Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 980: Holy City!

"What is the Holy City of Chaos like?"

Zhenjun Ziyuan murmured in a low voice. Even if she is a top true monarch, her heart is no longer calm at this time. Practitioners who have never been to the chaotic holy city are almost stunned by their yearning for the chaotic holy city.

Look at so many top-notch true monarchs who are astonishing and brilliant, even willing to offer their own magical powers and spiritual treasures to chaotic merchants, just to get a place to enter the chaotic holy city.

The holy city of chaos, the holy land that countless practitioners yearn for, but what it looks like, no one knows.

Although Lin Feng is also very excited, he is not as optimistic as others. No matter how beautiful things are, they are beautiful until they see them, and once they see them, they may be a little disappointed.

What's more, Lin Feng is still weighing, which chaotic holy city is he going to?

According to the information of the Chaos Merchant, there are seven Chaos Holy Cities in Chaos, which means that there are only seven Saints in the entire universe. Although the seven holy cities are all known as the center of chaos, in fact, the place where there is a holy city is the center.

Chaos is so vast, where is there any truly remote area? Any place where the Holy City of Chaos sits will eventually prosper.

The seven chaotic holy cities are Xuanji Holy City, Jiutian Holy City, Styx Holy City, Guiyuan Holy City, Ziji Holy City, Baoguang Holy City, and Ancestral Tree Holy City.

Among them, the Holy City of Styx is where the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce was transported. Lin Feng naturally couldn't throw himself in the net and go to the Holy City of Styx.

As for other holy cities, Lin Feng actually didn't know anything. The one who only knew a little bit of information was the Nine Heavens Holy City, because Long Zhenjun went to the Nine Heavens Holy City.

The locations of these holy cities are different, and Lin Feng does not know much about the situation of the holy cities, so it is not easy to make up his mind.

In the end, Lin Feng chose to believe in Long Zhenjun. Although he and Long Zhenjun were only one-sided, Long Zhenjun acted brightly and honestly, which was quite in line with Lin Feng's mind.

Therefore, Lin Feng finally chose Jiutian Holy City. He went to Jiutian Holy City first, and then made further plans after he learned about the situation of the Holy City.

According to the information provided by the chaotic merchants, the distance between the Nine Heavens Holy City is actually quite far, but Lin Feng manipulated the chaotic flying boat and inspired the divine formation on the chaotic flying boat. The speed is unbelievable.

This is a Chaos Spirit Treasure specially used to hurry, and it is naturally extraordinary. At this speed, I am afraid it will only take a few decades to reach the Nine Heavens Holy City.

Traveling on the road is always boring. In the chaotic flying boat, all practitioners have calmed down and started to cultivate. Lin Feng is also pondering the world lotus seeds in the universe within his body to see the development of the world.

At the same time, I also worked hard to use the Chaos Origin Stone to understand more Chaos Rules, but this is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it can only be accumulated slowly over time.

Lin Feng also realized the feeling that he had barely made any progress for dozens or hundreds of years. This is a normal phenomenon. When a true monarch, especially a top true monarch, begins to comprehend the rules of chaos, his practice is so slow.

Not to mention dozens or hundreds of years, even if it is tens of thousands of years without an inch, it is normal.

However, Lin Feng has the Origin of Chaos and various supernatural powers for reference. He has the confidence to comprehend the third rule of Chaos again, it's just a matter of time.

As for the third chaotic rule, Lin Feng chose the chaotic space rule!

This space rule is actually very difficult to comprehend, but once it is comprehended, the benefits are the greatest. Once you have mastered the rules of chaotic space, even if it is only a preliminary understanding, you can tear open the chaotic space and travel through space.

Chaos is too big, just hurrying, if you just rely on flying, I don't know how long it will take. But if you master the rules of space, even if you have a preliminary grasp, the one-time space shuttle distance is not too far, but it is far faster than the chaotic flying boat.

And more importantly, once you understand the rules of chaotic space, your life-saving ability will greatly increase. Even some dangerous forbidden places can be roamed.

Lin Feng has the Origin Stone of Chaos, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to understand the rules of Chaos Space. It just takes a little longer. But no matter how long it took, Lin Feng had to understand the rules of chaotic space.

Decades passed in a hurry. When Lin Feng was still immersed in comprehending the rules of space, his heart suddenly moved. He seemed to feel a majestic and vast aura, passing through the infinite time and space, and a ripple in Lin Feng's heart stirred up. . Let his mind no longer be calm.


Lin Feng opened his eyes and came to the control room of Chaos Flying Boat. He found that in the control room, there were already people standing there, whether it was True Monarch Zi Yuan or True Monarch Qingtian, but those chaotic real people, none of them moved, and they didn't seem to sense anything.

"You all feel it?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Yes, I feel it."

True Monarch Qingtian was very excited, True Monarch Ziyuan was very excited, and all True Monarchs were very excited. Only those chaotic real people are still in retreat, and there is no movement.

