Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 274 Suppressing the Enemy

"Two fellow Taoists can just raid the formation. They are just ants. Let's see how I suppress them."

Ao Sheng is very conceited. As the ultimate Immortal King, he has the capital to be proud of.

Even if he is injured, it is not difficult to crush a creature who has just become an Immortal King.

Even if his opponent is Wang Heng, who has extraordinary Taoist powers and is suspected of becoming a mortal king, Ao Sheng doesn't care and is confident that he can suppress him.

While talking, Ao Sheng took action, without any intention of probing, and it was a decisive blow.

In the five-strike agreement back then, he had already understood Wang Heng's extraordinary power. Now that he has become the Immortal King, Wang Heng will only be stronger. There is no point in testing it.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

Billions of sword lights bloomed from Ao Sheng's body. It was so dazzling, it was like reopening the fairyland. It was his unique secret technique to become famous, and it was also Ao Sheng's weapon of the fairy king. It was composed of countless fairy swords and was powerful. Incomparably, he has defeated countless enemies.

Countless fairy swords were draped on his body, as if covered with a layer of gorgeous wings, and he turned into a divine bird, soaring with wings, soaring into the sky, splitting the void.

Those were sword wings, densely packed. With just a slight shake, billions of rays of sword light would be slashed out, and the world would be destroyed.

Ao Sheng had murderous intent, his eyes were extremely cold, and his heart was filled with anger. He wanted to defeat Wang Heng with one blow and regain his lost reputation as the overlord.


He roared loudly, and the sword energy spread all over the sky. The entire Shengwang City was trembling, as if it was about to be wiped out.

If Taishi and Yuanchu hadn't taken action to protect the city, I don't know how many creatures would have fallen to Ao Sheng's sword energy.

On the other side, Wang Heng also had an indifferent expression, his eyes were filled with murderous intent. The humiliation he suffered back then will be repaid twice as much today. These words are not just words.

He gave up defense and wanted to attack Ao Sheng. Defense was not his strong point in the first place. Taking the path of the soul was tantamount to taking a sideways approach. Attack was Wang Heng's most outstanding feature. Therefore, for him, offense It's the best defense.

Wang Heng shouted, and the black light of the soul bloomed in his body, as if it could swallow all things.

All the immortal kings were shocked, because although Wang Heng's soul light was black, it gave people a blazing and bright feeling. It was not simply black. The terrifying fluctuations made people's minds tremble and their souls tremble.

The next moment, the divine form of the avenue filled Wang Heng's body, with two arms, two shoulders, a sword of the soul, and a chest, as well as a crimson guillotine. Just looking at it from a distance would make his soul tremble. Creepy.

The sound of ancient scriptures rang out, and eternal energy filled the air, lingering around Wang Heng. He seemed to be an eternal, immortal person who had become eternity.


The sword energy and sword energy burst out from the Immortal-Zhanping Guillotine and Yuanshen Sword respectively, instantly filling the universe and sea of ​​stars, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and facing Ao Sheng tit for tat.

"Old man Ao Sheng, suffer death!"

Wang Heng turned into a stream of light and quickly killed Ao Sheng who was rushing over with sword wings on his back.


The sound of metal clashing was endless. This was the collision between Ao Sheng's sword energy and Wang Heng's sword and sword. It was extremely fierce and released waves that would make even the most powerful immortal king move.

Taishi and Yuanchu looked surprised and angry, shocked by the power displayed by Wang Heng.

Is this really a creature who has become an Immortal King for the first time? Why is it so strong? Making them all frown.


Wang Heng was beheaded, and his sword energy hit his shoulder. It was Ao Sheng's ultimate kill. Billions of sword energy merged into one, and an infinite force exploded in an instant. It was originally aimed at Wang Heng's eyebrows, trying to kill him with one blow.

However, it ended up being a bit off and only hit the shoulder.

Ao Sheng was also beheaded, and his body was intact. However, the soul inside suffered a great disaster. An arm was cut off by the Immortal Cutting Guillotine. The wound was filled with the terrifying Dao Immortal Chain, which prevented the soul from recovering. It was even stronger than Ao Sheng. He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, knowing the incredible origin of the guillotine.

Not only that, the Yuanshen Sword also performed a great service. It was extremely sharp, capable of breaking and cutting everything. It made a big gash in the chest of Ao Sheng Yuan Shen. The essence of the Immortal King overflowed crazily, and was knocked out by Ao Sheng again. Swallowed it back.

"The ultimate solution to calm chaos after sublimation!"

Ao Sheng understood the origin of this sword, which was transformed from the famous Ping Chaos Jue, one of the three supreme sword techniques. Moreover, it was originally a sword embryo, but now it has been reborn and turned into a sharp Yuanshen Sword.

