Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1464: Gold cicada shelling

"General, do you mean that these insurgents are only for us to fight, aren't they?" The sergeant asked, and Ye Shikai said that it was tantamount to admitting that the cavalry and the garrison were treated differently, so this remark came out, The sergeants off the court complained.

"Yes, you want to respect and reward, but respect is based on strength. The reward is exchanged for scars and blood. I am afraid that some of you have not even killed chickens and ducks. The thieves are afraid to fight. What qualifications do you have to enjoy the same treatment as the cavalry? "Ye Shikai shouted, but the sergeants in the field did not lose their temper. As far as their combat power and fighting consciousness are concerned, they have The cavalry baptized on the battlefield is not a degree at all.

There was a quiet scene, no one dared to refute Ye Shikai, and no longer complained that he had guarded the cavalry team. After all, the record with the wolf tribe was there. If it was about casualties, the war in Jixian, the cavalry team had more than half of the casualties.

"Now I give you a chance to kill this band of thieves, dignity, and rewards are yours. If any of you are afraid, I will not reluctantly. Now I take off my armor, surrender the weapon, and leave from the barracks." Ye Shikai saw that everyone was silent, and with certainty, it seemed that they were not arrogant, and the radical method was equally useful to them.

"This is the end of General Ye's words, and we don't say much, but before we set off, we wanted to ask the general whether the credit we got was the same as the cavalry."

"That's natural. For every cavalry slain, you get one or two silver, and military merit. For every rebellion you kill, the same is true of rewards," Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Well, with the words of the general, I can rest assured, isn't it a band of thieves? After we die, please ask the army to fulfill their promise." The sergeant turned and shouted, "Brothers, we Kill the enemy now and let the generals take a good look. None of us are hoeing. You who are willing to be with me will take the bounty to eat meat and drink after we win. "

"Lao Tzu is a good man, not afraid of the dead, I'll go."

"I'll go as well."

"We're all going."

These remarks have thoroughly stirred up the fighting spirit of the people. The sergeants took up their weapons one after another, and went up to fight the insurgents.

"Brothers, I will go with you, defeat them, return in triumph, and come back to drink and eat meat." Ye Shikai shouted.

"Listen to the general."

"Listen to the general."

"Well, let's set off right away." Ye Shikai ordered, and three thousand infantry and two thousand iron riders set off from the barracks, straight into the woods outside the city.

"Lao Ye, I didn't expect you to go on like this, they really set out and they were very aggressive." Shang Guanjian began to admire Ye Shikai a little bit. He thought he was just resourceful and good at planning. He didn't think there were "lobbyists" Potential.

"Shangguan, please remember that no one is oil-salt-in. If you can't move, it's just because the method is wrong and you can't talk about his heart." Ye Shikai said lightly. "These people are not afraid of death. They just don't want to. Let's die, if that's the case, then we have to find something worth their lives. "

"It turned out to be so clear to me, that's why you used the qi method, supplemented by rewards and military merit as bait to arouse their war will." Shang Guanjian nodded in response.

"However, from the information returned by Xue San, the insurgents are indeed not weak, and their fighting methods are also remarkable. It is no wonder that even when they face Qin Jun with several times the force, they also It can be repelled. "Ye Shikai was just using the general method. Naturally, he did not say the power of these insurgents, but he did not say that it does not mean that the strength is not there. To deal with these insurgents, we still need some brains.

"My general is ordered. When everyone arrives in the woods, without my order, they are not allowed to go forward and obey my arrangements."

"it is good."


Modern, European, Hades.

"Unexpectedly, a huge base, they really gave up like this." Doris took the trident and led people slowly into the base of the Hades.

"No one's base, it's just a building, it's useless, hum." Aphrodite said coldly, this is the "empty city plan" set by the ghost, and all the people in the Hades have already evacuated. Yes, I now use Yanjing's stronghold as a base. Not only that, but also the Temple of War and the Temple of Moon as a backup. Even if this base is thrown out, it will not hinder the operation of the Hades.

"This is the throne of Hades." Doris saw the position in the middle of the base. Since Ye Shikai became Hades, Hades has stood in the underground world. I don't know how many people think about this throne day and night.

Sitting on the throne of Pluto, Doris was always an ambitious person, otherwise she would not agree to cooperate with Aphrodite.

And Aphrodite wanted Ye Shikai's life ~ ~ Of course, and also Ji Qian and Wang Kai, Hades used a trick to "shell off the golden cicada", and retired from the whole body, annoying her. Therefore, even if she has captured the base of the Hades Palace, she can't feel a trace of relief. On the contrary, she is even more angry. The existence of the National Security Bureau in Huaxia makes it impossible for her to remove Ye Shikai in Yanjing.

"Hades is not here. They actually gave up the base directly. This must be the meaning of the moon god. That woman, it seems that it can't be the climate, I had overestimated her before." Doris was sitting on the position of Hades , Quite proud, with a hint of arrogance in his tone. As an ambitious person, it is inevitable that there will be moments when ambitions swell. Now Doris can be described as "the pinnacle of life".

"You shouldn't be too proud. Although the Hades is now at a low point, the main members are still there, their vitality is still there, and it is only a matter of time to want to fight back." Aphrodite reminded, but Doris didn't listen at all. If she didn't need Doris's help, she couldn't interrupt the cooperation, otherwise she would be angry now.

"And Ares of the Temple of War. His men are a group of desperate people. Since the return of the holy mountain, he has summoned men and horses to deal with the changes in the underground world. If the moon **** has a new plan, he is another Hidden dangers. "

"Yes, you are right. While the Hades and the Temple of the Moon are taking care of themselves, we should deal with this potential crisis first." Doris opened her eyes, her blue eyes looked cold.

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