Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1704: Hidden crisis

"Anyway, you better be careful. When you leave the government, I feel a little bit of killing, and a sword spirit." Sword soul reminded, not sounding a joke.

"Sword Qi."

"Yes, it's hanging."

"You can still tell the sword." Ye Shikai knew the hanging sword, which was a sword in the scriptures, one of the eight famous Yue Wang eight swords, but a famous sword famous in the world.

"Of course, each famous sword, like everyone, has its own unique atmosphere, which is like the business card of each sword." Sword soul continued, "The moment you left the government, I felt Suspicious sword spirit, the obituary is bad.

"Since I met her, I don't think I owed anything to her. If so, at most, she ruined her business in Yang County. Apart from that, I don't think she owed anything, and why she started. Ye Shikai was a little unconvinced. On the contrary, he also helped Yu Wen fight many tough battles.

"But Wen Wen doesn't think so. She is an ambitious person."

"Of course, there is no ambition for the protagonist." Ye Shikai said coldly. At this time, He Linghan also walked out of the kitchen. In order to wait for Ye Shikai to return, she specially asked the girl to make dinner. Now she only needs to warm it up.

"Linger, if you're sleepy, let's go back to sleep first. I have some things to go to the study."

"Things, haven't you already resigned? Anything else." He Linghan said with a little displeasure.

"Ahem, I resigned, but Shangguan and Mancang are not in the army. They are both my brothers. Yesterday they had something to ask me, and of course I can't shirk it." Ye Shikai used an excuse to cover up, He Linghan had no doubts. After watching him, he returned to the bedroom to rest.

For a few days, Ye Shikai was trembling. That night's behavior almost seduced him with beauty, but he was coldly rejected. Any normal woman would feel that she could not keep her face, let alone Proud people like King Wen, the King of Chu, are in a high position and dominate the party. I don't know how many haloes are over her head. In addition to her arrogance, it is no wonder that Soul Calibur would persuade him to be careful.

However, things did not seem to be as bad as he expected. These days have been peaceful, and there have been no rumors in the city. That night's thing seems to have passed ...

Without Xu Jia, Ye Shikai often feels lonely. Although Shang Guanjian and Mancang are both his brothers, they are both generals. Only Xu Jia can be regarded as a confidant. It has been more than ten days since he resigned. I don't know how he is doing now.

"Linger, it's the Dragon Boat Festival right away. You can see how lively the city is." Ye Shikai smiled lightly.

"Yes, the markets outside are also people. I heard that this year's harvest is good. People are going to the streets to celebrate, and I will take the girls to buy something when they meet."

"Okay, I'll let the guards protect you."

"No need. I'm just going to the street. Besides, what can happen?"

"Okay, don't persuade me, listen to me." Ye Shikai insisted on doing this, but He Linghan knew he wasn't aware of him, but could only promise, and furthermore, there were a lot of people in the market, and some people were protecting just in case.

"Homeowner, an official came outside the door and asked to see the homeowner." At this time, a homeowner hurried over to report.

Ye Shikai walked to the door and just saw a group of people standing at the door. They looked like they were from the government.

"Master Ye, for the Dragon Boat Festival, the host invited officials from all over the city to go to the government to celebrate, and the special party came down to invite the adults."

"I have resigned. Do n’t call me an adult anymore. In addition, I have neither an official nor a military post. Since the protagonist has invited officials from all over the city, it is not appropriate for me to go. You go back and tell the protagonist. His I've got my heart. "Ye Shikai intends to refuse directly. At this time, he still rarely sees the text.

"Master Ye, please stay away. The host also specifically explained that Lord Ye has paid tribute to Jiangshan Club, and numerous military achievements have been made. Please invite adults to the banquet. It is also the commendation of the hero by the host. Fuchu invitation. "

"In this case ... Well, I'll go with you." Ye Shikai thought about it, and now there is no better way. If Lu Wen really comes to Yefu, he might as well go back early, and He Linghan Explaining the situation, Ye Shikai rode away immediately.

Government House.

"Strange." Ye Shikai murmured. As soon as he arrived at the door of the government, he had a bad hunch. Since the obituary is to entertain the officials in the city, it should be lively, but there is no encouragement here. Sheng, also without a lantern, doesn't look like the atmosphere of a feast.

While Ye Shikai was curious, Yun Wen also came out from the outside.

"See the principal." Ye Shikai said to Zuo ~ ~ You are here, I thought you would not come. "Wen Wen saw him coming in person, with a smile on his face.

"If I don't come, you will come to visit, how dare you bother the main character?"

"Let's go in." Wu Wen stretched his arm and pulled him in.

"Aren't you going to entertain the officials in the city? Why is there no banquet?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"It's still early, and it won't start until the evening, don't worry." Yun Wen explained.

"Come here, make tea."

"This is the tea that has just been served in Nanyang. Try it." Wu Wen poured a cup of hot tea for Ye Shikai himself.

"It's really good." Ye Shikai finished his drink, and the tea poured into his belly, turning into a hot stream.

"Not good, there is something wrong with the tea." Suddenly, Sword Spirit's voice sounded in his mind.


"There is medicine in the tea to seal your internal strength."

"No." Ye Shikai was startled, secretly operating the internal force, and sure enough, as soon as the internal force was applied, Dantian was like a stab in the needle, the pain was unbearable, and it was difficult to operate the internal force.

Ye Shikai was panicked at once, and Lu Wen's medicine in the tea was absolutely intentional, and the medicine started to attack when it entered the body. It must be a "secret medicine", but what was she doing?

"Soul Calibur, can you detoxify?" Ye Shikai asked quickly.

"It will take some time. This is a medicinal effect, not a poison. I am afraid that even Shennongdan has no effect. I will help you detoxify it first." If you change the average person, I am sure that the trick is the internal force, but Once the internal force is gone, it cannot be detoxified, and Soul Calibur is equivalent to an energy body "parasitic" in Ye Shikai's body. Even if he cannot operate the internal force to detoxify, Soul Calibur can still help him.

"Hold her first, don't let her see it."

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