Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 273 Return to Shengwang City

The deep space of the universe, which was originally pitch black without any stars, suddenly became brighter, and one golden lotus after another appeared out of thin air, filled with a peaceful atmosphere and the rhythm of the avenue.

Auspicious beasts are flying, and fairy sounds are sweet to the ear... There are endless visions in the world, and the branches of the world tree are spreading over, descending on this universe, and hanging down endless avenue rules and fairy energy.

There is also a world tree in the Immortal Realm. This is a symbol of the complete world. Its role is too great. It can sort out thousands of ways, stabilize mountains and rivers, and make the universe more solid and immortal.

In particular, the Immortal Realm, a supreme realm that is constantly being merged with external worlds and universes, requires the World Tree to take root and take control.

Wuji Immortal King looked at all this with surprise. His grandson had survived such a terrifying catastrophe, and just stepped into the realm of Immortal King.

Based on the powerful Dao Fruit that Wang Heng cultivated when he was at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, he will definitely become an unparalleled Immortal King with unparalleled courage after becoming a king. This can be seen from the terrifying extent of the calamities he has endured.

Now, he is just entering the realm of Immortal King for the first time. Without years of precipitation and accumulation, in the future, once he completes these aspects, his achievements will be unimaginable.

At the center of the vision that fills the sky, Wang Heng stands in the starry sky, accepting the baptism of the great avenue of heaven and earth.

At this moment, he has completed the ultimate transformation and transformed into a powerful Immortal King with one leap.

During this process, the second arm of the Great Dao Divine Form corresponding to the Eternal Sutra was also completed. Not only that, the chest part also emerged at the moment when he transformed into the Immortal King.

This is the manifestation of his Dao Fruit on the road to Yuan Shen. Every time he completes a part of his body, Wang Heng's Dao conduct and combat power will greatly increase.

Now, only the head, abdomen and legs of the dark sword-wielding man are unfinished.

At this moment, he is already an Immortal King. It is hard to imagine how powerful he will be after cultivating the remaining Dao Fruit.


The fire of the soul was ignited and swirled around Wang Heng, making him look like an emperor of fire. The terrifying power spread like a tide and affected the entire universe.

Wuji Immortal King sensed this power and was shocked. He had just become a king and had such a scene. It was really unimaginable. Thinking back to when he became a king, was he so powerful? Far from it.

After a long time, the Immortal King's vision disappeared, which meant that Wang Heng's Immortal King Tribulation was completely over and came to an end.

He stared at his soul body. The immortal light shone, blazing and powerful, far surpassing the immortal king in the same realm, and reached an incredible state.

I came to the Immortal Realm when I was young, left my name on the Immortal King's Monument, and was targeted by the most powerful Immortal King. I went to the land of heaven and traveled to the ancient times that were even farther away than the Emperor Luo. I lived life after life, and the world of mortals was for me. At the pinnacle of immortality and immortality, one person could break through the Great Dao of that era and fight his way out of the world... After returning to the immortal realm, he used his true immortality to resist the five attacks of the supreme immortal king...

Along the way, he experienced too many ups and downs, and finally at this moment he became the Immortal King, standing in this supreme realm and truly overlooking all living beings.

Recalling the scenes in the past, he was filled with emotions. He gave up his physical body and only cultivated his soul. Who would have thought that he would embark on such a deviant path.

Fortunately, in the end, he succeeded and stood in this world as his soul.

Immortal King Wuji stepped forward, his body majestic and filled with the mist of chaos. His years of cultivation were unimaginably long, not far from the years when Ao Sheng and others rose to prominence. Since then, he has formed a great cause and effect with them. Became an old enemy.

"Heng'er, congratulations on your success in becoming the Immortal King. You have entered this ranks and truly risen. From now on, no one will dare to look down upon you."

When Wang Heng heard this, he shook his head slightly.

"I have just become a king, and I lack accumulation. Those old fairy kings still don't take me seriously, and they will still rely on my old age to live up to my old age.

If you want the veteran immortal kings in the immortal realm not to look down upon you, you will have to take action to establish your authority. "

Wuji Immortal King secretly sighed, what Wang Heng said was true, the Immortal Realm was very powerful, there were a lot of Immortal Kings, old Immortal Kings emerged in endlessly, including giants, top Immortal Kings, etc.

Although Wang Heng performed amazingly and was appreciated by the giants, in the eyes of the veteran immortal kings, Wang Heng was still too young.

The realm of Immortal Kings is different from others. It takes endless years to make a single step forward. The veteran Immortal Kings have been standing in this realm for countless epochs. How can a fledgling kid compare to them?

"You mean..." Immortal King Wuji reacted and looked at Wang Heng in surprise.

Wang Heng nodded: "How aggressive was that five-strike agreement back then? The Immortal King versus the True Immortal was absolutely going to kill me.