There was severe pain in Wang Heng's shoulder. After all, it was a full blow from a supreme Immortal King. It was a fatal blow, and its power should not be underestimated.

However, to Wang Heng, the injury on his shoulder was really nothing, because the great avenue divine form transformed by the Eternal Sutra had already covered it. With just a shake of his shoulder, the supreme sutra appeared, and in the blink of an eye it was restored to its original state.

Ao Sheng's situation was not optimistic. He was already injured and his soul was not at its peak. At this moment, he was struck by the astonishing Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine and the Soul Sword, which further aggravated the damage to his soul.

He looked at Wang Heng who had recovered as before with a gloomy expression. He really didn't expect that Wang Heng would have such unfathomable combat power when he first entered the Immortal King, which caught him off guard.

"Ao Sheng, if you want to cough up blood, just cough it up. Why hold it in? It will feel better if you spit it out. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable if you keep holding it in?" Wang Heng said with a sneer.

Ao Sheng's expression remained unchanged, making it difficult to tell anything. He did not respond to Wang Heng's provocation, and just stared coldly.

Taishi and Yuanchu, who were familiar with him, felt a little bad when they saw this. They had underestimated Wang Heng's strength. Ao Sheng was still injured and had not recovered. Under the circumstances, Ao Sheng might really be defeated.

While thinking, Wang Heng took action again, put away the immortal-killing guillotine, grabbed the black sword of the soul with both hands, and released an earth-shattering momentum.

An astonishing energy burst out from the Yuan Shen Sword, causing the stars in all directions to tremble. This was Wang Gen's famous sword art, a sublimated version of the Ping Chaos Art. It had already been sublimated from the sword body into a sharp sword, with black light all around. Shooting, countless rules of the avenue emerged and turned into countless powerful creatures. They wreaked havoc on the world, causing wars and disputes.

The black sword was born to quell the chaos in the world.

This blow made the Supreme Immortal King Ao Sheng's scalp tingle for a while. Even though he was still far away, a tingling sensation came from his soul, which fully showed how terrifying the power of this supreme sword was.

Back then, in the middle of the Immortal Era, before the Sword Art had a name to put an end to the chaos, Wang Heng's father, Wang Gen, used this supreme Sword Art to kill an immortal king with one sword and cut his origin into nothingness. , shocked the Imperial Pass and the two realms. From then on, the Yuan Shen Sword Art was called the art of pacifying chaos.

The Yuan Shen Sword comes out, causing chaos in all directions!

At this moment, Wang Heng regained the power of his father back then, slashing his sword across the sky to quell the chaos in the world.

Ao Sheng gritted his teeth, spread his sword wings, went up to kill, and fought with the sublimated Pingluoxue.

As soon as they fought, he felt horrified, and his soul was about to burst. One after another, the Pingchaoshujue Sword Qi, as thick as a mountain range, spread across the universe, specifically targeting the monk's soul, and he couldn't guard against it.


After dozens of rounds of collisions, Wang Heng held the black Yuanshen Sword and cut off half of Ao Sheng Yuan Shen's body with one strike. It was very thrilling. He slashed past his hair, otherwise Ao Sheng reacted quickly and deflected. , the heads will be chopped off.

He was so shocked and angry that he was attacked and seriously injured by several immortal kings. But now, he was forced to do this by a creature who had just become a king. It was really a shame and humiliation. If he, Ao Sheng, were defeated today, he would definitely become a laughing stock in the fairyland. Negative teaching material becomes a topic for others to talk about after dinner.

Thinking of this, Ao Sheng was furious, and his whole body was ignited with blazing flames. In the flames, his soul was restored to its original state, and all wounds were closed.

However, the price is not small, it is to forcibly remove the remaining rules from the wound at the cost of the spirit of the Immortal King.

How long has it been since the fight? Even the essence of the Immortal King had to be consumed. The expressions on the faces of Taishi and Yuanchu were wonderful and full of disbelief.

Wuji and King Yun had a faint smile and looked calm.

After doing all this, Ao Sheng's face was completely drained of blood and his condition was extremely poor. However, he had to do this because he could not cope with Wang Heng's next attack without removing the injuries of his soul and forcibly recovering.

This creature's path is too cunning, and it only attacks the soul. It is so cunning that it makes Ao Sheng's scalp numb, and there is no good way to deal with it.

The only way is to trade injuries for injuries and fight Wang Heng desperately.

Next, Ao Sheng did just that. He became red-eyed and felt bad for himself. He couldn't prevent the Yuan Shen's attack, and he didn't let Wang Heng have an easy time. All his anger was poured into Wang Heng's Yuan Shen body.

"Eternal light shines on the world."

During the battle, he was at a disadvantage and had to use his trump card. This was his unparalleled magical power. In an instant, there was only a ray of light left in the world, annihilating darkness, breaking through chaos, and destroying everything.

