Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 979: 1 lotus 1 world


When Lin Feng's mental power enveloped this magical lotus seed, his eyes lit up, and then the surrounding space was in a trance.

" this the sky?"

Lin Feng opened his eyes wide and found that his current mental power was indeed stuck in a sky. It seems to be a strange world, with white clouds fluttering, the weather is very clear, and below is the rough sea and the continuous coastline.

Lin Feng's spiritual power continued to extend, and the continuous coastline outlined a huge continent. On the mainland, there are green trees, and there are faint prehistoric beasts.

These monsters are all huge in size, and they are born with terrifying power. Although they are far inferior to the three thousand universe demon gods, they are also invincible overlords in this world, almost equivalent to semi-chaotic life.

However, there are not many creatures here, especially it seems that there is no intelligent life that reproduces in large numbers. There are huge prehistoric monsters constantly fighting, and the laws of the whole world have been very perfect.

Lin Feng swept around with his mental power. The whole world was not too big, almost as large as hundreds of parent stars, and the area of ​​the ocean accounted for more than 70%.

But with perfect laws and natural reproduction of life, it can be called a complete world.


Lin Feng stayed inside for a long time, but when he exited, he found that only a short time had passed, indicating that there should be a difference in time flow.

In general, a weak world, compared with a strong world, is actually a difference in the flow of time. For example, the universe in Lin Feng's body actually has a difference in time flow, compared with chaos. But because Lin Feng was in chaos, he was more willing to use chaos time.

And just now this small world, compared with the universe in the body, has a difference in time flow rate, and even the gap is still very large.

Maybe ten years have passed since that small world, and the universe within the body has only passed a few months, or even less time.

Lin Feng looked at the peculiar lotus seed on the lotus of chaos, and a flash of light flashed in his heart. He somewhat understood what this lotus seed was. Could it be that this is the kind of world lotus seed bred by the lotus of chaos? There is a world in a lotus seed?

"One lotus, one world, it's incredible."

Even Lin Feng felt a little weird. He had heard that a grain of sand is a world, but he never thought that a lotus seed could turn into a world. This is different from the universe in his body. Although Lin Feng also contains a huge universe in his body, he has exhausted his efforts and cultivated step by step.

I don't know how much suffering I have suffered in the incarnation of the universe, but now, the Lotus of Chaos has only swallowed the energy of a divine stone, but it can give birth to a world, and it is a world with complete laws.

It's a whole world in every way.

Lin Feng thought that the lotus seeds in the world can also be refined and controlled.

So, Lin Feng slowly studied the lotus seeds in the world. Sure enough, his mental power could soon carve his mark on the lotus seeds in the world, just like refining a chaotic spiritual treasure.

Controlling the whole world, Lin Feng seems to have the power of the whole world. Although this power is insignificant to the current Lin Feng, it can continue to grow.

And more importantly, a world with infinite possibilities!

For example, some special chaotic spiritual treasures need the origin of the world to be nurtured, then they can be thrown into the world, and after billions of years of continuous breeding in the world, it is very likely that a shocking spiritual treasure will be born.

Or, you need to train some talents, throw them into the world to experience, etc. In short, there are too many benefits to control a world, not necessarily an improvement in strength.

Moreover, this is just one world. If there is another **** stone in the future, will there be a second world lotus seed and a second world?

This is very possible, and, through the lotus seeds in the world, Lin Feng is also sure that the lotus in the universe in his body should be the strange thing in the chaos. It was unexpectedly obtained by Lin Feng.

At the beginning, what Lin Feng got was just a lotus seed, but since he incarnated into the universe and combined with the universe, now he has grown into a towering giant tree, and has grown into a real lotus of chaos.

Lin Feng's inner universe and the Lotus of Chaos can be regarded as mutual achievements. It is precisely because of these two that the two sides have achieved the results they have today.

"It's time to leave."

Lin Feng calculated the time, and the time in the Holy Beast Continent was not short. What Long Zhenjun said also has a certain truth. If the true **** who was transported to the Chamber of Commerce was angry, and then took out his anger on the Holy Beast Continent, if Lin Feng didn't leave now, it would be troublesome.

So, Lin Feng left the secret room, and also called some True Monarchs through Xuantian Palace.

For example, True Monarch Qingtian, True Monarch Xuanshi, etc. Many Chaos True Monarchs and Chaos True Monarchs who were related to Lin Feng were summoned to Xuantian Palace by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had only one purpose, asking them for their opinions, whether they would like to leave the Holy Beast Continent and go with him to the Chaos Holy City.

This was a great opportunity. Immediately, True Monarch Qingtian, True Monarch Xuanshi and others agreed, and some of the Chaos True Masters that Lin Feng knew at the time were also elated and extremely excited.

This is an opportunity to go to the Holy City of Chaos. They never dreamed that they would one day have the opportunity to go to the Holy City of Chaos.

There are even some Chaos True Monarchs who, through a special method, know that Lin Feng is calling people to the Chaos Holy City. One by one, they requested to meet Lin Feng through various channels. There are even various precious treasures.

But at this time, Lin Feng was not soft-hearted, nor was he tempted by these treasures.

Although he has a Chaos Flying Boat and can make many people follow him to the Holy City of Chaos, these are the people he trusts, and everyone has stayed by his side for a long time.

As for strangers?

Lin Feng shook his head, he wasn't indifferent, but with such an opportunity, he could actually give alms at will?

This kind of great opportunity is obtained by those who are destined, otherwise it is not a blessing, but a disaster. Lin Feng also didn't want to have any hidden dangers in the Chaos Flying Boat, and these people could also become his team when he came to the Chaos Holy City with him.

In the chaotic holy city, there are strong people everywhere, and Lin Feng can't rely on him alone.

"It's almost time, let's go!"

Three days Lin Feng called all the people he knew into the Chaos Flying Boat, and in the name of Xuantian Palace, there was a supreme true god. , The real people left the Holy Beast Continent temporarily to avoid the limelight.

After all, Lin Feng didn't know whether the true **** who was transported to the chamber of commerce would be angry, and thus take his anger on the Sacred Beast Continent. But it's always good to be prepared.


Lin Feng, True Monarch Ziyuan, True Monarch Qingtian, True Monarch Xuanshi, and many others have stayed in the Sacred Beast Continent for a long time, and have never even left the Sacred Beast Continent.

Now, as the Chaos Flying Boat slowly takes off, it is about to leave the Holy Beast Continent completely, and many people have a hint of reluctance in their hearts. However, they are practitioners, and they are all in pursuit of a higher realm. Although they may be reluctant to leave at this time, more people are curious about the chaotic holy city that they are going to.

It is the holy city of chaos, the center of the heavens and the world, the holy land of practitioners in chaos, the place everyone yearns for, and many people are longing for the holy city of chaos.

The chaotic flying boat was also accelerating, and disappeared in the depths of chaos in a blink of an eye, flying towards the holy city of chaos that everyone yearns for.

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