Now that he has attained enlightenment and become a king, he should naturally come to his door.

If I don't avenge this revenge, how can I stand in the fairyland? "

Hearing this, Wuji Immortal King was a little worried. Ao Sheng was an extremely powerful Immortal King. He had been cultivating Taoism for who knows how many years and was one of the few strong men in the Immortal Realm. Wang Heng, however, had just achieved Taoism and had not yet established a stable footing. Now and in the past, Aren't you a little anxious?

"I think you should accumulate some time before settling the matter, and don't have to rush for a while." He suggested.

However, Wang Heng's mind was made up and could not be changed.

"Grandpa, don't worry. The old man is still injured, and his fighting power is no longer at its peak. I will be fine. I can just use this opportunity to make him more injured."

Seeing Wang Heng's confident look, Wuji stopped trying to dissuade him. He just reminded him to be careful. After all, Ao Sheng was a strong man of his generation. He was famous in the Immortal Realm and should not be underestimated.

"I will go with you. Old Man Ao Sheng has many followers. There are several supreme immortal kings in the same camp as him. They might take action against you, so we have to guard against it." Wuji said.

Later, he communicated with the giant who was secretly protecting the road and explained the situation.


In the heaven and earth, a terrifying coercion spread, and a tall and hazy figure walked out of the void and came to Wang Heng and the other two.

He is the giant of the Immortal Realm who admires Wang Heng. He has not been born for a long time. In this world, the legend of his invincibility has long dimmed and disappeared. However, among the Immortal Kings, he is famous and respected by all directions.

"Wang Heng, we finally meet."

The blurry figure spoke, very vicissitudes of life, as if it had been passed down from the long river of time.

This was not intentional, but was revealed naturally. How powerful is the giant's longevity? A retreat is an era, or even longer. When you come out again, the world has already changed, so every word carries the breath of time.

"Wang Heng has met King Yun."

Through his grandfather Wuji Immortal King, Wang Heng learned the title of the immortal king in front of him, "Cloud King". The years of enlightenment are quite old, much longer than Wuji. He became a giant among the immortal kings early, with great authority. Zhenxian Realm.

Back then, after Wang Heng chose to join the Immortal Realm, King Yun spoke for him and valued it very much. This time when Wang Heng passed through the Immortal King Tribulation, King Yun was directly born in his true form and protected him secretly. This was undoubtedly a cause and effect.

"Yes, you are young and promising. It is very rare to achieve Taoism at this age. I didn't expect that your Taoism results are also extraordinary and your fighting power is not bad." King Yun said sincerely in admiration.

Then, he mentioned that Wang Heng was going to trouble Ao Sheng.

"I won't stop you, because young people should have the youthful spirit of young people, but you have to think carefully, Ao Sheng is by no means a weakling."

"Wang Heng understands."

King Yun nodded and told Wang Heng that he would follow him to support him and prevent Ao Sheng's gang members from taking the opportunity to kill Wang Heng.

"Thank you, King Yun."

With a giant Immortal King respected by all the world following him, Wang Heng gained confidence and became calm and leisurely.

He did not immediately attack the Shengwang Universe, but first returned to his own Hengwang Universe and descended on Hengwang City.

The Immortal King's overwhelming pressure emanated from Wang Heng's body, shocking all the creatures in King Heng's city.

Such a young Immortal King is truly rare in the world. Wang Heng created a miracle.

Countless messages were passed out from King Heng City, informing the outside world that a young overlord had risen.

However, the outside world has already learned everything at this time.

This result was first displayed on the majestic Immortal King Monument. Originally, Wang Heng was the number one person in the True Immortal Realm. He stood proudly under the Immortal King and towered over all the True Immortals. He was brilliant and oppressive in the world.

But suddenly, his name dimmed and disappeared from the Immortal King Monument, as if he had fallen. The next second, his name once again released the bright immortal light. When people looked up, they suddenly discovered that Wang Heng’s name had already disappeared. After breaking away from the true immortal, he stood in the realm of the Immortal King, alongside those eternal and immortal names.

This news caused a huge earthquake and spread quickly throughout the Immortal Realm. Even some ancient hidden families learned of the situation and sighed at Wang Heng's surprise.

Immortal King Hunyuan, King Pan and other immortal kings who were good friends with Wang Heng were naturally pleased when they heard this result and nodded repeatedly.

But Ao Sheng, Taishi, Yuanchu and others were in disbelief. Their faces looked very ugly with constipation. Their eyes were cold and their murderous intent was overwhelming. They wanted to kill this formidable enemy immediately.

After returning to King Heng City, Wang Heng personally took action to bring blessings. Countless runes of the avenue fell like snowflakes, forming a vast field. The monks in it would enter the state of enlightenment in a very short time.

