Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1832: Private clubs

Tianjing, you mean that mysterious man who is posing. Zhang Ting said contemptuously, this description made Ye Shikai a little cry and laugh, but he didn't expect Tian Jing to be such an image in Zhang Ting's eyes.

"Your little nizi, you are not very young, and your mouth is quite poisonous." Ye Shikai squinted. Although Tian Jing sometimes "pretends," but the attitude towards the case is not sloppy, and his ability is also outstanding, God The Bing Team is also one of the trump cards of the National Security Bureau. I haven't seen it for a while. He doesn't know how Tianjing's strength has become.

"I'm telling the truth, his top-ranking, defiant attitude is really unpleasant." Zhang Ting complained, perhaps in the case of Tian Mo Ren last time, Tian Jing left Zhang Ting a It is a good impression. Perhaps, Ting Zhang thought that the National Security Bureau had robbed the police of the limelight. In the case of the hawk moth, the national security bureau was the last to break into the chemical base, but this is understandable. In many ways, many contents have been kept secret and have been placed in the data room of the National Security Bureau. Compared with the police station, the National Security Bureau is indeed more suitable for this task. Zhang Ting's heart is high and he will naturally be unhappy.

"Anyone who steals your limelight, I'm afraid you will say so."

"Okay, let alone those useless, continue to investigate the case. Since the information is from the National Security Bureau, it should be very useful."

"Do you remember the capsule I mentioned last time?" Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Of course, the kind that can be" remote controlled. "

"There is information about this special capsule, and there are even finished products in the National Security Bureau, but I can't take it out, even Tianjing can't get it." Ye Shikai explained.

"There is really such a weird thing." Zhang Ting said in shock. "So the thing you said really exists."

"Last time the police station said for a long time, it turns out you don't believe it at all."

"I thought you were bragging, after all, this kind of thing is not so easy to make."

"Tianjing told me that this kind of capsule is not very common in China, so it is normal for you not to have seen it, but because this kind of capsule is rare, it can help solve the case." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Hey, are you stupid, how can you solve the case if you are rare?" Zhang Ting retorted.

"No wonder your secretary asked you to follow me. It's not the limbs that solved the case, it's here." Ye Shikai stretched his head to his head. Although Zhang Ting was angry, he was helpless. If she wanted to solve the case, she really couldn't leave it. Ye Shikai's help.

"Let's go back to Yanjing tomorrow."

"Why go back, it is impossible to solve the case, do you want to go back in vain."

"Speaking of you being stupid, you are stupid enough serious, of course, going back to solve the case, when Yanjing, you quickly change into casual clothes, and follow me to solve the case."

The next day.

"Why should we dress like this, and what do you ask me to do with such thick makeup." Zhang Ting held the mirror, and the more she looked, the more dissatisfied she was. The dignified female police officer, even though she was wearing plain clothes to perform the task, she also Never wear heavy makeup.

"This is a private club. You can't come here in sports clothes." Ye Shikai looked at Zhang Ting's dress, a long skirt and a pair of red high-heeled shoes. Where did she have this dress before? This is more than physical training. Tired ...

Ye Shikai also wore a suit, neatly, embraced Zhang Ting's arm intimately.

"Hey, what do you want to do, take advantage of me." Zhang Ting instinctively resisted, being embraced by a man. Such intimate movements, she has never experienced it, and will naturally reject it.

"Who wants to take advantage of you, I let you accompany me in acting, otherwise this case cannot be solved."

"True and false." Zhang Ting was half-confident, but she didn't mind to solve the case, but she was curious how Ye Shikai would solve the case.

"Okay, I'll watch my performance later." Ye Shikai said lightly. The two of them were sitting in the car. This private club was called "Four Seasons Private Club." Many of the rich merchants in Yanjing are members here. Ye Shikai came here last time and followed Su Qingyu.

"Why are we still here, don't we go in." Zhang Ting asked curiously.

"and many more."

"Wait for something."

"Wait for someone."

It didn't take long for a "convoy" to arrive in the distance, all of which were luxury cars. With such a battle, Zhang Ting couldn't help but wonder about the identity of the comer.

"Who is this, such a big battle."

"I didn't expect her to be like this. Okay, let's go see her."

ten minutes later.

"You disappeared some time ago, where did you go to play."

Ye Shikai looked at the beautiful woman in front of her and smiled bitterly. Although Luo Shiqi still had jokes on her mouth, she did feel a lot of haggardness. After listening to Su Qingyu, when Ye Shikai disappeared, Luo Shiqi had always been Looking for him, even the group's business was ignored, and she was not relieved until she heard the news of Ye Shikai's return.

Zhang Ting was very disgusted with Luo Shiqi. Their identities themselves were opposite. They were like a fire and water. Originally, she wanted to curse people, but because Ye Shikai was here and wanted to solve the case, she could not bear it.

"Ashamed, I haven't seen you in such a long time. I still have something to ask you when I meet you." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

"It doesn't matter, wanting to enter this private club is just a matter of my words."

"I came here to solve the case, but some actions still need your help. I don't want to be too public." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"I see, no outsiders will know everything that happens in this private club tonight, even if you are here ... murder."

"Relax, it's not so cruel, but just to solve the case, ask for clues."

"So, you want to catch people." Zhang Ting glanced at Zhang Ting next to him, and smiled slyly.

"Almost, UU reading If the other party cooperates, I don't have to do anything."

"All right." Luo Shiqi waved his hand, and the people next to him immediately understood that they were standing at the exits of the clubhouse.

"Thank you very much." Ye Shikai turned and left, and took several Luo Shiqi's close friends into the clubhouse. Zhang Ting wanted to keep up, but Luo Shiqi reached out and stopped.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ting was very disgusted with Luo Shiqi, and it is even more so now.

"Sergeant Zhang, I suggest you stay here." Luo Shiqi said lightly.

"Why should I listen to you, and then I'm responsible for investigating this case." Zhang Ting was even more unhappy when she heard that, the more Luo Shiqi said this, the more annoyed her heart was.

"Sometimes, impulse will do bad things. I think you want to solve the case earlier."

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