Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1766: Fierce battle

"Oh, I'm going." Ye Shikai was shocked to get up from the ground. Thousands of such monsters climbed from under the cliff and killed when they saw someone. The black pressure was like a black wave. If it were a person Falling into it, I am afraid it will be torn into pieces in an instant.

"Soul Calibur, what monsters are these." Ye Shikai asked.

"I also don't know. Various myths and creatures in Huaxia's myths and ancient books have been recorded, but I also don't know, but now it seems that these monsters eat everybody, you must be careful." Sword soul reminded.

"of course."

Ye Shikai You Xijian with his right hand and fire element with his left hand, the monster rushed up in a blink of an eye.

"Looking for death." Ye Shikai waved his sword body, the sword was very strong, and immediately cut off the heads of the two monsters, but soon, more monsters rushed up, Ye Shikai was only beside him, no one helped, and began to Retreat.

"The people in the Li family obeyed the order, maintained their formation, and slowly retreated." Li Changtian moved his internal forces and laid a layer of invisible enchantment around them. These monsters rushed over, as if blocked by an invisible wall. This should be Li In the home formation, more than twenty elders worked together to form an inaccessible "copper wall and iron wall".



help me.

Help me.


The people instinctively began to resist, but there were too many monsters, and their limbs were strong, they could jump five or six meters in one jump, and they had no fear at all and did not seem to feel pain, even if the sword in the hands of the practitioner had stung When they enter their bodies, they will also "tear" the practitioners in front of them with their hands. In addition, the blood mouth of these monsters is also a great threat. Once they bit the target, countless sharp teeth are like cutting melon. The limbs of a person were cut like vegetables, and they were very stubborn. Before long, many practitioners were killed by monsters, and some families even died of many elders.

"The moon god's trick-the stars fall." Ji Qian also launched the main **** skill, several silver lights hit these monsters like a meteor, repelled a wave, and immediately surged into a wave.

"Why are there so many monsters." Ji Tao was so sad, not so much a monster as a "tide". Even if they could fight again, sooner or later they would be overwhelmed by the "monster tide".

Ye Shikai increased the internal force operation to the fastest, all poured into the element of fire, and a strong flame was blown out, burning the monster that came up to ashes.

"Abominable, what kind of monsters are these? Everyone listens and retreats." After Tang Can led the Tang family to resist for a while, they gradually began to feel weak. There were too many monsters, which seemed endless, but their manpower kept on. Loss, if they go on like this, they will all die here.

"Withdraw, quickly withdraw." Tang family members began to retreat. After the master of the clan was responsible for the break, the others began to withdraw to the rear.

"The Tang family withdrew. Let's withdraw."

"Yeah, if you don't leave, everyone will die here."

The withdrawal of the Tang family made other families start to shake. They were originally competitors. It was because of these sudden and fierce monsters that they temporarily formed an "alliance." However, there were festivals between them, and it was impossible to go all out. Each family will save its strength. Now that there are so many monsters, they all want to put others on top.

"Quickly, withdraw, don't stop."

"Withdraw, withdraw."

With the withdrawal of the Tang family, the remaining families also began to retreat. The entire line of defense collapsed by the way, and no one had any resistance to it. Those monsters naturally did not stop, and they furiously counterattacked. The state becomes desperate.

Ye Shikai was also helpless. At the critical moment, everyone was thinking about how to save their own strength, and even the people who stayed behind were not exposed. They directly exposed their backs to these monsters, which seemed to be retreating, but they were actually dying.

"They are fighting for each other. If the situation is unfavorable to them, they will naturally choose to evacuate. It is not surprising." Soul Calibur said faintly. He seems to have expected this situation, which is also normal. With so many families present, Is there a unified commander, and once a family evacuates, even others will follow suit.

Ye Shikai waved his sword again and again, and repulsed the monsters on his own, but tens of thousands of monsters had already broken the practitioner's defense line. After all, he was alone and could not support him.

"Shit, right now, you won't be able to sustain it for a long time, so let's quickly withdraw." Sword soul reminded.

"Okay." Ye Shikai, helpless, the monsters have begun to "watch" him, and counterattack from behind him, if it is not his agility and You Xijian in hand, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape.


These monsters seem to have no intention of closing their hands. When they see the practitioners retreating, they are like sharks smelling blood in the sea. After all, their two legs can't run four legs ~ ~ Everyone hastily evacuated, almost all There are no small casualties in the family.


"Homeowner, let's evacuate, or we will be surrounded when these monsters come up."

"No way, Lao Chen, you led the team to evacuate." Ji Tao looked back at Ji Qian. "Qian Er, you are in charge of all the members of the Baiwu Army."

"Yes, the owner."

"Leave it to me." Ji Qian instructed the Baiwu Army to resist the monsters and withdraw while fighting, but the situation has begun to deteriorate. The faster the flow of people retreats, the monsters will be hunted fiercely, and the faster the monsters come, the With a panic in his heart, his pace was faster. Ji's family came late. He was originally behind the team. As a result, other families ran too fast, but they were in front.

The Baiwu Army are all well-trained masters of the Ji family. They are absolutely loyal, and they are all courageous. Ji Qian commands their queen, but there are only hundreds of members in the Baiwu Army. Facing tens of thousands of monsters, they are still Powerless.

"Miss, you go first, here we will deal with it."

"No, I will never leave anyone behind."

"Miss, please don't take your time. There are too many of these monsters. We can't support them for a long time, but as long as you hold them for ten minutes, you and the owner can evacuate to a safe place."

"These **** monsters." Ji Qian was also annoyed. She waved her staff and released the main magic skill again. The dust splashed and knocked all the surrounding monsters back.


Suddenly, from the splashing dust, a monster was thrown suddenly, and it flew over the members of the White Mist Army, and straightly struck Ji Qian standing in the center.

"Miss, be careful." The members of the Baiwu Army wanted to go back to defense, but the speed of the monster was too fast, and behind them in the blink of an eye, Ji Qian avoided, and watched the man-eating monster rush towards her.

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