People know that this is a blessing from the Immortal King, which can be encountered but cannot be sought. They are all extremely excited and immersed in the field of enlightenment and cannot extricate themselves.

Many people's bodies shone with light, breaking through the current shackles, and the entire Hengwang City fell into an evolutionary carnival.

"King Heng!"

Countless monks call upon this title, with reverence and gratitude deep in their hearts.

Even the True Immortal monks felt that their Taoism had been loosened and improved a little, which shows how incredible the blessing field of King Heng was.

Soon after, the blessing field slowly faded away. When Wang Heng saw this, his eyes became cold, and he looked in a direction, and then took a step forward to dominate an ancient and prosperous universe.

This is an ancient universe ruled by the supreme Immortal King Ao Sheng. It has flourished for countless epochs. It has always been one of the most prosperous universes in the Immortal Realm. All races are harmonious and prosperous, and are well organized under the shock of the Immortal King's reputation.

However, at this moment, a vast coercion of the Immortal King spread across the sky and the earth, not from Ao Sheng, the master of the universe, but from Wang Heng, the thorn in Ao Sheng's side.

At this moment, all the creatures in the Shengwang Universe felt it. Looking into the empty and deep silence of the universe, a huge Dharma and Heaven form stood there. It was so powerful and terrifying that it made people unable to breathe.

"Ao Sheng, old man, where are you?" Wang Heng said, his voice was so loud that it shook the universe.

The voice came, and the eternal Shengwang City was shaken. This familiar voice... People changed their colors, knowing that it was the creature that came to kill. It came once ten thousand years ago and played a trick on Ao Sheng. Ten thousand years later, , he defied heaven and survived the Immortal King Tribulation, transformed into a powerful Immortal King, and came again.

Everyone knows that this time it will not end so easily. The five-strike agreement back then was tantamount to cutting off Wang Heng's path. This is a major cause and effect that cannot be resolved.

"Wang Heng? After thousands of years, you are here again. What do you think of this place?" One of Ao Sheng's quasi-immortal princes opened his eyes in anger.

Because of such a provocation, if he did not make a strong response, it would damage Ao Sheng's majesty. However, at this moment, Ao Sheng was in seclusion to recuperate and was not suitable for birth.

"Quickly, light the altar and notify the seniors." A real immortal from the Ao family reacted quickly and ordered people to light the ancient altar used to connect the Taishi lineage and the Yuanchu lineage.

Deep in Shengwang City, in the ancient cave of chaos, Ao Sheng, who had just heard that Wang Heng had achieved enlightenment, was in endless regret and resentment. Suddenly he heard Wang Heng's words, and he could no longer hold back the depression in his chest. It turned into a thunderous roar, venting the dissatisfaction in his heart to his heart's content.

"Ah! Shuzi, you bullied me too much!"

Ao Sheng couldn't stand it anymore. Who is he? The overlord of the Immortal Realm, the Unparalleled Immortal King, is respected by everyone in the world, and the world respectfully calls him a "giant", which is the highest recognition for him.

However, since the appearance of Wang Heng and Genjin from the foreign land, he has repeatedly encountered obstacles and become the laughing stock of others. All the prestige accumulated over dozens of eras has been lost, which makes Ao Sheng mad with hatred.

"Wang Heng, I will kill you."

He was so angry that he forced himself out of seclusion regardless of his own injuries, vowing to make Wang Heng, a flea who repeatedly came to provoke him, pay the price he deserved.


The door of the Ancient Chaos Cave exploded directly, debris flew into the air, and even the door of his own house was kicked to pieces, which shows how angry Ao Sheng was at this time.

Then, a celestial body rose from the ground, bursting through the universe, annihilating the stars, standing tall against the sky and the earth, and facing the invading Wang Heng from afar.

"Little ant, I don't know how high the world is. I just got lucky enough to become a king and I can't wait to die. Have you forgotten how I crushed you back then?" Ao Sheng said coldly, mentioning the five-strikes agreement 40,000 years ago.

"We are both Immortal Kings, what do you think? Old man, yesterday's humiliation will be repaid twice as much today." Wang Heng sneered, showing no sign of weakness.

"Okay, okay, I want to see how much strength you, an ant who has just become a king, can have. Let you understand what will happen if you provoke the supreme immortal king. From ancient times to the present, those who are my enemies will eventually disappear. "Ao Sheng laughed angrily and said such overbearing and cruel words.

"If you were half as strong as your bragging skills, you would have become a giant long ago." Wang Heng shook his head.

At this time, Ao Sheng's allies arrived, including Taishi and Yuanchu. Their faces were cold and they were about to attack Wang Heng. As a result, the Qi of Wuji Immortal King and Yun King appeared and locked them, leaving the two supreme Immortal Kings My heart was slightly shaken and I didn't dare to act rashly.

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