"Everyone who has cultivated a true spirit has sensed it. What is this?"

Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

Zhenjun Ziyuan said excitedly: "If I guessed correctly, this should be the supreme rule of chaos in the legend!"

"The Supreme Rule?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the supreme rule of chaos is.

The other True Monarchs also looked at True Monarch Zi Yuan in anticipation. In terms of rich knowledge, I am afraid that no one in the Chaos Flying Boat can compare to True Monarch Zi Yuan. After all, Zhenjun Ziyuan has been in chaos for tens of thousands of years, and he has heard of some secrets.

Zhenjun Ziyuan took a deep breath, and then explained: "Everyone should have heard of the rules of chaos, right? As long as practitioners cultivate the true spirit, then relying on the true spirit, they can slowly comprehend the rules of chaos, and then become a true god. On top of the true god, there is another saint. In the strict sense, the chaotic saint is actually a true god. However, the saints entrust the true spirit in the chaos. ."

"And if you want to entrust the true spirit in chaos, it is useless to comprehend alone, you have to rely on the source stone of chaos. Because only in the source stone of chaos, can the supreme rules manifest. Only by comprehending the supreme rules can Put the true spirit in the chaos. The supreme rule rules all the rules and all power in the chaos. Therefore, there is also a saying in the chaos that under the saint, everything is an ant. Even those chaotic holy beasts with tyrannical power, if The Holy Venerable can easily kill it."

Hearing Zhenjun Ziyuan's detailed explanation, Lin Feng was shocked.

Chaos Originium, he heard the news of Chaos Originium again. Before, he faintly got the information of the Origin of Chaos, knowing that only with the Origin of Chaos can he have the chance to become a saint. But I don't know what is so special about the Chaos Originium.

But now, Lin Feng finally understood, the supreme rule, the original Chaos Originium contains the supreme rule. Only by comprehending the supreme rules can we be considered to be recognized by the origin of chaos, and we can entrust the true spirit in chaos and achieve the immortal and immortal chaotic saint!

The Origin Stone of Chaos is equivalent to a certificate. Only by obtaining this certificate can there be a chance to be recognized by the Supreme Rules. Only with the approval of the supreme rules can we hope to become the chaotic saint, immortal and immortal!

Since ancient times in the chaos, once the chaotic saint appeared, there has never been a fallen saint, which is truly immortal. Even a true monarch, it is possible that the true spirit will be wiped out, turned into ashes, and the real death will disappear.

Who doesn't want to become a Chaos Sage, so that he will never die?

Therefore, once there is news of the Chaos Origin Stone, and the Chaos Origin Stone is born, even a true **** who is no longer in competition with the world, or some old monsters, can't help but **** it.

This is the chance of enlightenment, and no practitioner will give up easily.

Lin Feng was even more cautious in his heart. There was a Chaos Origin Stone in the universe within his body. Although the universe is very safe and secret in the body, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be discovered by others.

Therefore, Lin Feng must be more cautious in the future, otherwise, once the news is leaked, even if Lin Feng's strength is ten times or a hundred times stronger, he may not be able to keep the Chaos Originium.

For the Chaos Originium, other True Monarchs naturally have no idea. This kind of treasure can make the supreme true gods crazy, and they don't dare to have any extravagant hopes.

But they are still excited, and the reason is simple.

Since the supreme rules of chaos can be sensed here, there is only one reason. They are probably not far from the holy city of chaos!

Sure enough, after another month, everyone saw a continent in front of them that seemed to be filled with endless light, lying across the void.

It seems to be filled with incomparably sacred, supreme, great, and powerful aura, as if it were the beginning of everything, and it seemed to be the end of everything, full of endless mysteries.

Holy City, this is Holy City!

Different from any chaotic continent, this chaotic holy city is not even a continent. It is a city suspended in chaos, as if the center of the heavens and the world, exuding a sacred atmosphere.

It's just a city that is bigger than the Chaos Continent, and it's a city that was built out of a stalwart force

Holy Venerable, this is the power of Saint Venerable, a chaotic holy city built by Saint Venerable with supreme might. Countless chaotic rules surround the holy city, and one of them hangs above the holy city, causing many chaotic rules to retreat.

That is the supreme rule! The supreme rule that drives countless practitioners crazy!

"What a huge city, is this the Holy City of Chaos?"

"Yes, it must be the Holy City of Chaos, this is our destination, the Holy City of Nine Heavens!"

"I heard that the Nine Heavens Holy City is in charge of the Nine Heavens Holy Venerable, I don't know if it's true or not?"

"Of course it's true, haven't you sensed a distinctive aura above all chaotic rules? I'm afraid that's the supreme rule..."

Many people are amazed at the stalwart of the Holy City, and are amazed at the vastness and mystery of the supreme rules.

Only Lin Feng, after feeling the supreme rules of the Holy City, the Chaos Origin Stone in his body suddenly shook violently without warning.

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