Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1422: Turn the tide

Ye Shikai led his soldiers and went directly to the General's Mansion. As soon as he arrived at the door, he was amazed by the scene in front of him. Good guy, the original mansion has been elevated, and there are many megaliths near the door. To close the door, nearly ten thousand wolves suddenly came to the city. I am afraid that Meng Tian is ready to defend himself, but then again, Meng Tian is a field-fighting general. Even if the wolf's sword is hanging above his head, he still He didn't change his face and was calm and calm. Even if the wolf had really come in, he should have some countermeasures.

"Who is coming?" Ye Shikai and others were stopped by guards outside the General's House.

"The Shi Feng Fortress Cavalry Commander, just now I attacked the Wolves, and General Mengda was there. I want to see him." Ye Shikai asked immediately.

"It turned out to be General Ye. General Mongolia also mentioned you just now, saying that the person who can think of this method to break the siege must be you." The guard said with excitement when he heard Ye Shikai's identity.

"The general is not in General's Mansion. He was directing the battle on the city wall just now. He should be back soon."

"That's the case, then I'll wait here for a while." Ye Shikai nodded. After some pursuit, the wolves had scattered and fled. The cavalry and the garrison teamed up to kill more than 5,000. Many captives, of course, also had a lot of wolf soldiers fled.

"Ye Xiaozi, I knew it was you." Suddenly, a bold call sounded in the distance, everyone looked at the sound source, Meng Tian walked quickly from the crowd, and directly gave Ye Shikai a hug.

"How about, have you been hurt?" Meng Tian was very excited, looking at Ye Shikai's blood, and asked with concern.

"Relax, I'm fine, this is the blood of the wolf tribe." Ye Shikai discovered that even his face was stained with blood. Compared to the era of using guns, the white-bladed battle seemed more cruel and required the sergeant's courage. higher.

"Reports, all fortress defense lines sent reinforcements back to the city, there are ten miles away." At this time, a messenger said hurriedly.

"If there weren't Ye Xiaozi here, I'm afraid Jixian would be in danger. Even me, I'm afraid to die as a country." Meng Tian waved.

"General Ye, this time you took the lead in solving the siege of the wolf clan and defeated them, killing countless enemies. You have made great achievements." Said a general next to Meng Tian.

"Yes, there are a lot of rewards for merit, but what surprised me the most is that your cavalry is so mighty." Meng Tian pointed to the cavalry behind Ye Shikai, and every soldier's face was covered with armor. With blood, even some people's swords and lances have been blunt, killing too many enemies, and even the weapons are broken ...

Ye Shikai knew, of course, that the cavalry team that had been training for less than a week had no skill at all. They could not even grasp the timing of the sword wave, but this time they cut the wolf tribe from the gate with the blood of a cavity. fortress.

Although he achieved such a great victory, Ye Shikai was equally distressed. The cavalry was killed three hundred, and even if he was seriously injured, less than half of the sergeants could fight. Even if he had time to train in the future, the size of the cavalry was "shrinking." It's difficult to "surprisingly win" on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Ye Shikai quite regretted why he didn't sing out the army ...

Below the city, retreating reinforcements have arrived one after another, with a large number of tens of thousands. Ye Shikai followed Meng Tian to listen to the latest battle report. Thirty-two fortresses above the defense line, four were captured, and the remaining Most of them are fighting with the wolf clan. Ye Shikai is glad that he insisted on defending himself at that time. If he really abandoned the fortress like this, then when three or forty thousand wolf races chase down the Jixian town, Jixian will be lost.

"The Shifeng Fortress is on the front line, where there are still a large army of wolf clan, the pressure is not small." Meng Tian saw Ye Shikai's heart-like appearance, and immediately guessed what he thought.

"Yes, the city wall changed hands several times. If the brothers are not fighting for their lives, the fortress is afraid of losing." Ye Shikai said suddenly, "General, I want to go back to the fortress first and participate in the battle."

"Don't worry." Meng Tian pointed to the distance. "Did you see it? The smoke in the direction of Shifeng Fortress has been extinguished. The Wolf clan has not sneaked into Jixian, so naturally they will not be stupid enough to continue to attack the city."

"The general ... is still a bit uneasy."

"Okay, now that the wolf clan outside Jixian County has been wiped out, then I will relax here and come to prepare a horse. I will go to the Shifeng Fortress myself."


Pinnacle Fortress.

Ye Shikai was in a mood all the way. When he saw the "Qin" banner hanging high in the city from afar, his hanging heart was regarded as falling.

"How about, Ye Xiaozi, now you can rest assured." Compared to Ye Shikai's panic, Meng Tian can be said to be calm and restless along the way, not to be rushed and busy, but he will only carry the 500 Guards around him, if he meets the army of the Wolf family halfway They can be intercepted at any time.

Think about it the same way. In modern times, Ye Shikai was the captain of Longya, and there were only a hundred people under his hand. Although his tactical literacy was very high, in the final analysis, he only ordered a hundred people, and Meng Tian had 400,000 troops. Although he fought He also commanded tens of thousands of people to fight. Even if he stood alone in front of tens of thousands of enemy troops, he could still calm down, which Ye Shikai could not do.

The crowd entered the fort, and the barracks were full of injured brothers. Han Hao and Shang Guanjian were bandaging them.

"See General Meng." Everyone saw Meng Tian's arrival and immediately greeted ~ ~ even the injured brother stood up.

"Brother Ye, that's great, you're fine." Everyone was relieved when they saw Ye Shikai. The cavalry went out alone to stop the wolf tribe.

"Han Hao, thanks to Ye Xiaozi this time, all the wolves who came for the attack were annihilated. Ye Xiaozi is the leader." Meng Tian said sharply. "What's your city defense here?"

"General Mongolian, please rest assured, the Wolf tribe Xiaoxiao, my great Qin soldier relying on the solid walls of the city, there is absolutely no problem in holding the fortress." Han Hao answered.

"How is the situation."

"The wolf clan has now retired, our army ... half injured." Han Hao sighed and looked at the wounded soldiers in the barracks. If his mood fell to the bottom of the valley, these are all fellow children in Heyang County.

"Rest assured, the wolf started a large-scale battle this time, there must be a lot of damage. In a short time, they can not make big moves. Also, His Majesty the Emperor sent the Guards, and it ’s almost time, then I will transfer them Come and change the fortress. "Meng Tian said lightly.

"Thank you, General."

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