Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1539: 2 difficult choices

If Ye Shikai really starts to “rebellion”, no matter whether he can save these people, he and his subordinates will become “rebellious”, and the army of 100,000 is next to them. If they really fight, no matter how good Ye Shikai is His Majesty's 20,000 brothers are destined to suffer heavy losses, and their families will also be condemned for their actions.

Ye Shikai certainly wanted to save people, but he also had to think about his 20,000 brothers. If he didn't ask their opinions to "rebellion", wouldn't he bet the lives of these sergeants' families, Ye Shikai would not do so.

"Lao Ye, when do you say those troops will arrive." Shang Guanjian asked.

"According to Xue San's information, they departed from various counties in the two counties. The rapid march took three days at most, and they all arrived." Ye Shikai estimated it and got an approximate date. Now Han Hao has sent troops to the vicinity. The village is strictly guarded. I am afraid that as soon as the remaining soldiers and horses arrive, he will start. The situation is urgent, leaving less time for Ye Shikai. Now he is anxious and tangled.

"Shangguan, you are here to command the troops for me. I have some urgent matters to return to Puyang." After thinking for a long time, Ye Shikai said something.

"Okay, just leave it to me." Shang Guanjian knew Ye Shikai's thoughts. Now that the situation is urgent, he has to go back to Puyang. There is only one thing.

Loquat Leaf House.

"Father, why are you back?"

Ye Yekai walked into the courtyard. He Linghan was watering the flowers and plants in the garden. She looked very comfortable. She saw Ye Shikai suddenly returning and asked curiously.

"Linger, I ..." Ye Shikai's words just came to his mouth, but he swallowed them again.

"Fu Jun, what are you doing?" He Linghan asked in confusion.

"No, it's okay, Linger, I'm fine." Ye Shikai turned his head, not letting He Linghan see the expression on his face.

"What is wrong with you, husband?"

"It's all right."

"Well, now that you're home, don't leave now. Take a good rest. I'll cook for myself tonight. How about it?" He Linghan leaned on his back and laughed softly. If it was normal, He will feel very happy. He likes He Linghan's little bird like a person, but at this moment, his heart is like a knife.

Looking at the back of He Linghan's disappearance, Ye Shikai thought about many things and slowly sat on a chair. When he was in Yanjing, he had thought of such a life countless times. The two loved each other and lived on. Major event, now he came to the Qin Dynasty, met He Linghan, and finally lived the life he longed for. If this time he ignored the matter of fascination and care, this life can continue forever, even if it is based on history. In that way, when the Qin Dynasty was overthrown, he could also take He Linghan to a place no one knew, living in the mountains and living a pastoral life.

"Fu Jun, try this roast meat. I improved the recipe and it tastes more delicious." At the table, He Linghan gave Ye Shikai the food very carefully. Recently East County was very "disordered". Ye Shikai has been away for a long time at home. It's not long, but He Linghan didn't complain.

"Well, okay." Ye Shikai didn't show a smile for a long time. Only at home can he release his pressure and don't need to think about anything.

"Let's go down first." He Linghan waved his hand and motioned for the waiters around to step down.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Fu Jun, in the garden this afternoon, do you have anything to say?" He Linghan asked suddenly.

"Nothing." Ye Shikai's palms trembled, a flash of nervousness flashed on his face, but he soon covered up.

"Lying, you obviously have something to tell me, and it's still a big deal, right?" He Linghan put down the chopsticks, stretched out his hands and held Ye Shikai's arm.

"Father, you have nothing to do, just tell me."

"Did I just say nothing?" Ye Shikai smiled bitterly, and although he was not in the taste, he smiled at He Linghan.

"Fu Jun, if you hide it again, I will be angry. I have been married to you for so long. Can you hide anything from me? If you did n’t want to say it before, I wo n’t ask, but this time I You can see that you really encountered something. Why ca n’t you tell me the truth? ”He Linghan asked, this time she acted resolutely. If Ye Shikai did n’t say it, she would keep asking.

"Oh, do you know what happened to the meteor?"

"I see. Recently I heard the lotus talk about this matter, saying that it is to be fooled and guarded, that something is going to happen."

"It is indeed a major event. His Majesty the Emperor has issued a secret order to kill all the people within 50 miles of the meteor falling, and the chickens and dogs will not stay." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"What." He Linghan's complexion changed greatly after hearing. She was just a woman. Naturally, she felt panic when she heard such a thing.

"Fifty miles away, even Shangshui Village is among them ~ ~ Speaking of which, Ye Shikai has no appetite, and pushes the food aside. The place where the meteor fell is at the junction of the two counties. The location is exactly at the junction of the two counties. Although Shangshui Village and the meteor are in the two counties, the distance is only thirty miles. On the day the meteor fell, many villagers from Shangshui went to watch.

"Isn't that grandpa ..." He Linghan's tears burst out, and Ye Shikai hurriedly held her in her arms.

"Relax, he will be fine. I have sent someone to take him to the barracks." Ye Shikai comforted softly. Although the order of the emperor was to kill the people fifty miles away, as a general, he still had "privilege". some.

"Linger, since you want to know, I won't hide it. Tens of thousands of people 殃 and among them, watching so many people die in front of me, I can't accept it, so I want to ... stop them."

"If I did, I would immediately be rebellious, wanted, and you would be implicated. Rebellion is a death penalty, I ..."

"Fu Jun, you don't need to say any more." He Linghan already understood Ye Shikai's meaning.

"Master, what would you choose if I advised you not to do this?"

"Then I won't start a soldier." Ye Shikai answered very bluntly. He was also selfish. He knew the consequences of starting a soldier better. If He Linghan didn't want to take this risk, Ye Shikai would tend to her side. After all, he was a man It is impossible to drag his wife into a "dangerous situation", and if these people are assassinated, he can only speak silently and endure his inner suffering.

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