Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1540: Seize military power

"Linger, I promise you that I want to give you a happy and stable life, so if you don't want to, then I will not start a soldier." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Fu Jun, if you didn't have me, would you still start a soldier?" He Linghan asked again.

"This ..." Ye Shikai did not answer slowly. If he had never met He Linghan, then naturally he would not dread it now, I am afraid that there will probably be soldiers.

"Fu Jun, if you don't have me, you will definitely start a soldier, right?" He Linghan said lightly, his voice was very light, but every word fell into Ye Shikai's heart like a hammer. He Linghan knew how he was. The two were married for six months Many thoughts, even if he didn't say it, he only needed one look to understand. Ye Shikai hesitated, and He Linghan understood his mind.

"Linger, this matter is very important. I don't want to make a hasty decision. The fate of tens of thousands of brothers is in my hands, but I care most about you."

"Father, I marry you, no matter what decision you make, I have no complaints. Now that you have made up your mind, for the sake of the people, and fight against the army, go ahead and do not worry about my safety."

"No, Linger, I can't afford to be soldiers anymore, we will live like this forever." Ye Shikai suddenly held her hands in excitement, her eyes turned red, and said loudly, He Linghan gently pushed his hands away and stared.

"Fu Jun, since you have decided to start a troop, don't say more. Linger supports you. You are going to troop for tens of thousands of people. You are not a traitor, a great hero in the world. I can marry a great hero. Very satisfied. "He Linghan showed a faint smile and embraced Ye Shikai's arms.

"Father, just let it go."

"Linger, I'm sorry for you." Ye Shikai held her tightly in his arms, and to be honest, he really didn't want to take risks, let alone take He Linghan to take risks.

"Fu Jun, you have never been sorry for me. If you give up righteousness in order to protect your personal interests, Linger will look down on you." He Linghan said lightly, "Fu Jun, you go quickly."

The next day.


"General Chen Ping, why did you come to the barracks?" Shang Guanjian sat in the center, looking at the general in front of him, looking dignified, and standing in front of him was General Chen Ping, a general in the county ward house. Shang Guanjian knew him. He and Ma Yao were fellow villagers, so they were also Ma Yao's confidants. Before daybreak, Chen Ping came to the barracks with a team of guards.

"Why didn't you see General Ye when you were in the Shangguan army?" Chen Ping's tone was quite arrogant.

"General Ye is in a hurry. He is not in the barracks now. Let me take charge of the army and command the entire army."

"That's it, no problem." Chen Ping waved his hand and let the guard present a bamboo slip.

"Yi Junjun ’s military order is here." Chen Ping opened the bamboo slip and began to read. "General Ye killed the thief army and bowed for the Taijun Taiping. Qianliang, combining work and rest, taking care of the body, during General Ye's vacation, General Chen Ping replaced the commander. "After Chen Ping finished reading, he passed the bamboo slip to Shangguanjian.

"Shangguan's army, the commander of the county captain is here. Since General Ye is not in the barracks, please also give me your soldiers."

Shangguanjian's fists clenched tightly. Where did Ma Yao think about Ye Shikai? This clearly shows that he wants to seize his military power. However, Ma Yao is the county captain of the East County after all. With the resistance, it will inevitably fall into the tongue of the people. At that time, he must be the one who suffers. It is better to do the opposite.

"Haha, that's the case. Since it is the command of the county captain, I will naturally obey it, but ... General Ye has not returned yet. If I give you the soldier's amulet now, the army will have two commanders, the sergeants. I will listen to your orders from General Chen or General Ye. In this way, management will inevitably cause chaos. Now, at a critical moment, General Chen Ping does not want to see chaos in the army. "Shang Guanjian said with a smile, a pair Refreshing look.

"The words of the Shangguan army ... a little bit of truth."

"So, General Chen Ping, I have a best-of-breed solution. When General Ye left the barracks, I told him that he would be back within two days. You might as well stay in the barracks for a day and wait until General Ye returns. The commander of the county captain will be handed over to you by General Ye, and you will be justified, and the sergeants will obey you. "

"That's ... Yeah, just as the officer said." In the end, Chen Ping chose to compromise. Ye Shikai was a high-ranking general in the county. He had high prestige in the army. Taking over military power under certain circumstances will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the sergeants.

"Okay, come here, drink, I want to clean the air for General Chen."



"General Chen, this is the good wine I brought back from Jixian, please." At the banquet, Shang Guanjian gave up the subject to Chen Ping. He sat on the side table himself and poured the wine for Chen Ping himself.

"The Shangguan army is polite." Chen Ping nodded and indicated that the main character in the middle could only be seated by the commander-in-chief. Shang Guanjian gave up this position ~ ~ Chen Ping's vigilance naturally relaxed a lot.

"General Ye has been going overseas for a year. It is really hard. I don't hide General Chen. In fact, I also have the idea of ​​resigning to go home and enjoy my life. Wouldn't it be fun?" Shang Guanjian said with a smile.

"Haha, what my brother said, why don't I want it? Now the thieves are all around and fighting everywhere. Although it is a good opportunity to build a career, if you are a little careless, you will lose your life." Liquor, Jiujin came up, and he also kept his mouth shut. He even talked with Shangguanjian about the "life ideal".

"General Chen, I have a sudden discomfort in my stomach. Go to the toilet first. The general eats and drinks well."

这样 "That's right, that brother is going back soon."

Shang Shangjian made an excuse and left the camp. Xue San and Mancang were waiting outside.

"Shangguan, what's going on." Mancang asked immediately.

"Ma Junwei issued a military order and asked Lao Ye to hand over his military power to Chen Ping. He should be afraid that Lao Ye would affect their actions." I am afraid that it is expected that Ye Shikai will not execute the secret order, so Chen Ping was allowed to seize the military power.

"What, dare to seize the army, I cut him." After listening to Man Cang, he was so excited that he pulled out his sword and rushed into the camp. Shang Guanjian quickly stopped him.

"Military, what are you going to do next?" Xue San, a sane person, asked.

"Xue San, you immediately leave the camp, find Lao Ye, tell him about it, and prepare him."

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