Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1484: Full load

"These grains fell into the hands of the thieves, and they could immediately recruit men and soldiers, and in turn attack the officers. At that time, even if there were no more sergeants, it would not help. The most abominable people were the people who were favored by the thieves. Help the thief to deal with the official army, lie about the situation, cover up the recidivism, and according to Qin law, this is a felony, but I think they are usually safe and secure, so they opened one eye and closed one. "Han Hao coldly He said that there was a little more anger in his tone, and he could see that what had happened recently had made him a county captain's brain.

"Brother Ye, as a general who destroys the thief and as a colleague of mine, you should understand these situations. If these problems are not handled properly, your emperor will be angry. By then, my brother, my head, will not be able to keep it. "Han Hao took Ye Shikai's hand, and said that he was very difficult, how difficult, and how much pressure he had to be able to settle the position of the county captain. He also played a handful of emotional cards and embraced Ye Shikai. Counting it out, Ye Shikai can become a general from a civilian. The leaders are Han Hao and Shang Guanjian, especially Han Hao. He has more support and rewards. Although Ye Shikai is now in a high position, he is not one. The ungrateful man, although he disagrees with the decision in the county, he still holds three points of respect for Han Hao.

"Master Han said, of course I agree, but I think that the real reason for the frequent activities of the insurgents is that the county ’s heavy donations and miscellaneous taxes and heavy military service have made the people bored. The more chaos, the more people should be restored. Let the people have fields, clothes, and food. In this way, the people live and work in peace, and who would risk the beheading and fall into the grass. "Ye Shikai said forcefully. Since ancient times, the end of the tyrant After being spurned and abandoned by the people, it eventually became the dust of history. Qin Dynasty is the case. Ye Shikai is not a **** and has no ability to change the entire history. However, for the loved ones around him, he is willing to fight, even if only one is kept. The village, he was content.

"Well, my brother said exactly what I thought. If people could live a good life, how could anyone be willing to rebel, and no one would follow." Han Hao sighed and lowered his head slowly. .

"Unfortunately, this is an order from Xianyang, and the county guard can only obey it. As the county captain, I am only responsible for the military use of the county. The rest can't be controlled."

After all, Ye Shikai and Han Hao are officers of the Qin Dynasty. They are a part of this empire machine. They order where they want to fight and where they want to fight. Their responsibility is to command the army and line up, not Participate in the resolution.

"So, Brother Ye, this matter is not something you and I can control. Even if you report to Lord Junshou, he will also play His Majesty the Emperor, otherwise we can only execute the order." Han Hao photographed Ye Shikai Softly comforted his shoulder.

"Master Han, what you mean, I see." Ye Shikai waved his hands helplessly, looking down at the glass.

"Well, brother Ye, if you want to keep the Sheung Shui Village, I can help, and the county guard will sell me a little bit of face." Han Hao also gave Ye Shikai a "privilege", eliminating a small Taxes in the small village, he still has this kind of favor.

"Thank you, Mr. Han." Ye Shikai left the seat and bowed and thanked him. After speaking, he could not convince Han Hao, but he was able to give Shangshui Village a "privilege".

"Brother Ye came from a long distance, must be tired, rest in my house tonight."


The next day.

"What are these?" In the early morning, Ye Shikai stepped out of the room and saw many boxes stacked in the yard, and many waiters continued to send the wooden boxes in.

"Master Hui Hui, these are the wedding gifts given to you by Master Han. In addition to the beautiful jade that he treasures, these boxes of gold and silver are also given to the general." A waiter replied.

"Okay, you all put it there." Ye Shikai did not refuse, this is also a good intention of Han Hao, not to mention, he held a wedding, to entertain the whole village, but also need some money.

"Full warehouse, let the guard hire some staff to send to Sheung Shui Village together."

"Well, I'll have someone do it right away." Mancang nodded.

"Okay, the village's affairs have been resolved, and we don't have any need to stay here. Go back." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Sir, say that Han is willing to waive taxes in Shangshui Village." Mancang asked.

"Reluctantly, this is a decision in the county, and Master Han is not good at interfering, but in my face, it still gives me a privilege." Ye Shikai was helpless, but then again, although the sparrow is small, it is also a piece of meat Ah, better than nothing.

"That's good, sir, when will we go back."

"It's not too late, we set off immediately, rushed quickly, and strived to return to the village at night."

Ye Shikai was very thoughtful. Before leaving the county, most of the gold and silver donated by Han Hao were used to buy food. There is money and no food near Shangshui Village, and it is only available in the county ~ www ~ Haha, sir, we came to the county and changed more than two thousand stone grains as soon as we changed hands. "Mengcang smiled proudly as he looked at the long transportation team behind him.

"Whatever you laugh, that's all bought with money." From a personal point of view, Ye Shikai used private money to buy "public food" to supplement the granary in the village. This is definitely a "righteousness". Of course, the money is not fake. Yes, it's all boxes of real gold and silver, but it can help and even help so many people.

"Adult, the guard heard the news. We were followed by a group of people five miles behind us, sneaking along, all the way, there were a lot of people, there were more than 400 people." At this time, a cavalry rushed to the horse, Ye Shikai reports.

"Is there a weapon?"

"fully armed."

"Sir, we must have been followed by the robbers. We are carrying so much food. There are only two hundred guards and unarmed folks around them. They are looking for opportunities to grab food." Mancang said anxiously, pulling out his sword. Turn the horse's head.

"Sir, I'll stop them with a group of people, and you can take the troops first."

"If they really want to grab the food, how can they only follow behind and there must be theirs in front." Ye Shikai pointed to the woods in front.

"That wood is suitable for ambush. If I'm not wrong, they will pinch back and forth when we get to the wood."

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