Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1546: Be in a siege

The army led by Han Hao has already reacted and rushed towards the crater. Although Ye Shikai was a raid, his Majesty's troops were too few. At best, it was only a temporary repulsion of the Qin army. If it really hit the front, it would not last long.

"General Ye, look over there." In the direction of the sergeant's finger, Ye Shikai turned his head and saw the dust rise on the horizon in the distance. This was Han Hao's army.

"Half of the people have not been rescued yet, General Ye, what shall we do?"

Ye Yekai looked far away, and at this speed, tens of thousands of Qin Army would cull over and surround them in no time.

"You took a group of people to **** the people to the valley. In addition, Han Hao must have sent an army to hunt down the people, and immediately notified the full warehouse to rate the armored army to meet the enemy, and they must block the Qin army."


Ye Yekai looked at the few sergeants around him and the people who followed him. He had mixed feelings in his heart, and more than half of the people were surrounded by the army. If they did not save them, they would all be slaughtered.

"The rest are coming with me." Ye Shikai turned his horse. Han Hao's army had surrounded him from both sides. Tens of thousands of cavalry and ten thousand horses galloped. This position alone was enough to make everyone fear. Ye Shikai Leading the army deeper, this is simply death.



The arrows fell, and countless people fell to the ground. Ye Shikai waved his sword to hit the arrows. The brothers around him also fell down one by one. They were throwing a bet. All the soldiers who came came to do a good job. Mental preparation, otherwise faced with such an arrow rain, even the iron rider of the wolf family had to avoid its sharp edge.

Ye Yekai rushed into the army and defeated all nearby Qin Army. The remaining people saw this and ran towards this side.


"Hurry up, everyone, arrow rain is here."

Ye Shikai was shocked when the arrow rain covered the sky. He picked up a shield and blocked his head. The arrow rain fell. There were hundreds of dead bodies on the ground. Ye Shikai's mount also hit an arrow, but the war horse was not frightened. This horse is just like human nature, knowing that now is the crucial moment, and it is necessary to endure the pain and run.

"Quickly, all come here." Ye Shikai shouted. The only 3,000 sergeants left around stiffly blocked the impact of 30,000 people. It took only two hours for Huoxiang to evacuate all of these people.

After half an hour.

"General Ye, the people have almost retreated, and we should go."

Ye Yekai turned around and looked around. The people ran towards the valley to the east. Han Hao also sent a large army to hunt down the people, but he was dragged by the iron armored army in a warehouse, and could not move forward.

"Okay, everyone will follow me."

"You can't let go of a rebel and surround them." At this time, Han Hao's army had surrounded the crowds, and the road to the valley was also cut off. Mancang and Wan Xieyuan led the Iron Armor and Iron Rider. Break in to make a siege, but they are all blocked outside. This is an army of 60,000 to 70,000, surrounded by three layers inside and three outside, like an iron bucket.

"General, we are surrounded and cannot go out."

"We are surrounded."

Ye Yekai turned his head and looked around. Indeed, the reinforcements of Qin Jun had surrounded three sides, and behind them was the meteorite crater. This is a desperate situation, and no one can kill it from here ...

Being surrounded by siege, everyone understands the current situation. In addition to the final battle, they are surrendering, but even if they surrender, the end of the rebellion is a dead end.

Ye Yekai didn't panic. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he was looking for a breakthrough.

"Count people."

"Reporting general, there are more than 1,900 brethren, of which more than 700 are seriously injured."

Five thousand sergeants, only one third of them are still fighting. Ye Shikai is very heartbroken. The remaining sergeants support each other. There are too many wounded people. Several people are needed to support them. More than one thousand people face up to fifty thousand or sixty thousand Qin. Jun, this scene is very "tragic."

Su Yeye Kai suddenly felt relieved. Maybe today, he would really die here. If he could, he would rather let Mancang and Wan Xuanyuan retreat immediately without increasing unnecessary injuries.

"General, brothers are not afraid of death, let's fight with them."


Now Ye Shikai is fighting against the water, everyone understands that today they cannot escape.

At this time, a general on horseback emerged from the Qin Army. It was Han Hao who came.

"Rebel, the court treats you well, but you lead the army to rebel, do you still have a conscience?" Han Hao scolded.

"Ha ha, conscience, do you deserve to mention the word" conscience "?" Ye Shikai looked at the bodies of the people on the ground, most of them were killed by arrows, and many were shot to death by lances. He laughed wildly, this is a kind of naked irony, since he crossed the Qin Dynasty, he has not been crazy like today.

If they had some conscience, they would not do such a desolate thing. Ye Shikai's heart was filled with anger, and he held his sword tightly in his hands.

"Brothers, you may follow me and fight happily."

"Will fight with the general."

"Very good ~ ~ line up to meet the enemy." Ye Shikai dismounted the war horse, which was given to him by Shangguanjian when he was in Shangshui Village. Although it is not a peerless horse, he also follows He galloped across the field, and as a result, he naturally became emotional.

"Brother, it seems that we can't go out today." Ye Shikai patted the horse's back gently, and said in his ear, Ye Shikai vigorously pulled out the arrow on the horse, and Tear off a long cloth and bandage the wound.

"Linger, I hope you can reach Chu Chu safely."


"Face the enemy."



"Hurry up, let the people rush into the valley, and let them leave along the mountain road. As long as these people are dispersed, the Qin army will not be able to hunt." Shang Guanjian also knew that as long as these people were sent to other counties In the county, the Qin Army is incapable and it is impossible to have another "indiscriminate slaughter". Otherwise, it will kill hundreds of thousands of people. In this case, the people will definitely change.

"Why Lao Ye hasn't come yet." Shang Guanjian asked afterwards.

"Master, it seems General Ye is besieged in the crater. General Man and General Wan Ye are trying to rescue."

"What, how can this happen." Shang Guanjian never expected that Ye Shikai would be besieged. According to the plan, he should have broken out now.

"General Ye fell into siege in order to rescue the people."

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