Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1705: Book off

"Leave it to me." Although I do n’t know what Ye Wen is doing, Ye Shikai can now only pin his hopes on Soul Soul. It will take some time to fully understand the efficacy of the medicine. Ye Shikai must fight for it.

"The tea is good. I'm a bit hungry. Is there any cake in your house? It's still a while before the dinner. I'll eat some belly first." Ye Shikai turned to the topic and wanted to give Sword Spirit a delay.

"Are you so hungry."

"Yeah, I didn't have anything to eat in my house just now. Besides, the dinner was a long time away."

"Don't worry about eating first, let's talk about it ... last time." Wen Wen seemed to want to open the door to see the mountain and not go around with him.

"Yi Wen, I beg you to stop talking, I really love Linger, except for her, I will not accept anyone anymore." Ye Shikai said directly, there is no room for negotiation.

"But I love you too." Su Wen suddenly stood up and leaned back suddenly. Ye Shikai wanted to step back, but was pulled by her. In addition, the internal force could not work. He had no resistance at all. The two directly Just hugged together.

"Dating with me, all the rivers and mountains are yours. I can help you to become a master of this world." Wu Wen leaned against his ear and whispered softly. Heroes have been sad about beauty since ancient times. Beauty, this is an old topic, and until now Jiangshan and the beauty have taken the initiative to send it, I am afraid that no man has any reason to refuse.

"I'm a daughter. Even if I get the world, it will be given to others in the future, but I hope that person is you." Li Wen was not lying, the two hugged tightly, Ye Shikai could feel her heart Beat fast.

"Ahem, you loose me first, I will be strangled by you." Ye Shikai whispered.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

"Relax, I'm fine, wait, what's wrong with my internal strength?" Ye Shikai couldn't let Yun Wen see that he was clearing the medicine from his body, so he looked surprised.

"You ... you put medicine in my tea." Ye Shikai cursed loudly, "showing" an angry look.

"You don't have to worry, it just keeps you from using internal forces for an hour."

"Why are you doing this."

"I'm not worried that you've run away," said Wen Wen softly. "As long as you promise to marry me, I will give you an antidote."

"I will never agree. I want to see what you really want." Ye Shikai said coldly. He was sure that Lu Wen would not do anything to him. As for putting "secret medicine" in the tea, he sealed his Internal force, just worried that he escaped.

"Of course I won't do anything to you. You are my future husband, but I'm afraid He girl will suffer." As soon as the discourse of the inscription was finished, Ye Shikai shuddered, yeah, if the inscription was based on He Linghan's safety What should I do? This is Linxiang City, which is the oldest nest of Yiwen.

"You ... you despicable." Ye Shikai wanted to do it, but at this moment he had no internal force at all and could not threaten her in the slightest.

"Marriage is a wishful thinking. Where is the compulsion to force each other, in addition, a dignified hero, you have to rely on this trick, if it is known to everyone in the world, aren't you afraid of being laughed at." Ye Shikai countered.

"But I believe people in the world won't know." Tong Wen sneered. "I tell you the truth, now I have my eyeliner in the city. It's easy to find any girl. If you don't agree now, don't blame me."

"Wait." Ye Shikai shouted, he felt the killing sentiment from the body, she was not just talking, no wonder ... the body must first let him to the government, in order to send him from He Linghan Spread around.

"You don't touch her."

"Then you agree." Yun Wen said lightly, Ye Shikai turned his head, pretending to be thinking, but in fact communicating with Soul Calibur.

"Soul Calibur, have you done it?"

"This medicine is not ordinary. It will not be clear in a short time."

"How are you thinking about it?" Yun Wen looked at his cheek smugly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a confident smile appeared, she was certain that Ye Shikai would agree.

"Okay, I promise, I promise you the head office." Ye Shikai continued, "But I have a condition, you must not hurt her."

"Of course no problem, now that you have promised, of course I will not do anything to He girl." Yun Wen nodded.

"Then what if you regret it." Ye Shikai asked afterwards.

"Then I leave it to you, but you can rest assured, since I have promised you, I will never break my word." Wu Wen clapped his hands, and the waiter took out a "document" from the study.

"But I have a request. You and He have become known to the whole city. Now that you and I are married, you must take her off first, and let the people in the city know that ~ ~ 芈 文 将The "document" was placed in front of him, and he looked up, this was a divorce.

"Since she is going to take a break from her marriage, I have to return to my house and explain it to her." Ye Shikai intends to serve softly and then find a way to go out. I ca n’t think of the unsuccessful act of doing so. It's all ready.

"You think it's beautiful, if you let you go back to your house, I'm afraid you won't come back again." Qi Wen sneered. "We will be married in a few days, during this time you will stay here."

"Ahem, then ... I'll always write this divorce book." Ye Shikai said suddenly, "I married her. Since I'm going to divorce her now, I should write the divorce book."

"Yes, but I have to watch." Yun Wen was a little shocked, but did not expect Ye Shikai to make this request, but eventually agreed.

After a joss stick.

"Okay, I'll write it." Ye Shikai covered the written "Hugh Book" with a handprint and handed it to the obituary.

"That's right." Wu Wen looked at it carefully and gave the distress to the waiter around him.

"Yunwen, do you really want to do this." To this day, Ye Shikai still wants to convince her.

"Did she just appeal to you like this, am I worse than her?" Yu Wen seemed to have "conscience found", a flash of tears flashed in her eyes, and her tone of peace was much calmer. She also loved Ye Shikai deeply. With more "bright" means, she will not make such a move.

"You are no worse than Linger. Even in many ways, you are better than her, but the person I love is her." Ye Shikai murmured. After hearing Wen Wen, he was trembling and turned around. He clearly saw, The moment she turned, tears appeared in Yan Wen's eyes, and she felt heartache.

"Anyway, you have already written the divorce book. In the future, you and her are no longer husband and wife. You better not think about it."

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