariot again, the quasi-immortal king was suddenly shocked. The last time, Romo took Gen Jin out to a foreign land, and soon after returning, he became an immortal, and even became the first person under the immortal king. Is it possible that when I go out this time and come back again, I can realize the immortal king?

Although it's a bit outrageous, aren't there many outrageous things that have happened to Genjin? This creature cannot be judged by common sense.

Just as he bowed his head respectfully to greet the ancient ancestor Rama, another figure came from the void. It was tall, majestic, and unfathomable. It was Genjin's other master - the Immortal King of the Five Elements.

"Junior pays homage to the Ancient Ancestor of the Five Elements."

The quasi-immortal king was shocked, and he did not dare to be negligent at all, and quickly saluted the Five Elements.

Wu Xing nodded, said nothing, and walked straight into the Luomo chariot.

Then, the three-tailed ancient beast neighed, pulled the ancient chariot and disappeared into the void outside the boundary.

The quasi-immortal king watched Rama's chariot leave with a complex and envious look on his face.

"The two immortal kings took him to practice together. This kind of treatment... not many people have had this kind of blessing in ancient times, right?

It seems that when he returns next time, he may really become a king. "

In the embankment world, on the gray and plain embankment, Luo Mo and Wu Xing released the huge Immortal King Ship, stepped onto the deck, and urged Gen Jin on the shore.

Gen Jin nodded and looked back at the world on this side of the dam. Once he left, it was a time of great changes. Time had changed, and he didn’t know what it would be like when he came back again.

After sighing with emotion, he boarded the Immortal King's Ship and followed the two Immortal King Masters to sail towards the boundless sea.

All the heavens and realms, the chaotic area, the Dharma-ending world.

When the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and Gu Wudi first came to this world, from outside the world, the whole world looked like a piece of broken porcelain that was forcibly glued together, with big cracks in the void everywhere.

Within the world, the avenue of heaven and earth has also entered the cruel end of the law. God's will has cut off all living beings with one knife, causing the life span of living beings to drop drastically. The essence of heaven and earth has also dropped sharply, making it no longer suitable for practice. The material of immortality is almost extinct.

In the era when the two of them first arrived, that is, 30,000 years ago, many supreme beings could still be born in this Dharma-ending world. However, 30,000 years later, the Dharma-ending intensified and the situation took a turn for the worse. The grand occasion of more than one being becoming enlightened in a lifetime was no longer the case. Existence, fleeting, became history.

In today's Dharma-ending world, only one living being can attain enlightenment in a lifetime.

Ancient Invincible has long been enlightened, and is an invincible person in the realm of humanity. Thirty thousand years of tempering with the aura of the end of the law has allowed him to reach the pinnacle of humanity, and the potential of every particle of the ancient species in his body has blossomed to the greatest extent. When he came out, he was much stronger than he was thirty thousand years ago.

I still remember that when I first arrived at the Supreme Realm of the Supreme Realm, Gu Wudi was able to fight against the creatures in the early stage of True Immortal.

Now he is already invincible under the Quasi-Immortal King.

Twenty thousand years ago, he sensed that the destiny of this huge Dharma-ending world was gathering towards him, which was a sign that the Tianxin mark was about to be formed.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone once told that this world has a rich foundation. After entering the End of Dharma, the first Tianxin Seal condensed by the universe of heaven and earth is of great significance. It is the Immortal King Base. Moreover, Gu Wudi is about to create a new world in the inner world. The Tianxin Seal is hidden inside. It holds the most original secret of the world, which has immeasurable benefits for Gu Wudi's creation of the world.

Therefore, he is determined to obtain the Tianxin Seal.

However, after 30,000 years of travel, Gu Wudi has gained an insight into the reality of this world. It is not simple. There are forbidden areas of life on the surface, where most supreme beings are dormant, and there are also forbidden areas in the hidden world, where there are many true immortals and immortal kings. The terrifying existence of this level.

It’s just that they hate the atmosphere of the Dharma-ending era and don’t want to be born.

How terrifying is the end of Dharma? No creature as powerful as an immortal would be willing to be contaminated.

If at this time, there is a complete big world adjacent to this world, and there are two world passages between this world, then these two world passages will be sealed, blocking the connection between heaven and earth, and preventing the spread of the end of the law.

