Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1499: The story of Hualiandie

In the courtyard, Ye Shikai took He Linghan's hand and stood on the central stage. Instead of wearing the usual groom's clothes, Ye Shikai wore a red coat outside the armor, which not only did not affect the beauty, but looked mighty. , Set off a heroic pose.

"Dear folks, General Ye is a great hero against the wolf tribe. Now he is helping the village to resist the robbers outside, and He girl is virtuous and virtuous. The following villagers said.

"Yeah, General Ye is the dragon and the phoenix among the two, and they are in love."

"This is a match made in heaven. I hope that General Ye can protect the village in the future. The situation today is really scary."

"Yeah yeah."

"General Ye, Girl He, we are going to worship next." San Lao turned and said softly to the two.

"San Lao, we are ready." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"That's good." San Lao came to the center and cleared his throat.

"Who worships heaven and earth."

The two kneeled slowly and bowed to the heaven and earth outside. In fact, there are many Chinese weddings in modern times, but modern times use bowing instead of kneeling, but since Ye Shikai has traveled for more than two thousand years The former Qin Dynasty naturally followed the rules here.

"Bai Gaotang."

Ye Shikai and He Linghan turned around. In the hall, Ye Shikai was alone in the Qin Dynasty. He naturally had no parents. Therefore, the only person in front of them was He Bo. He was the grandfather of He Linghan. Before Ye Shikai did n’t come, he was also He Linghan. The only loved one, but now it is different. After the two are married, they are spouses, naturally they are considered relatives.

"Well, get up quickly," the old man urged.

"Couple worship."

The two stood up and turned to look at each other. Ye Shikai was wearing a red hijab, and could see He Linghan's eyes faintly. I wonder if it was an illusion or an illusion. He Linghan's eyes were slightly red ...

"Sent to the cave."

"Congratulations to General Ye and congratulations to Mrs. General." The villagers stood up and congratulated with wine. Today is indeed a great day. The village repelled the robbers and encountered the event of marriage. It was called double happiness, and the sky was dark. The waiter helped He Linghan into the wedding room, while Ye Shikai greeted the guests outside.

"Sir, congratulations, come and drink." Mancang drank a lot of good wine and has begun to get drunk. In normal times, because he wants to protect Ye Shikai's safety, he stays awake at all times and dares not to take any care, but today is exceptional.

"Okay." Ye Shikai poured the wine in the glass into his mouth, many guardian guards came over to toast, unknowingly, Ye Shikai had already drank dozens of glasses of wine. If it was normal, he would definitely do that. Stop and stay awake for the last time, but today he drank to the end ...

"Again ... pour me a glass of wine." Ye Shikai lay at the table, his face turned red, he was drunk, and most of the guests had gone home, leaving only Ye Shikai's guard to guard outside.

"How much did you drink." At this time, a soft voice sounded in the ear, Ye Shikai looked up, and a woman reflected in her eyes, but at this time he was drinking heavily, his vision was blurred, and he could not see at all Who's in front of me, but ... a woman.

"Cut, the amount of alcohol is normal, and there are so many. Today is your happy day." The woman is of course Hualiandie. When the guard was toasting, she was sitting aside, but Ye Shikai was busy "drinking" and didn't notice she was.

"You ... you are a woman, drinking so much wine, not a woman, and you are so embarrassed to say me." In the vagueness, Ye Shikai's tone has changed. Now that he is drunk, it can be said as "drinking disorder Speak. "

"You ... Really, after drinking and talking, the wine is really bad." Hua Liandie could not help complaining, looked out and looked at Ye Shikai carefully, and determined that he was really drunk, then he was relieved.

"You said that I was a profit-oriented businessman. It was really superficial. If I am a person who is eager for prosperity and wealth, where do I need to visit the seven countries to do business, and my home is beautiful?" Hua Liandie muttered. Speak, while talking and drinking.

"You may have been a big family from the kingdom of Yan, and now you have the talents of heaven and earth, why now you are willing to work for the country of Qin, aren't you ... greedy for that military merit, if I want to do something big, will you help me? . "

"Perhaps, you just wanted to live an ordinary life, but Well, Master Xu Fu once said that you are not an ordinary person, you are the killer of a wolf, and you will not live a long and peaceful life like this. ... "

After half an hour.

In the wedding room.

Hey, hey, hey.

There was a rapid knock outside the door, and the door was slowly opened.

"Ahem, General Ye was drunk in the courtyard. Several of our brothers helped him in." The visitors were several guards. Ye Shikai was drunk and drunk. Several guards brought Ye Shikai into the room and let it go gently. On the bed and then left quickly.

He Linghan gently took off Ye Shikai's armor, and wiped his face with a towel ~ ~ Due to drunkenness, his face was very red, and a red hijab blocked her vision, so she The movement is very slow, but even so, He Linghan did not lift the hijab to the start

"Linger." Ye Shikai murmured in his mouth, he was already drunk, this is just drunk.

He Linghan gently covered him with a quilt, and then lay silently beside him ...

The next day.

"When is it now?" Ye Shikai rubbed her temples and slowly sat up from the bed. She was awake drunk and felt uncomfortable. Her head was drowsy and she rubbed her eyes. Ye Shikai finally saw the sight in front of her. .

"Are you awake?" He Linghan's voice sounded in his ear, and he turned around to see that she was sitting in front of the dressing table, but ... she was still wearing a wedding gown and the red hijab on her head was not lifted.

Awful, Ye Shikai slammed his head suddenly. He drunk too much last night. He didn't know why he was sent to bed. He didn't even say a word to He Linghan, and went straight to sleep.

"Did you ... didn't sleep all night?" Ye Shikai quickly put on her clothes and got out of bed.

"Sleeping for a while." Ye Linghan stood up and passed a weighing rod.

"this is……"

"The red hijab on my head should let the husband break away, doesn't it?"

This girl, in order to let Ye Shikai personally open her red hijab, she did not lift the hijab overnight, Ye Shikai suddenly felt a guilty feeling in her heart, and that happened on the night of her wedding.

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