Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1498: Grievance

"You ..." Ye Shikai didn't get upset either. Last time Hua Liandie said to leave and didn't leave a message. Ye Shikai was worried about her, and now she just came back to do bad things. Luo Li was right, if the fire was not promptly rescued, the village owner would become an ashes for at least half an hour, and then the forest on the hill would be lit, and then the whole village would fall into a sea of ​​fire. The village started to extinguish the fire together. I am afraid that half of the village will be burned. If this is the case, thousands of villagers will have to be displaced and have nowhere to live for at least half a month.

怎么 "Why, do you still want to blame me?" Hua Lian Die faced with anger, despite the many people around her, asked Ye Shikai aloud.

"I don't want to quarrel with you right now." Ye Shikai looked at the villagers around her, and it was not easy to get angry at her, turning her somber face, said coldly.

"Loli, quickly organize your men and help the villagers fight the fire."

"Oh, go here."

Ye Yekai turned to leave, but Hua Liandie stretched her hands.

"You stand still, and explain the words here today." Hua Liandie seemed to be angry, grabbed his arm and refused to let it go.

说 "Say, are you blaming me?"

"Yeah, no." Ye Shikai was very helpless. After all, Hua Liandie appeared here, which was the only place he hadn't considered this time. She appeared at the village entrance with her guard, blocking the retreat of the robbers and forcing them. When the dog jumped off the wall, Ye Shikai was also responsible, not to mention that Hua Liandie was also out of kindness.

"You lie, you are still perfunctory now." Hua Liandie still relentlessly.

"Why did I lie to you?"

"You don't even look at me when you talk, and your tone is not serious, obviously you don't want to talk to me, and then you just find an excuse to want to leave."

"You ... it's almost unreasonable." Ye Shikai couldn't bear it. She shoved her palms hard, saying that it wasn't going to work, right, let me lose my temper.

"The other day, you just left, obviously you just want to leave, even if you want to leave, at least ... you should say hello, and if you suddenly appear today, even if you help, you shouldn't Let ’s help, anyway, wait for these robbers to run out of the village, and then let your arrows go. Your people blocked the village entrance. Isn't this forcing them to set fire to the village. "Speaking of this, Ye Shikai was crying and laughing Liandie is like a "no big, no small" joke with him.

"Where do I know so much?" Hua Liandie knew she had done bad things with good intentions, but she didn't want to be wronged. "You bastard, I came here to help you, you blame me, huh, since you don't want me to come , Then I will go now. "

"Okay, okay." Ye Shikai knew that Hua Liandie was just going to leave, so she obeyed her heart and pulled her over again.

"It's so easy to come, I haven't eaten at my wedding banquet, what's the matter, just stay and drink two glasses before leaving. You're so good, you won't be afraid."

怎么 "How come, stay and stay, I let my men eat you."

"Anyway, what you eat is also given by you." Ye Shikai turned around and mumbled to himself, and rolled his eyes inadvertently.


"Adults, all the burning houses have been extinguished, and a total of 36 houses have been burned. In addition, when these robbers entered the village east, they went into the house to search for villagers' property and damage the houses. Fortunately, the general ordered in advance to let the villagers take Valuables to avoid greater losses. "Luo Li hurried to Huihui report.

"Well, you take your brother and quickly distribute silver to the villagers whose houses have been destroyed. In addition, notify the three old men and organize manpower to help the villagers build new houses." Ye Shikai ordered.


"Master, our captive robbers are here, there are more than 300 people." Sergeant Xue Sanhe brought the captive robbers to the village entrance to concentrate.

"Squat on the ground, be honest." Many sergeants gathered here to prevent these robbers from running away.

"Send them to the county as soon as possible. In addition, I promised Su Li, the leader of the robber, to spare his brother's life. I wrote a letter and you gave it to the county magistrate." Ye Shikai commanded.

"Subordinates understand."

"Okay, send them away quickly. If the villagers are gathered around, it will not be easy." Ye Shikai urged him to let Xue San take his guard to the county.

In the village.

"Fellowmen in Shangshui Village, these thieves have been defeated by us, and the descendants have been sent to the government. After that, we will no longer have to worry about the threat of robbers." Ye Shikai came to the village, and many villagers gathered Here, after this battle, they wiped out the robbers at the least cost. Not only that, they also won the starting point of the people.

"Great, no one will dare to disturb the village in the future."

"Yes, the general is indeed the protector of our village."

"It's a pleasure to fight with the general."

Dazhong villagers are very happy. Except that they burned several houses and lost some clothes and quilts, they had almost no casualties and killed so many robbers. This is a miracle.

好 "Okay, folks, we have dealt with the robber's body. We continue to drink and eat meat ~ ~ once, continue to get married, and on the other hand, it is also our celebration party.


怎么 样 "Well, is the battle over?" In the room, He Linghan saw Ye Shikai's arrival and stepped forward to ask.

"Well, it was a complete victory, most of the robbers were destroyed, and the rest also surrendered."

"Haha, I said a long time ago, adults and even the northern wolves can easily play with them, let alone robbers in these areas." Mancang smiled proudly.

"Okay, let's all go out." Ye Shikai took He Linghan's hand and went out.

In the courtyard.

The people returned to the hospital one after another. After some fierce fighting, they also passed the "Joshi" mentioned by the three old men, but Ye Shikai would not believe this. If it wasn't for the command he just directed, then this " "Joshi", the robbers should have slaughtered the villagers and burned them down.

Hua Liandie came to the house, He Linghan poured her hot tea, and Ye Shikai stood up. Although she was doing bad things with good intentions this time, she was also kind to Shangshui Village, and the food provided was largely solved. The urgent need in the village.

"Congratulations, Mrs. He." Hualiandie asked the waiter to take out a wooden box. "This is my gift for you."

"Thank you very much. I heard that you have helped a lot in the village. It is really hard work." He Linghan said lightly.

"It's just a trivial matter. If you need help in the future, just say it."

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