Normally, these secluded forbidden areas remain unknown and do not care about world affairs. However, when the Tianxin Seal is condensed and Immortal King Ji is born, they will definitely not sit back and watch.

That is the foundation of the Immortal King. If anyone can obtain it, he may become an Immortal King in the future. Faced with this kind of temptation, it is impossible not to be tempted by the forbidden area in the hidden world.

If the people sent from the Hidden World Restricted Area are only humane creatures, Gu Wudi is not afraid at all. He can look down on all enemies of the same level.

But if someone doesn't respect martial ethics and wants to use the big to bully the small, and send a powerful person of the Quasi-Immortal King level to protect the way of human beings, then the result will not be certain.

Gu Wudi is not the opponent of the Quasi-Immortal King yet.

Fortunately, the master of the penalty area followed. He was once a giant, and even if there is only a trace of obsession left, he should not be underestimated.

Twenty thousand years have passed, and the supreme beings have aged, died, and fallen one after another in the Dharma-ending world. The essence and avenues they have spilled from their incarnations have well supplemented the origin of this world.

The shocking large cracks on the boundary wall have slowly healed over time. Now, the cracks are no longer visible, and the rules of the great road between heaven and earth have also tended to be perfected, which means that the repair of this world has begun. a paragraph.

When the origin of the world is restored and the boundary wall is complete, the Tianxin Seal will be born.

In recent days, that premonition has become stronger and stronger. From time to time, Gu Wudi will look up at the sky. Ordinary people cannot see the changes there. Only the extremely powerful can. One after another, completely repaired avenues gather on the sky. Tossing, when the number of ten thousand ways is gathered together, it is the day when the mark of Tianxin is condensed.

He has made preparations to become the first creature to smelt the Tianxin Seal after the End of the Law. He doesn't care whether he is immortal or not, because it is not the same method. The so-called "Immortal King Foundation" in the mouth of the owner of the restricted area, That was for those who practiced the outside world. It didn't matter that Gu Wudi cultivated the inside world. He just wanted to learn the secret of the origin of the world.

Of course, the key to spiritual practice is "struggle". He didn't want to leave the opportunity aside and "generously" give it to others.

Gu Wudi's wait did not last long. One day half a month later, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He stood on a giant mountain and looked up at the sky.

There, the rules of the avenue turned into reality, one after another, endlessly churning, and the Tianxin Seal was born, right in the void.

At this time, as long as the monk reveals his own Tao, integrates his body with Tao and order, guides all Tao, and becomes a carrier, he can interweave the mark of Tianxin in his body.

Of course, this is not a simple matter. After integrating the Tianxin mark, the marks left by the powerful people in this world will appear and rush over. In addition, there will be shocking thunder tribulations that are beyond imagination and cannot be surpassed by powerful people. Those who cannot cross.

Not only did Gu Wudi know that the time had come, but all the powerful people in the Dharma-ending world felt it.

In some forbidden areas on the surface, the supreme beings inside sensed the great opportunity in the dark, and couldn't help but come out, wanting to try to refine the Tianxin Seal and become the first person to pick peaches.

The forbidden area of ​​​​life in the hidden world is not idle either. True immortals are born to seek world-shaking enlightenment for future generations. They are already true immortals and do not meet the conditions. They cannot melt the Tianxin Seal and rashly carry out the path. If they are corroded by the aura of the Mo Dharma, they will get it. They haven't lost much yet, but their descendants need it, and any true immortal being who has the Supreme Dao among their descendants is basically ready to take action to fight for their descendants.

There are also immortal kings who wake up and pass down the decrees, so that future generations can compete. Every restricted area is protected by immortal beings.

The originally peaceful world of the end of the law became chaotic due to the appearance of the Tianxin mark. One after another, powerful supremes walked out of the retreat, looked up at the rules of the avenue above the sky, and prepared to compete for this great opportunity.

However, most of the creatures did not act rashly, and were still sensing and testing the strength of the Tianxin mark.

Some confident creatures took the lead in trying. They rushed upward, and their whole bodies burst out with infinite light, so bright that the sun dimmed, as if they wanted to become the only ones in the world.

Then, they came to the sky, where all the ways were manifested, the laws became the sea, the embodiment of the order of heaven and earth, and the great avenues manifested into tangible traces.

