Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 998: Sneakers

Ye Shikai operated internal forces, his body gradually became transparent, and eventually disappeared completely. Although Pluto's head library could not help him during the battle, this stealth was definitely a great skill. Otherwise it must be a sin.

Ye Shikai jumped violently and directly over the outer wall of Ji's house. It is indeed a big family. The whole mansion is like a super-large courtyard, complicated like a labyrinth, so how can he find a place.

I heard that Ji Tao prepared a banquet here, then they must be in the most lively place. Ye Shikai followed the sound source and walked towards Ji's hall step by step.

"Qing Yu, are you still upset." In the reception hall, Su Qingyu wandered confusedly, An Lan thought she was uncomfortable, and hurried over to ask.

"It's been a day, and he hasn't answered the phone, so he won't be in danger." Su Qingyu didn't bother him intentionally, but just worried about his safety. Actually, she didn't tell her heart either. "Writing on the face", I was too embarrassed to ask the ghosts, and had to wait for a day in fear.

"Relax, Ms. Ji has already told me just now, he's connected, and no one is okay."

"Then why ... he didn't answer my call." Su Qingyu's face was even lowered. Yes, he was about to get married soon. It would be ambiguous to disturb him now. Maybe he didn't want to answer it at all. .

"An Lan, I'm fine. You can leave me alone." Su Qingyu said softly, looking for a place with a wine glass and quiet alone.

Suddenly, Su Qingyu felt that her arm was being held by someone, and just when she wanted to scream, she held her mouth again with one hand, and then the whole person was pulled to a quiet corner.


"Don't call it, it's me." Ye Shikai took off Pluto's helmet, and his body appeared again.

"How could it be you." Su Qingyu was shocked and almost screamed out. Fortunately, Ye Shikai quickly covered her mouth.

"You whisper, I didn't have an invitation letter, I slipped in." Ye Shikai said awkwardly.

"You ... why didn't you answer my call one day." After Su Qingyu reacted, he pushed his chest sharply.

"I'm still weird. My mobile phone, somehow pulled you black, of course I can't receive the call." Ye Shikai said curiously.

"is it."

"By the way, I made a call once, but you hung up in two seconds."

"This is impossible." Ye Shikai immediately retorted, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and only Chen Yuxin could touch his mobile phone these days.

"Why did she do this," murmured Ye Shikai, thinking, without even realizing that Su Qingyu was still there.

"what did you say."

"Ahem, nothing." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly. "You were looking for me, was there anything urgent?"

"Actually ... it's nothing, it's just ... I want to talk to you ..." Su Qingyu's tone was very entangled, and the words stopped falling, and the air around him seemed to freeze.

"Pour rain, what do you want to say."


"Xiao Kai, you are here." Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded behind her. Su Qingyu glanced subconsciously, looking at the corner, Ye Shikai turned her head sharply, and saw the person coming.

"Xiao Xin, it's you." Ye Shikai's body trembled, and the corners were narrow. If you looked from behind, it seemed as if the two were kissing ...

"Xiao Kai, why are you here?" Chen Yuxin was not blind. Her eyes fell more on Su Qingyu's body.

"I ... I got the invitation, and then came over." Ye Shikai casually made an excuse.

"Don't call me why you're here." Ye Shikai asked with an awkward smile.

"I ... I don't want to disturb you because I'm looking at the information," Chen Yuxin explained, turning her eyes on Su Qingyu, slyly smiling, and said softly, "Ms. Su is here too."

"I still have some things, so I won't bother you." Su Qingyu lowered her head and walked past Ye Shikai's side. From beginning to end, her eyes did not face Chen Yuxin.

"Pour rain, you ..." Ye Shikai subconsciously wanted to chase after him and was caught by Chen Yuxin's hand.

"Xiao Xin, what are you doing?" Ye Shikai broke free of her imprisonment, but Su Qingyu also left long ago.

"What were you and she doing just now?" Chen Yuxin looked cold. She was not asking, but questioning. She seemed to come to arrest, while Ye Shikai and Su Qingyu were doing "shy things" in the corner. .

"Chat." Ye Shikai was innocent, and they didn't do anything at all. Even before the topic began, Chen Yuxin was interrupted.

"If you guys are chatting in the corner, who would believe that, lower case ~ ~ Don't forget, I am your wife now, and what you think makes me think like this." Chen Yuxin's face turned dark, it seems she is real After all, there are so many business people in Yanjing here. If they saw the action just now, they would inevitably add jealousy and could not explain it.

"You have no reason to make trouble, okay." Ye Shikai is also very angry. "I just talk to her, Xiaoxin, you have never trusted me."

"Also, it was you who drowned the rain on my phone. You know she will come at this banquet, so you deliberately kept me alone, right?" Ye Shikai turned around. I wanted to leave, but was hugged by Chen Yuxin. Fortunately, this is a corner and no one is nearby.

"Sorry, Xiaokai, I was wrong, I shouldn't deceive you." Chen Yuxin hugged his waist tightly, and said that the first thing that couples get along with each other is to trust each other. Her approach is indeed to make Ye Shikai sad, so come back, if It wasn't Chen Yuxin who pulled black Su Qingyu on his mobile phone. How could he run all the way to Ji's house, or even sneak in to find Su Qingyu.

"Well, you're right." Ye Shikai shook his head helplessly. "Xiao Xin, you're so troubled by me, don't have the next time."

"I see, Xiaokai, shall we go home?" When Chen Yuxin heard Ye Shikai forgive herself, she smiled suddenly and held his hand tightly.

"Da Lao Yuan came, let's talk about it after the banquet is over." Ye Shikai sighed and pointed to the banquet that had begun in the distance. Ji Qian, in a long white dress, stood in the center of the crowd, attracting everyone's attention. Ji Qian left Yanjing for a few years and has already faded out of everyone's vision. Today, when she appeared with such a beautiful appearance, everyone was all in front of her eyes, and some people still said in private that if Ji Qian did not leave Yanjing, she must It is also one of the four great beauties.

.. m.

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