Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1767: Reunion


Suddenly, a sword flashed, and the monster in front of him suddenly became two halves ...

The most shocking Ji Qian was not this Jianguang, but the person in front of him.

I slowly turned around, and when Ji Qian saw his face clearly, she couldn't help crying anymore ...

"It's you ... you're finally back." Ji Qian slammed on Ye Shikai's body, tears wet his chest, Ye Shikai reached out his hand, and hugged her gently. Ye Shikai knew that for two months How difficult is time for Ji Qian.

"It's me, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly. He lived in Qin Dynasty for two years, but only two months have passed in reality, or in other words, he has crossed back two months. Postmodern, but if not two months, but two years, twenty years ...

Ye Shikai's sudden appearance was, of course, beyond the expectation of Ji Qian, especially when he appeared so "obtrusive" and appeared on Kunlun again, Ji Qian once wondered whether this was her hallucination or was created by Kunlun phantom.

"Is that you."

"Of course it is me."

"Miss, this person is ..." asked the members of the Baiwu Army.

"Ahem, you don't have to worry, he is not a bad person." Ji Qianping regained her emotions. She was so excited that she could not feel the slightest panic and nervousness in the face of the monster wave in front of her, even though she was independent "Superwoman", but with Ye Shikai beside her, she always felt a sense of security.

"Your internal power ..." Ji Qian suddenly realized that Ye Shikai could easily control You Xijian, and that one sword could kill monsters. It is impossible for ordinary people to do so. Before disappearance, Ye Shikai's Dantian had been damaged. No internal force, no different from ordinary people.

"My internal strength is restored, you don't need to worry." Ye Shikai relieved. "This is not the place to talk. We will solve these monsters first, and I will explain to you when it is safe."

"it is good."

Xie Yeshikai guarded Ji Qian with one hand and waved You Xijian with one hand to resist the monster that came up. When the time was ripe, he stabbed You Xi into the ground.


The strong sword gas "teared" the ground instantly, and after a loud noise, an impact directly lifted the surrounding monsters out ...

"Go, hurry up and retreat."

After twenty minutes.

"No matter what, it's okay." Ye Shikai and Ji Qian led the Baiwu Army to a wood in a hurry, and the monsters behind seemed to be thrown away.

"It's all right."

"It's all right."

Ye Yekai came in time, and with his martial arts high strength, everyone could retreat.

"Where have you been in the past two months, do you know how hard we have been looking for you?" Suddenly, Ji Qian's attitude turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and he flung away his hand, his voice full. Is complaining.


"Qian, I'm sorry, I encountered many things, and it was difficult to say clearly for a while."

"Then why don't you call me and tell me where you are, you bastard, bastard." Ji Qian beating his chest in excitement, and she can see that in the past two months, she has had anxiety and Aggrieved. At the time of the holy mountain, Ji Qian was poisoned. Ye Shikai couldn't take her with her, so he was sent by the Hades to the Emperor Zong. As a result, Ji Qian could not find her It's him.

"It's too complicated. I can't explain it in a few words. Qian, believe me, I will definitely explain it to you."

"That's good." Ji Qian yanked Ye Shikai "Since you have also come to Kunlun Mountain, stay with me, I will not allow you to leave."

"Okay, everything is listening to you." Ye Shikai knew that Ji Qian was worried about losing his voice again.

"Miss, the owner should have withdrawn to the mountain with the big troops, let's follow up."

"it is good."


She Shanshan.

The people went down the mountain along the same path and finally found Ji Tao. Not only Ji's family, but also other families were concentrated here. After the fierce battle just now, each family lost a lot of people, and many of them went down the mountain. They were all wounded and they all rested here.

"Qian Er, are you okay." Ji Tao saw Ji Qian return safely, and the stone in his heart finally fell down.

"Let it go, father, I'm fine."

"This ... isn't Ye Gongzi." Ji Tao was also shocked to see Ye Shikai. The disappearance of Aunt Chen's family has been known to Yan Jing's family, and Ji Tao has seen Ye Shikai once, so he recognized it at a glance .

"Exactly, I have met senior Ji."

"Father, he ... just saved me."

"Cough, Ye Gongzi, Master Chen should be right behind. You disappeared for a long time. If she knew you were okay, she would be very happy." Ji Tao said lightly.

"Senior season is right."

Ye Yekai stepped aside and was a bit lost. Of course, Ji Tao could understand the meaning of his words, and Ji Qian quickly followed.

"Where are you going?" Ji Qian asked.

"Can't you see, your father doesn't welcome me very much." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly. Ji Tao knew about the relationship between him and Ji Qian very early, including those things that were abroad. If Ye Shikai is still single ~ www ~ Maybe he won't stop the two, but Ye Shikai is already the aunt of the Chen family at this time, and the husband of Chen Yuxin, if Ji Tao acquiesces to him and Ji Qian, he will be angered by Chen Yuxin. In addition, Ji This family is also the Yanjing family, Ji Qian is the Miss Ji family, and Ye Shikai is a married woman. If the two gossip spreads, it will affect the Ji family's face.

"No matter what, I won't let you leave again." Ji Qian's attitude was resolute.

"But my father was right about one thing. You should go back to see Chen Yuxin. She is pregnant now ... Since you disappeared, her mood has been very unstable." Ji Qianfeng turned around and talked about Chen Yuxin, not only It was Ye Shikai, and her psychology was equally contradictory.

Ye Yekai squatting on the grass seemed to be lost in thought.

咳 "Cough, Ms. Chen and I met when we were going up the mountain, but for some reason, I didn't see the Chen family just now." Ji Qian explained.

"Relax, I will see her." After a long time, Ye Shikai finally said something.

"That's good, after you go, calm her down." Ji Qian nodded and said, while everyone was resting, her curiosity also came up.

"Now, can you explain to me, where have you been in the past two months?" Ji Qian asked back.

"I ... I crossed and returned to Qin Dynasty."

"Don't you think I'm a kid?" Ji Qian rolled her eyes, Ye Shikai had already expected this result, and said that others would not believe it.

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