Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1833: Mole

It is not a good thing to do bad things kindly. Whether it is possible to solve the case and bet on the moment, whichever is more important, Officer Zhang should have a count. "Luo Shiqi is not an ordinary woman, she can master Yanjing's underground world, and she has made the industry so big. It is not an exaggeration to describe it very deeply. Although Zhang Ting has a sense of justice, if he is a wise man, The three she tied together couldn't be worth more than one Luo Shiqi, so now, even if Zhang Ting is in the air, she can only stare.

"Luo surname Luo, don't be too arrogant. If you don't want to solve the case, I must make you look good today." Zhang Ting scolded coldly.

"Okay, don't be so angry, little girl. Since you're here, why don't you go in and sit down? I've prepared some snacks. You're also hungry at night. It's better to have some food. If it goes well, I think he will be half an hour Can come out. "Luo Shiqi smiled lightly.

"No need, I'll wait for him here, and then leave here, don't bother you."

"Okay, you're too windy outside. Officer Zhang shouldn't have a cold." Luo Shiqi smiled lightly.

"I'm very good."

On the other side, Ye Shikai took a few Luo Shiqi's confidantes and walked into the clubhouse. All the people in the group exuded a murderous and hostile atmosphere. The people nearby shrank away, fearing that they would be stared at. The security guard wanted to step forward and stop, but when they saw that they were Luo Shiqi's people, they dared not stop them and had to let them in.

"Several of you, go to seal the front door, and no matter who you are, you will not be allowed to leave this building."



"The four of you, squatting behind the window, if someone jumps the window, grab it directly."



Ye Shikai ordered everyone to block all exits and led a dozen people to the door of a room.

"It's here, bumped away." Ye Shikai said lightly, Luo Shiqi's close friends immediately stepped forward, kicked the door open, and the rest rushed in.

"No one is allowed to move." These cronies are Luo Shiqi's bodyguards, all of whom have received strict training, and each of them is treated as a tenth, and it takes a few minutes to "clean up" the people in the room.

Several women in the room saw this, screamed loudly, and immediately covered their mouths. There were few people in them, and they "tucked up" them.

"You don't have to be afraid. I came for you alone. It has nothing to do with you. You all left. Take some money to suppress the shock. When you get outside, everything today is rotten in your stomach, otherwise ... you know."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"We must not reveal half a word." Several women were already scared to the point of being paralyzed. When they heard this, they ran out quickly. There was only one man left in this room.

"You ... who are you, I don't know if it's a private club here, it annoys me, you are not afraid to eat and walk around." Although the man is still clamoring, he is obviously terrified and his voice is only comforting himself. That's it.

"Can't you see it." Ye Shikai pointed to Luo Shiqi's bodyguard's clothes, which had the Rock Group logo on it.

"You ... are Luo Shiqi's people, I'm just a businessman, and have no holidays with her, what do you catch me," the man shouted.

"Okay, Mole, you are a character on the black market anyway. Why is it so timid." Ye Shikai moved a chair.

"Come, sit down. I'm here to talk to you about something. If you are willing to tell me, I will not only hurt you, but will also give you money."

"You ... are not Luo Shiqi's people." The man called "Mole" saw this and was not so scared. He sat on the chair and slowly recovered, and he also realized that Ye Shikai It doesn't seem to be Luo Shiqi's person, otherwise it would be right to do it as soon as he came up.

"It does n’t matter who I am, the important thing is whether you are willing to cooperate, you sell some" black technology "on the black market, and it is also famous in foreign countries. I am not a reckless man. I can solve it with my mouth. Hands on, you are also a smart person, doing things for others, you should be happy to do it. "

"It turns out that you want to buy something, and as you said earlier, why do you do this manually?"

"Wrong, not buying things, but buying intelligence." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"Sorry, I am selling things here, not intelligence."

"Don't rush to refuse, look at this before you say it." Ye Shikai handed a document to the mole.

"It turns out that you came here to buy capsules, so to speak, one million, don't bargain. If you buy more, I might be cheaper. How about it."

"It's a mole, and if you don't study these black technologies, you can be a businessman." Ye Shikai clapped his hands.

"It's not my self-reporting to overwhelm the award, I am afraid that this capsule will not be dared to be sold by a second person in China. Even if there is, there are not so many sources of me. The price here is fair and the quality is more guaranteed." The mouse said firmly that this was exactly what Ye Shikai expected. The source of the supply was the mole. As long as he knew who had bought the capsules from his mouth, he could catch them with his hands.

"Unfortunately, I am not here to buy capsules."

"Then what do you want to do."

"Tell me, who has bought capsules with you, how many have been bought, and when."

"You are just kidding. These are my guests. I will never give you their information."

"Really, hold him down." Ye Shikai waved his hand. Several bodyguards behind him stepped forward and pressed the mole on the chair.



"Wait, stop." Seeing the mole, the Mole begged for mercy.

"Stop hand."

"As long as you tell me their information, UU reading will not only hurt you, but will also give you 20 million as a reward. How about it." Ye Shikai slapped a sweet date as long as he could get the information , He is not interested in the mole himself.

"It's not money." The Mole rubbed his sprained wrist and slowly stood up.

"Does this mean too much money?"

"It ’s not that I do n’t have a lot of money. I ’m mainly doing my business. I have to follow the rules. I have so many black technologies, and there are all kinds of customers, killers, assassins, armed people, but you know why I ’m fine until now. , And the business is getting bigger and bigger. "


"Because I am following the rules and regulations, I never ask customers for their purpose, and I never disclose customer information. I am the most neutral and fair, only responsible for selling things. As for other things, I do n’t care, nor I will take care of it, so customers dare to buy things from me. "

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