Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1421: bluff


Ye Shikai's remarks made the crowd very excited. Among the cavalry, Jiucheng was a child of Heyang County brought by Han Hao. In these days of fighting, most of the sergeants killed were fellow villagers, so the remaining sergeants were early. He took a sigh of relief, wanted to kill the wolf, build his career, and take revenge for the folks, especially the cavalry team who has never been on the battlefield. Ye Shikai is helpless. If it is not urgent, he is not willing to let these recruits and the wolf. Veterans can only hope that their morale is higher and that they make up for the lack of tactics. First https: // https: //

"Captain Qian, there are a large number of wolf tribes in front, there are two or three thousand riders, and there are thousands of cavalry, and the number is tens of thousands." At this time, Wan Jiyuan brought back a dozen cavalry to investigate and report to everyone. .

"Ten thousand people, this is too much, we have a thousand cavalry, I'm afraid not an opponent." Li Li was anxious, fierce battles, most of the troops that can be mobilized have been dispatched, there are only thousands of guards in Jixian The army, as well as some military service, may still have some troops, but at best it is thousands. If you fight hard with the wolf clan, I am afraid it will not last long.

Even Ye Shikai was a little worried at this moment. Would this thousand newly trained cavalry rush forward just like that?

"Did the wolves start besieging Ji County?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Not yet, but they put on a stance and should start siege soon." Wan Jiyuan replied.

"General Ye, we must go to support immediately, you order." Li Li said anxiously.

Qi Ye Shikai looked around carefully. There are many mountains around Jixian, and the two sides of the external channel are cliffs. It means that from Jixian, you must pass through the middle channel of the cliffs on both sides. The view here is narrow and it is difficult to see the whole picture.

"I have a way." Ye Shikai said violently, "General Li, you take two hundred rides, tie a wooden stick behind the horse's tail, run around the entrances of various passages, raise the dust, and you must create a large army of support. Stance. "


That's right, Ye Shikai is going to frighten the wolf's army, delay their offensive, and even disintegrate their determination. Now they are lone soldiers deepening in order to make a desperate attempt to attack Jixian County, kill Meng Tian, ​​and eliminate this Qin Dynasty The well-known generals who reversed the war situation, if they can create an atmosphere of "anti-encirclement" of them, they will definitely collapse their minds.

"The end will understand, this is what to do." Li Li nodded.

"The rest, come with me." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, now, they need to find a commanding height.

"Full position, you take some people to the commanding heights on the left, you don't have to do anything, you just need to make a look of an army coming." Ye Shikai ordered.

"喏, subordinates understand." Mancang took three hundred rides to the top of the cliff, where you can overlook the entire Jixian County.

"The rest, come with me." Ye Shikai took the rest of the cavalry to the south gate of Jixian County, where there are relatively few wolves and there are woods nearby for easy hiding.


"Captain, your subordinates don't understand why you don't hurry back to the city."

Yan Yeshikai let everyone stay in the woods without any noise, which made Wan Yuanyuan quite puzzled.

俟 "Wan Yuanyuan, what would you do if you were the commander of these wolves." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Naturally, it is time to siege the city and attack quickly. We will kill Meng Tian before the Qin army returns." Wan Jiyuan replied.

"That's a good point. After that, do you just sit and wait to die?"

"Master means ..."

"I have already made clear the terrain of Jixian. There is a river there. If you go down the river, it will be a flat land. The wolf cavalry is there, and the death of the Meng Tian will probably break the Great Wall. When the Qin Army loses, the consequences are unpredictable. "

"It turned out that these people have already chosen the back road." Wan Yuanyuan suddenly realized.

"So I asked Li Li to raise the dust at various intersections, just to confuse the wolves and let them hesitate. It would be best if they could scare them away." Ye Shikai knew that this was a psychological battle.

"Look at the thousand captains, there is something moving among the wolves."

Ye Shikai looked in the direction of his fingers. Under the city gate, the sergeants of the wolf tribe turned back. Ye Shikai looked far away. The sky was filled with yellow dust, and there was the trace of Qin Army on the top of the cliff. It looked like an army was coming. If these are not planned by Ye Shikai, I am afraid he will be deceived even if he sees this.

The army of the jackal wolves is chaotic, and many sergeants are whispered and sorrowful. If they are "anti-surrounded" here, they will certainly die.

"Very well, it's this time, everyone, please rush with me." Ye Shikai shouted, the 500 cavalry immediately killed the woods and pounced on the Wolf clan. Frightened, the same, must have left Qin Jun on the city wall puzzled, this is a cavalry team from where. Starting

Ye Shikai rushed directly to the commander on horseback, and came to him in a blink of an eye ~ ~ When he was not ready, he speared his spear, and even led the horse to fly, and the cavalry behind him was also fighting for momentum At the same time, the gate of the city slowly opened, and thousands of guards killed him from the inside.

"Slay the wolf."


"Quickly ... Quickly withdraw, the Qin Army has an ambush." ​​The wolf clan was already unstable, and was attacked suddenly, leading the battle. They suddenly lost their backbone and suddenly collapsed. The cavalry turned back, even regardless of the infantry and Ye Shikai. Take the opportunity to lead the team to hunt.

For a while, a very "funny" scene appeared, with hundreds of people running after tens of thousands of people, as if several evil wolves were chasing the flock ...

In fact, Ye Shikai is also very worried. If the wolf is epiphany, turning the horse's head is enough to easily kill all of them, but he does not dare to stop. If he stops at this time, it is tantamount to telling the wolf that it is a bluff, but if Chasing down may be able to hide the sky.

"Follow me, don't stop."

It is exactly that sentence, no more soldiers, but more elites. No matter how many soldiers are completely collapsed, they are useless. They don't even have the courage to look back and chase the soldiers. How can they know what is behind them? How many people are chasing.

This pursuit has been pursued until late at night ...

Ji County.

Ye Yekai brought his men back to the city, but this time it was a big victory. Everyone has almost gained something. If it is based on military merit, almost everyone has military merit, and some people can even upgrade to several ranks.

"General Meng, are you okay?"


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