Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1465: Temple of War crisis

Qin Dynasty.

"Report the general. The entrance to the woods has been completely surrounded by us. The brethren are ready to rush in at any time to destroy these thieves." The former sergeant who protested to Ye Shikai stepped forward and said, The radical law just now has a great effect on him.

"Now it's dark, all the insurgents are hidden in the old forests of the mountains, and arrows are set in the dark. If we rushed in recklessly, it was as if a group of prey entered the hunter's hunting circle, and it would only die in vain." Ye Shikai Faintly said, "We don't need to worry, I already have a countermeasure. You tell me all the brothers in the army, rest in place, restore physical strength, we will enter the mountain tomorrow morning."

"Okay, we all obey General Ye's orders."

The so-called "relieving in labor and turning to defend" is an uprising army that stays in the mountains, occupying the best conditions, there are beasts in the mountains, traps and weapons made of wood at your fingertips, and you can also expand houses and defenses from time to time He dispatched troops to attack the Qin Army's transport team and seized weapons and food. Ye Shikai led his troops far away, and the sergeant was exhausted. Even though the force was several times greater, it was difficult to exert its power. In addition, as he said earlier, the insurgent army was in the mountains and forests. Like hunters who wait patiently for their prey, night battles are their strengths. This is a peace. Under the circumstance that the time, the place and the people are not occupied, Ye Shikai will never attack.

Late at night, all the sergeants had begun to rest, but Ye Shikai did not dare to relax. He was born in Longya and knew too much about jungle warfare. The danger was unpredictable.

After Ye Shikai ordered the entire army to dawn, they set off for breakfast. At that time, people were most energetic, and after dawn, their vision was also beneficial to them.

Ye Yekai sat alone in the camp, waiting for the dawn of time ...


Modern, Temple of War.

"Master, Ghost and Lord Luna have negotiated, all left the headquarters, withdrew all personnel, even the chef." Kratos stood sideways and reported from Wang Kai.

"I have heard that in the ruins of the Holy Mountain, the loss of the Hades is too great. Dark Guard died dozens of people at once. Several leaders were also wounded, and the old leaves were gone. Hades is now besieged. Fortunately, the ghost rushed back in time, and the crisis in the Hades was alleviated. "Wang Kai said lightly.

"Really, then why the ghost still takes everyone away." Kratos asked curiously.

"Do n’t you understand? Ghosts are think tanks, but the" player of chess "who can really make decisions is Luna. Her identity as a lady of the Yanjing quarter is already a guarantee. No one can move in Yanjing. Furthermore, even if Doris and Aphrodite are still arrogant, they dare not face the National Security Bureau directly. "

"Reported Lord God of War, Beauty God and Poseidon broke through the door of the temple, and brought a group of dark masters." At this time, a member of the Temple of God hurried to report.

"Hehe, it seems that they dare not go to Yanjing, but dare to come to our trouble first." Wang Kai's face changed, his whole body exudes murderous intention, and he stood up holding the God of War gun. They came this time. It is impossible to come to "drink tea", Wang Kai is naturally not stupid, today is destined to have a **** battle.

"Kratos, the visitor is bad. Will you fight with me?"

"Of course, these **** dare to bully our doorstep, and their subordinates are willing to follow the Lord of War and fight to the end. As long as I'm alive, they don't want to leave the Temple of War alive." Kratos shouted with a pair of swords. .

"Brothers, are you willing to fight with me?" Wang Kai turned and shouted to the hundreds of members in the temple.

"Yes, we will fight with the adults to the end." The crowd shouted in unison, the sound echoed in the temple, and everyone was a warlike warrior.

"Okay, let's start the killing ring today, all come with me."

Fight at the gate of the shrine.

"Aris, you are finally out." Doris stepped on the bodies of several guards of the Temple of War and looked at Wang Kai in front of her, saying coldly.

Wang Kai is a hot-blooded man. So many brothers around him died in the hands of these two women. He was already in anger. Now there are so many brothers' bodies in front of him, which directly stimulated his nerves.

"Brothers, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid."

"Not afraid."

King Wang Kai glared at the people below the steps, gritted his teeth, because the grip strength was too fierce, and the joints of the palms were pale.

"The survival of the Temple of War, today, brothers, rush down with me and kill them." Wang Kai roared, hundreds of people leaped from the steps, Wang Kai stabbed a long gun in his hand, straight Refers to Doris.

"Very good, then let me see your strength." Doris said coldly.


Qin Dynasty.

Outside the woods, Ye Shikai asked the sergeants to line up. The sergeants in the two outermost tiers held large shields and blocked the sergeants behind them. ~ The insurgents frequently set dark arrows. If the generals are scattered, it is no different After giving them a chance, Ye Shikai also dismounted the war horse, stood in the queue, and walked forward.


Suddenly, two arrows shot through the distant woods, blocked by the sergeant with a shield in the front row, and everyone's eyes suddenly gathered in front. Sure enough, there were five or six hundred meters ahead. The person holding the long bow, after finishing the arrow, immediately stepped back, and disappeared in the woods.

"Sir, there are several thieves in front of us that are bothering us, I will take someone to chase it." Mancang was as excited as seeing the prey.

"You are too reckless. The other party knows that we have found out, and still want to shoot arrows. Obviously, we want to attract our troops to pursue." Ye Shikai pointed to the front. "The place is low, there are many commanding heights around it, The woods, if we chase after them, are deadly traps. "

"That's the case, my lord, what are we going to do now?" Mancang immediately realized that the trap was in it. It was really a little careless and he lost everything.

"Send heavy armour and crossbowmen to occupy the high ground on our journey, and the sides of the team also need sergeant protection." Ye Shikai ordered "The entire army to maintain the formation and continue to advance."

According to Xue San's report, there are already thousands of insurgents here, so they must also have strongholds and camps. Ye Shikai did not think that they could wipe them out, but as long as these strongholds are destroyed, the task can be regarded as 70% completed. Without stored food and weapons, they only have wandering parts in the mountains.


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