"How dare you call it eternity?"

Wang Heng shouted coldly, the great god form stepped out unexpectedly, missing the head, abdomen and legs. However, the blazing black light and the terrifying pressure made people dare not underestimate it.

He seemed to have become the king of darkness, the source of all darkness.

However, the Immortal Kings know that this is not darkness, but the purest soul power in the world. The power of the soul is vastly different from the power of darkness.

Light and darkness collided, the sky collapsed and the earth split, and the sun and the moon lost their light. All the creatures in the Shengwang universe closed their eyes involuntarily and could not open them for a long time. Even the Immortal King found it dazzling.


There was a crisp sound, and the light was shattered. It was cut open by the Yuan Shen Sword and fell apart.

Ao Sheng's unparalleled magical power was defeated, his body appeared, and he flew back, destroying an unknown number of star fields.

Wang Heng pursued the victory without giving Ao Sheng a chance to breathe. This time, his temperament changed drastically. He was no longer the domineering and unparalleled one who calmed down the chaos in the world, but the punishment of ruthless order, as if he had transformed into the will of God to punish the world. .

Ao Sheng was startled, and looked at Wang Hengshi, and suddenly found that the Yuanshen Sword in his hand was missing, replaced by a crimson guillotine, stained with the blood of countless amazing creatures throughout the ages, extremely terrifying.

He was shocked and had a premonition that something was not going to happen, so he immediately used forbidden secret techniques to deal with it.

"Light will always be with me."

The ancient scriptures were recited, and Ao Sheng disintegrated, turned into the symbols of the great avenue, and gathered into a terrifying ocean of order, killing Wang Heng. At this time, he was almost transformed into a Tao. Even if he was not good, his real body could not Restored, integrated into the world forever, becoming part of the rules of the great road.

However, when meeting a powerful opponent like Wang Heng, he had to do this.

Although the risks are high, the rewards are huge. The power that pervades this vast ocean of order makes even the most powerful immortal kings feel terrified and want to retreat.

However, Wang Heng was not afraid and recited the ancient curse. This was the Taoist fruit he obtained in that distant era. The curse can tear the opponent's momentum at the most critical moment and make him fall into a state of malaise.

Order Wang Yang paused and was affected by the spell. Then, Wang Heng impartially swung the immortal guillotine and slashed towards Wang Yang.


This blow was even more powerful and terrifying than the previous collision of light and darkness, no less than a life-and-death duel involving hundreds of blows combined with one move.

The final result surprised and shocked the Immortal Kings present, as well as the Immortal Kings from other universes who looked at it.

Wang Heng was injured, but not seriously. His curse was too deadly and affected Ao Sheng at the most critical moment. Dozens of thumb-sized holes were punched out of his soul body, which was harmless.

But Ao Sheng's side was very strange. The endless power of order gathered and transformed into a human body again. On the surface, he was fine and his body was intact. However, Ao Sheng's eyes widened and he knelt on the ground, shaking violently.

The Immortal Kings who were watching the battle could clearly see that his body was intact, but his soul had been beheaded. Wang Heng's blow hit the neck of his soul with great precision. Without any surprise, Ao Sheng was decapitated and his head flew thousands of feet away. Far away, lost in the dark universe.

Everyone was shocked and speechless. It was unimaginable that a powerful and supreme Immortal King would be beheaded like this.

If it was an ordinary slash, Ao Sheng would have recovered with just one thought, because the Supreme Immortal King is said to be immortal, and he can recover from any serious injury, but he cannot die.

But this time, he was shaking all over and could not recover immediately.

People were horrified and looked at the immortal-killing guillotine in Wang Heng's hand. The origin of a knife that could cause such horrific results was naturally unimaginable. Many people suspected that it came from the Forbidden Heavenly Tribulation and was a real thing.


Ao Sheng's body made such a cry, calling for the return of the soul's head. This blow was too fatal, as if it had cut off the most important part of the Immortal King's origin.

A ray of fairy light flew up, and the head of Ao Sheng Yuan Shen flew over. Just as he was about to return to his position, suddenly, a red light shot out and nailed his head into the void.


Ao Sheng let out a miserable scream, which spread throughout the Sheng Wang Universe and could even be heard by the nearby Immortal King Universe.

The immortal-killing guillotine shines brilliantly in the hands of Wang Heng, who focuses on the path to the soul, blooming with unparalleled brilliance.

The Immortal Kings changed their colors and realized that this was a terrifying path. If Wang Heng was an extremely powerful giant, then this beheading would not be as simple as just a flying head.


Wang Heng came over, pulled out his guillotine, stepped on the head of Ao Sheng Yuan Shen, and looked down at the creature that had tried to kill him over and over again.

"Ao Sheng, you are nothing more than this."

At this point, Ao Sheng was completely defeated and suppressed.

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