Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 265 Creation of the World

"The mortal world is a fairy!"

The true immortal in the forbidden area of ​​the hidden world murmured to himself and repeated the words of the Supreme Being, feeling suddenly enlightened.

How can an ordinary person at the top of humanity survive in the cruel Dharma-ending world for 30,000 years without showing any sign of aging?

According to legend, only the creatures who "become immortals" in the mortal world can survive the passage of time. Other supreme beings can survive forever unless they use special methods to seal their bodies to prevent the loss of life essence and vitality. Otherwise, they can escape. But the guillotine of time.

"I have never seen such a ferocious humane creature. This is the first time." A true immortal looked at Gu Wudi who was fighting against the strong mark in the distance and couldn't help but sigh.

Just from the aura that Gu Wudi exuded, the True Immortals knew that they were no match.

This creature that was born out of nowhere is already invincible in the True Immortal Realm. Only the Quasi-Immortal King can stop him from fusing the Tianxin Seal and seizing the Immortal King Foundation.

However, how could such a powerful creature be a lone ranger? There must be a great being behind it. Who dares to harm himself before he understands the situation?

Soon, someone took action, willing to be the first, because Ancient Invincible was about to pass the test. Throughout the ages, the marks left by the most powerful people born in this world have been defeated by him. If this continues, the mark of Tianxin will belong to him. All.

Immortal King Ji, who wouldn’t be tempted? Who doesn’t want to have the upper hand?

Now, Gu Wudi is blocking the front. With his strength, the other Supremes have no hope and can only be a bystander.

Therefore, a quasi-immortal king came forward. Without saying a word, he stretched out his big hand towards Gu Wudi who was fighting for the mark of a strong man.

This big hand was so huge that it covered the sky and the sun, casting a large shadow downwards. It crossed the vast territory and shot straight towards Gu Wudi.

If this blow hits, even if he doesn't die, he will still be seriously injured.

Gu Wudi sensed the approaching crisis, and all the particles of ancient species in his body vibrated together, releasing unparalleled potential, temporarily shaking away the shadow of the strong man, and his whole body was prepared to deal with this sudden attack.

At the critical moment, a frightening two-color beam of light erupted from the forbidden area of ​​​​life - the fairy pit, one black and one white, one yin and one yang, representing life and death, intertwined into a huge cross in the void, with overwhelming power, whether there was anything or not. The air above is permeating the air.

As strong as a true immortal or a quasi-immortal king, facing this huge Yin-Yang Cross, he trembled all over, with fear coming from the depths of his soul.

They knew that this was the Immortal King's move, and his power was suffocating.


The quasi-immortal king's big hand that was reaching towards Gu Wudi was cut off in an instant. He was still far away from the Yin-Yang Cross and was cut off by its aura.

This was not over yet, the Yin-Yang Cross was slashing towards the quasi-immortal king unhurriedly. Along the way, there were large void cracks in the shape of crosses in the void.

The face of the quasi-immortal king whose hand was severed changed, and he had no time to care about his bleeding arm. His life was in danger. If he was struck by the Yin-Yang Cross, he would be dead. Even the King of Heaven, I, could not save him.


The quasi-immortal king exclaimed and asked for help in one direction. He was really scared. Facing the immortal king's attack, he couldn't even resist slightly. The gap was too big, like an ant and a giant dragon.

The next moment, his call was answered.

In a secluded restricted area, a sleeping creature woke up, sighed softly, and then shot out a big hand covering the sky, shining brightly and filled with the power of the Immortal King.


The Immortal King's big hand and the Yin-Yang Cross collided head-on, making a deafening collision sound. The sky collapsed and the earth shattered. What had just healed showed signs of cracking again.

Afterwards, the two disappeared together between heaven and earth. This was the result of the two sides being afraid of each other and not wanting to go to war in an environment like the Dharma-ending world.

"Who dares to touch my disciple?"

Under the Immortal Pit, on the treasure ship, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone is standing there in fluttering white clothes, with his hands behind his back, his eyes majestic and deep, as if he is looking into the past, present and future, with an indescribable peerless grace.

His words carried the power of a giant, reverberating throughout the vast world and resounding through those hidden forbidden areas.

Many ancient creatures were awakened and looked in the direction of the immortal pit. Then they slowly spoke and restrained their descendants not to act rashly, lest they provoke powerful enemies.

"That's a giant. I've passed by him once and had a chance encounter." The ancient existence whispered with a solemn gaze.

