Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1545: Start a fierce battle

Han Hao did not expect that Ye Shikai would actually turn against him. As a celebrity in front of General Meng Tian, ​​if he could continue to stay in the army, there would be no future. He did not expect that he would rebel. Was surprised.

"Order, kill all these people, leaving no one." Han Hao pulled out his sword and shouted.

"喏." A commander mounted a fast horse and flew to the front.

"My lord has orders to kill the people on the spot."

"My lord has orders to kill the people on the spot."

The voice of Zhuan Lingling passed into the army, and also into the ears of the people ...

"Grandpa, did you hear that? The soldiers seem to say they are going to kill us."

"Yeah, I heard that too."

"I heard it too."

The instructions for the slaughter of Xun were passed on ten and ten, and soon the people began to panic. Any normal person would not wait to hear this.

"Dear folks, these **** are meant to kill people. We must not wait for them to rush with me." A strong man stood up and shouted.

是 "Yeah, instead of becoming a lamb to be slaughtered, it is better to fight hard, we have reversed."


Thousands of people rushed to the army. They were all innocent people, but they were killed because of such a meteor. In fact, it was not the so-called "God's will" that killed them, but the numbness of the court. Ye Shikai could not understand why The court would rather believe in such a meteorite than the people, perhaps because there was no modern science in this era, and Ye Shikai could not explain it, but the court would never believe that people only believe in what they are willing to believe, and Regardless of the truth, all he can do is to protect these people.

"Arrow the arrow." A general in the army line shouted aloud, but the crossbowman in front didn't take any action.

"What are you waiting for, put your arrows down, dare to violate the law, dispose of military law." The general pulled out his sword and shouted.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖, 嗖.

Thousands of arrows descended from the sky, like a dark cloud, covering the sky.

In an instant, hundreds of villagers in the front row fell down with arrows, and Qin Jun's strong crossbow shot farther than the crossbow of the Six Kingdoms. This is also a weapon to sweep the Six Kingdoms and fight against the wolf tribe. These people With bare hands and no cover, he can only wait for the arrow. The people behind him are holding the body to avoid the arrow rain.

"The army advances and kills them all."

The sergeant in the first row raised the shield, and the sergeant in the back stabbed his spear and moved forward step by step. The army formation was surrounded by four walls and surrounded the people in the middle. The four directions moved forward at the same time. He rushed forward, but before hitting the shield, he was shot through the body with a spear.

Hundreds of thousands of people were divided into more than 20 areas. Han Hao arranged this because he was worried that these people would get into trouble, so he separated them so that they could break through each.

far away.

"Brothers, our battle is nine deaths, you are not afraid." Ye Shikai led a 5,000 person, stood in front of the army, and shouted.

"Not afraid."

"Not afraid."

"Not afraid."

"Well, let's stir up the world today and rescue all the people." Ye Shikai mounted the war horse and took out his sword, holding a gun in his left hand, and a sword in his right hand, his eyes were full of murderous intentions.

"May go with the general."

"May go with the general."

"Okay, the officers and men obey orders, kill me."

Ye Shikai rushed out of the army, and his first soldiers were closely followed by several vice generals. Han Hao scattered these people and defeated them. It also gave Ye Shikai a chance. If the 90,000 troops line up, then In any case, Ye Shikai is difficult to break. Facing 90,000 people with 5,000 sergeants is tantamount to hitting stones with eggs, but now the 90,000 army is scattered, which gives Ye Shikai the possibility of defeating each one.

Ye Shikai rushed into the army, flew one directly with a shot, and flung him in the air. In the blink of an eye, one side of the army array opened a gap. The 5,000 sergeants behind charged like a pack of wolves and killed in a blink of an eye. come.

"Look, there are people there to save us, folks, quickly go over there." The surrounded people saw this, as if they saw the dawn of hope, seized the straw for help, and ran towards Ye Shikai.

"Dear folks, there is a valley five miles to the east, and there are our people, run there, hurry up." Ye Shikai shouted, some strong and bold villagers rushed forward and joined this " "Melee", they picked up a spear and a knife and rushed to the Qin Army formation. Fortunately, Ye Shikai had his subordinates wear a red scarf around their necks before they avoided accidental injuries.

"Fast, folks, run to the east." The uprising sergeant also shouted, and the people heard it clearly and ran to the east immediately.

"Dear folks, the Qin Army slaughtered our loved ones, I Ye Shikai has determined to rise up and resist, and is willing to join me, pick up weapons and armor, and we will rescue all the rest."

"Abomination, these bastards, I am willing to follow General Ye." These people have just escaped the fate of being slaughtered, and they are all holding their breath. Now that they have the opportunity to avenge themselves, they will of course choose to fight hard.

"It's all dead anyway ~ ~ I fight with them."

"Dear folks, we fight with them."

"it is good."

Many young and powerful people picked up their weapons and joined Ye Shikai's team.

"The old women and children go first, and the others come with me." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, rushing to the next army formation, at the same time, the people in the other army formations also found the same here, one after another Rushed over.

"Everyone follow me."


"Master Han, look, there is an army attacking our army. They are trying to rescue these people." At the same time, Han Hao also discovered the anomaly. Ye Shikai started to resist, which he did not expect. He first dispatched the most elite cavalry team to attack the rear of the army, in order to disrupt Han Hao's army and make him lose control in a short time, making it difficult to support the front.

"Quickly, send about 30,000 troops around and go and besiege them. Since he is going to counter, I will destroy him." Han Hao ordered.


"Also, those cavalry teams that attacked us later are just interference. Don't worry about them anymore and let General Li lead the army to chase the fleeing people." Han Hao also saw Ye Shikai's strategy and faced tens of thousands of troops He attacked from the front, hitting stones with a pebble, so his only way was to break them down. In addition, since it was to rescue the people, he must have arranged a retreat.


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