All the supreme bodies have become hazy, and the entire figure has turned into rules, blending with the order of heaven and earth.

During this process, many supreme beings trembled slightly, and some could not withstand the power of ten thousand ways. If it were a small world, they might be able to withstand it. However, this world is too vast, too vast, has profound foundations, and has great cause and effect. Taoism has produced one supreme strongman after another who has astonished the passage of time.

Now, it may be difficult for them to carry it.


A Supreme Being couldn't bear it, vomited blood, fell from the sky, suffered countless fractures all over his body, and suffered heavy injuries.

This was just the beginning, there were already people falling behind, starting from the first Supreme who fell behind, people fell one after another.

The Tianxin mark is a great opportunity and the foundation of the Immortal King. Naturally, it is not easy to obtain. It requires strong strength. Just the level of Dao Dao will wipe out most of the creatures.

All supreme beings do their best to blend order and carry all the ways.

The creatures from the Hidden Forbidden Zone are generally stronger than other Supreme Beings, and their progress is also much faster.

However, in front of Gu Wudi, all supreme beings were ants and scum. He was so powerful that he left all his competitors behind, and even his back was invisible.

When the Supreme Being of the Hidden Restricted Area carried hundreds of avenues, he was already approaching the number of ten thousand avenues.


At this moment when he carried all the rules, Gu Wudi's body erupted with an earth-shattering aura. This was the power of the great avenue and the embodiment of the supreme rules.

A shocking evolution occurred. His body became the carrier of Tao, attracting all Tao and entering the body, giving birth to a mysterious brand.

The so-called Tianxin Seal is formed at this moment. The rules of heaven and earth, and the traces of all the ways, are all condensed together to become the Tianxin Seal. If you control it, you can dominate this universe.

At this moment, countless figures emerged, all traces left by the strong men of the past generations in this world. Each of them was so powerful that it shocked the world.

They rushed towards Gu Wudi, swarming around him, and there were also creatures fighting with him. Lightning and thunder, accompanied by the light of chaos, disillusioned the galaxy one after another, and the terror was boundless.

The aura of destruction permeates the air, and there are images of destruction everywhere. All creatures tremble with trembling and fear from the depths of their souls.

The other Supreme Dao Supremes who were trying to carry the Dao sensed something was wrong. The Dao they took into their bodies was gradually dimming and turning into nothingness bit by bit. This meant that someone had succeeded, and the Dao in their bodies became the only one, and everyone except him All will be in vain.

"who is it?"

A Supreme Being in the Hidden Forbidden Zone who was at the forefront of the competition was very unwilling and let out such a low roar.

That's the Immortal King's Foundation. The first person to smelt it will benefit the most, and it has special significance.

He was originally full of confidence and thought he would be better off than anyone else, but in the end, another creature got there first. This was unacceptable to him who aspired to be the Immortal King.

This world is at the end of the Dharma, and it is almost impossible to realize the Immortal King. However, he can win the Immortal King's foundation, leave this world, and go to other complete worlds to practice.

But now, he has become a stepping stone for others, how can he be willing to do so?


This supreme elder appeared. He was a true immortal. It was a matter of great importance to the Immortal King. He had observed that all the supreme beings in the hidden forbidden areas had failed. In other words, the successful ones most likely had no background. If If that's the case, then there's nothing to worry about.

The eyes of the True Immortal moved around, staring at Gu Wudi, who was surrounded by countless figures and was fighting against those ancient marks.

In just an instant, his cold and murderous eyes became clear, clearer than water, and he no longer had any thoughts of taking action.

There was no other reason. The aura displayed by Gu Wudi with all his strength made even a true immortal feel terrified.

If nothing else happens, if he takes action, defeat will definitely be waiting for him.

The other true immortals also looked at each other with astonishment. Is this really a creature in the human realm? How could it be so powerful? Even real immortals are no match.

"Hongchen Immortal! I know, he is the creature in the immortal pit, calling himself Hongchen Immortal." Someone spoke and told the origin of Gu Wudi.

"Hiss, 30,000 years have passed. How come his life is still so vigorous and young, as if time has not added up to him? Is it possible that he has become an immortal in the world of mortals? Otherwise, how could he have such heaven-defying combat power?"

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