Endless years ago, he went out to sea and passed by the treasure ship of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone. He looked at each other from a distance. He never thought that he would meet again in this Dharma-ending world.

"It was my poor discipline that almost caused the younger generation to make a big mistake. Fortunately, nothing has happened yet. The crime will not lead to death. I also ask fellow Taoists to be noble and spare him once." The Immortal King who took action spoke out.

The owner of the restricted area did not want to be aggressive and escalate the situation, but it was impossible to simply expose it like this.

Because the aura he displayed at this moment was that of a giant. If a giant is not strong, it will definitely make people suspicious.

He is no longer at his peak, he is just a wisp of obsession. If others really discover the truth and fight against the Immortal King, not only will he perish, but his disciple Gu Wudi will also be in danger.

At this time, the owner of the forbidden area must show the strength that a giant should have, and at least be able to deceive the immortal kings dormant in the hidden forbidden area.

"You can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living crime, leaving an arm." The owner of the restricted area, dressed in white, said coldly and ruthlessly.

When the Immortal King who took action heard this, he said nothing and directly slashed out a ray of Immortal Light.


The Quasi-Immortal King's right hand was cut off in response, and blood gushed out like a fountain. He showed pain, but did not dare to say a word.

Leaving an arm behind was already a good ending, at least his life was saved.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for being merciful. I'll let you come and apologize some other time." The Immortal King said this.

Then, the quasi-immortal king who lost his arm grabbed his arm, bowed in the direction of the immortal pit, then hurriedly retreated and disappeared.

The true immortals looked at each other with incomprehensible horror in their hearts, especially the creature who was about to attack Gu Wudi just now, with fear deep in his eyes.

Who would have thought that there would be a giant-level supreme power sitting on the treasure ship that crashed into the earth 30,000 years ago.

At this moment, after being frightened by the master of the restricted area, no one had any thoughts about Gu Wudi anymore.

Both the Forbidden City Supreme and the Hidden Forbidden City Supreme sighed, knowing that the Immortal King Ji had no hope and could only watch the Immortal Pit Supreme picking the Dao Fruit.

After sensing that the Quasi-Immortal King was blocked by the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and that he no longer had any worries, Gu Wudi put all his energy into integrating the Tianxin Seal.

As the fusion progresses, the horror of Tianxin's mark is revealed.

Above the sky, huge stars rolled and rolled one after another, falling towards the earth.


Stars violently hit the earth, landslides and tsunamis destroyed everything as if the end of the world was coming.

Not one, not two, but all the stars in the sky fell together, all hitting the vast earth. This scene was too terrifying, as if the world would be destroyed.

Stars are like rain, so dense that they are countless, smashing the heaven and earth, and all living beings are wailing, with fear on their faces, watching helplessly as the world goes to destruction and reaches the end.


Many people screamed, thinking that the world was destroyed. As a result, in the blink of an eye, all the pictures were disillusioned. It turned out that everything was an illusion, but it was so real that people could not tell the truth and thought it was what really happened. .

"What a terrifying mark of Tianxin."

The true immortals in the forbidden area sighed quietly.

After the illusion of the end of the world was gone, people saw that Gu Wudi was sitting cross-legged in the ocean formed by the rules of heaven and earth, surrounded by the endless power of order. The center of the universe.

The hallucinations experienced by sentient beings just now are the result of his fighting against the rules. They are the process that must be experienced to surrender the mark of Tianxin.

Soon after, Gu Wudi succeeded and suppressed the Tianxin Seal that was born in this huge Dharma-ending world.


Billions of lightning beams came to the world, aimed at Gu Wudi, and fell down.

Each one is filled with chaotic energy and filled with terrifying power, making even the true immortals change their color.

The true immortals in the hidden forbidden area looked at each other and secretly transmitted messages. If they were the ones who overcame the tribulation, could they survive such a violent thunder punishment? the answer is negative.

Everyone looked solemn, and they couldn't figure out why a humane creature could be so powerful. It was unprecedented, and there was no relevant record even in ancient books.

While thinking and communicating, the thunder punishment was over, and Gu Wudi passed through it safely. He completely integrated the Tianxin Seal and realized its various wonders.

"Is this the Tianxin mark?"

Gu Wudi said to himself, using the power of the mark, he frantically absorbed the secrets of the origin of the universe. As expected, this thing helped him a lot. He was about to open up the inner world, that is, the world inside the body. If he succeeded, he would be the world inside the body. The Lord of the world controls heaven and earth and is the creator of all things.

