Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1483: Meet Han Hao

Chapter 1474 of the personal wife of the personal warrior ’s wife, Volume 1474, met with Han Hao. “Did you see Hua Liandie and want to indulge you intently?” He Linghan grumbled and grumbled.

"You're wrong, she seems to be the one who wanted to get drunk." Although Ye Shikai didn't understand the thoughts in Hua Liandie's mind, a smart person like her wouldn't make such low-level mistakes as "noisy guests." It seems that she had originally planned to make a “down horse power” at He Linghan at the wine table, but Ye Shikai became a “cannon fodder”, and he did not expect that Hua Liandie had such a good wine.

"Okay, too tired, go back to sleep." Ye Shikai slowly stood up, He Linghan reached out and helped him to go into the house. The two of them have already contracted, so it is reasonable to sleep together, but Ye Shikai hesitated , Still refused.

"Linger, I'll go back to my home to rest first tonight. It's not the time to get married, it's like this ... it doesn't seem appropriate." Ye Shikai also considered a lot. After all, this is Uncle He's home. On the wedding day, Ye Shikai and He Linghan were in the same room here, and it was a joke to talk about it. Besides, Ye Shikai ’s guards were outside.

"All right." He Linghan said shyly, holding Ye Shikai out of the door personally, and the cold wind blew on his face, suddenly sober.

"Full warehouse, you can take him home." He Linghan instructed carefully.

"Well, Madam Captain, rest assured, my lord, leave it to me."

The next day.

When Ye Shikai woke up, it was almost noon. I stumbled to remember that I was helped back home by Mancang last night, and then fell asleep directly in bed. Speaking of the strength of the drink last night, I did n’t drink it. What do you think, as soon as the stamina comes up, he "fragments".

"Master, you are awake." Mancang was already waiting outside the gate with the guards. According to the plan, Ye Shikai would go to the prefectural government house in Hanoi County to discuss with Han Hao about the collection of food and taxation. .

"Sir, you have just sobered up. Let's go a little distance to the county weir's house, or let the subordinates find a carriage for you and sit comfortably."

"No need, a grand general, if people see the carriage, wouldn't it be a joke." Ye Shikai immediately shook his head and refused. Although his head was still a little dazed, he was refreshed with cold water and ate some noodles casually. Ye Shikai left the village with everyone and ran to the county weird house. When he came to the meeting place, Ye Shikai noticed that there were many ordinary defenders wearing light armor in the team.

"My lord, although the law and order of Hanoi County is much better than that of East County, there are also a lot of robbers. We only bring the pro-guards. I am worried that I will get in trouble, so I transferred some people from the local defense forces. "Mancang explained immediately.

"What, nonsense, I am not afraid of tens of thousands of wolves, let alone some robbers." Ye Shikai's guards are all his carefully selected relatives. Although there are only two hundred people, each is a sergeant. Levels, after hundreds of battles, those robbers are by no means opponents.

"What's more, what if a part of the garrison is removed, what if a robber comes to attack the village." Ye Shikai turned his head and looked at the crowd.

"The defending army listened to the order, returned to the army, and continued to station." Ye Shikai ordered.



"Master, this is what Mrs. He commanded me last night, so I must ensure your safety." Manchu said in a difficult position, Ye Shikai understands, after all, the wedding day of the two is near, and He Linghan does not want any accidents.

"I see, I don't blame you this time, let's set off quickly." Ye Shikai continued.

"Well, the whole team set off."


The crowd quickly rushed to the county government house in a day, but it was late, and Ye Shikai wanted to lead the team to stay at the inn for one night, and then waited for the next day to find someone. What was unexpected was that Ye Shikai brought the talents just arrived Han Hao brought the sergeant in person.

"Brother Ye came to me without saying a word, and lived in the inn directly." Han Hao was very excited to see the deceased. After all, he was a county captain. Ye Shikai took the two hundred guards into the city, of course he could not hide it. Live him.

"I heard that Brother Ye was doing well in Dongjun County, and he killed many thieves. Congratulations." Han Hao personally ushered Ye Shikai into the house and asked someone to arrange a place for his guard.

"It's all a fluke."

"Yes, my brother stayed well in Dongjun. Why did he come here suddenly?" Han Hao asked the waiter to pour wine, and there were women dancing in the house.

"It's true, I came back this time to get married."

什么 "What, brother Ye is going to get married, this is a great event." Han Hao laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Yes, just three days later." Ye Shikai nodded.

"After three days, hey, that's unfortunate. I'm going to visit various counties. My brother also knows that the county is not very peaceful recently. As a county captain, I have a lot of pressure. I hope my brother understands and forgive me. Speaking over his shoulder, he turned around and looked at the waiter. "Come here, give my precious jade I treasured to my brother as a gift of marriage."


"Master Han, please wait. I didn't come here for this purpose ~ ~ Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"For what is it, brother please speak up."

"This time I returned to Sheung Shui Village and found that the grain in the granary was almost exhausted, not only in Sheung Shui Village, but also in several nearby villages. Now the villagers are saving money, but many people still Hungry and hungry. "Ye Shikai opened the door and asked directly, he ran a few hundred miles to the county government house just to figure this out.

"I asked the three old men in the village, and I realized that it was the county that sent people to collect a lot of food and taxes. The battle with the wolf tribe has ended. It is time to rest and restore the people's power. May I ask Han, why is this?"

"It turned out that Brother Ye came here for this matter." When Han Hao heard this, his face changed suddenly, his brow slightly wrinkled, and he gently waved his hand, and the waiter around him immediately backed down.

"Brother Ye annihilated the thieves in Dongjun County, and we should be clear about the current situation. Although we won the wolf tribe, the insurgents that emerged from everywhere were even more difficult for the wolf tribe. The government requisitioned these foods and was worried about them The invincible thief robbed. "Han Hao put down his wine glass and explained to Ye Shikai.

"Just because of that."

"Did Ye Ye think this matter is still small? It's true. There have been many attacks in the county. These thieves, even vehicles on official roads, dared to plunder, let alone granaries in the village."

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Personal King's Wife

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