The Tianxin Seal has this meaning. A creature that integrates the Tianxin Seal can dominate all realms and be the only one in the world.

He sat cross-legged in the sky and showed his great way with the help of Tianxin Seal. In just a moment, his way was high above, overlooking all living beings.

Everyone sensed the changes in the world. Gu Wudi's Tao was amplified and became supreme, suppressing everyone else's Tao.

What can be expected is that as long as Gu Wudi is alive, the difficulty of other living beings' practice will be greatly increased, and it is impossible for any more enlightened beings to appear, because no living being can defeat Gu Wudi's Dao.

But immediately, this terrifying pressure disappeared. It turned out that Gu Wudi no longer integrated his own Tao into the Tianxin Seal, but placed it above all Tao.

His ambition is not to be a mountain king in a Dharma-ending world. Naturally, he has no interest in suppressing others and only dominates himself.

His ambition is the stars and the sea, and this Dharma-ending world is just a passing passerby in his long life.

The enlightenment of sitting cross-legged in the sky lasted for ten years.

The supreme beings who wanted to compete for the Tianxin mark have long since dispersed, and the immortal creatures in the hidden restricted area have also returned home.

After learning that Gu Wudi is a disciple of the giant, everyone has no idea about him, and naturally they will not stay to do useless work. However, the creatures in the hidden restricted area will still observe the movements of Gu Wudi and the Immortal Pit from time to time.

It is hard not to care about a giant who fell into this world from outside the realm 30,000 years ago and his disciples. No one knows what purpose they are here for.

But all this has nothing to do with Gu Wudi. In ten years, he completely understood the secret of the origin of the world and understood everything in his heart.

The potential of the particle ancient species, after 30,000 years of oppression by the aura of the end of the law, has burst out to the greatest extent.

At this moment, the opportunity to create a new world has arrived.

This is the most critical step in the sublimation of the Qi Refining Method from the realm of humanity to the realm of immortality. It is the first of its kind in the world and has never been tried by anyone. Everything is a possibility deduced by the Ancient Invincible and the Lord of the Forbidden Zone. Whether it is feasible or not will only be known after trying it.

Gu Wudi exhaled lightly and separated the Tianxin Seal from his body. He no longer needed this thing. The Tianxin Seal had already completed its mission.

In just an instant, all living beings in the world felt that the mark of Tianxin became an ownerless thing again, and there was no mark or trace left in it.

The supreme beings who had been dormant in the restricted area for ten years couldn't help it anymore and came out one after another to compete for this opportunity. If you can't be the first to pick peaches, you can be the second.

The Dharma-ending world, which was originally as peaceful as water, once again became chaotic because of Gu Wudi's move.

As the initiator of all this, Gu Wudi didn't care at all. He spoke to the Lord of the Forbidden Zone on the treasure ship in the Immortal Pit.

"Master, the time has come to create a new world. I am going to attack the realm of immortality. Please help me protect my disciples."

On the treasure ship, the owner of the restricted area was smiling, with excitement and a little nervousness in his eyes, as if he was the one who was about to attack the true immortal.

Along the way, from scratch, he watched the Qi refining system develop step by step to the present. The final method has been settling for 30,000 years, and today is finally about to usher in a crucial moment.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can disturb you." He said, his words were calm and powerful, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

Gu Wudi nodded, ignoring the fierce battle for the Tianxin mark next door, and all his mind was immersed in the ancient particles in his body.

Each ancient species has gone through thousands of tribulations to reach this point now, and has achieved all the requirements for opening up the inner world.

At this moment, he transformed into thousands of gods and controlled every ancient species. Whether it was a particle of soul, a particle of flesh and blood, or a particle of bone... they all collapsed and collapsed towards the inside under the control of Gu Wudi. The location is covered by chaotic energy.

The constant collapse and collapse caused the volume of the ancient particle species to decrease again and again, and its huge potential and power were compressed again and again, exuding a terrifying aura.

Finally, every particle of the ancient species was compressed into a tiny pole. At this time, the ancient invincible was filled with terrifying power, causing the void outside to collapse layer by layer, blowing up a bone-chilling void storm.

He has reached the limit and cannot continue to compress. If it were 30,000 years ago, he would not have been able to compress to this extent.

Afterwards, Gu Wudi took a deep breath, controlled countless extremes, and released them simultaneously in an instant.


Shocking the earth, an indescribable wave of terror swept through the sky, the earth, the heavens and the earth, causing the supreme beings who were fighting for the heart of heaven to be stunned and looked over there in surprise, with inexplicable horror on their faces.

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