Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 999: Ji Yu's warning

Ji Qian walked among the people, feeling quite a bit of social flowering. Since ancient times, interpersonal social interaction has been a university question. Those little families have even touted Ji Qian to the heavens. More, it is in the face of the Ji family.

Ye Shikai, holding a wine glass, stood silently in the corner, his eyes "sweeping" back and forth among the guests.

He liked the feeling of seeing everyone.

The welcoming ceremony held for Ji Qian almost attracted Yanjing's big and small families. The wedding in the next few days was more "lively" and really a headache.

Although the protagonist is Ji Qian, it is not only her, Chen Yuxin, Wang Qian and others who are surrounded by a group of people Ye Shikai has not seen, probably some group executives, it is estimated that they will come to make friends.

"I depend, it hurts." Suddenly, Ye Shikai felt a pain in her palm, raised her hand, and looked at it. There were even a few small blood holes on the back of her hand. Looking up, Ji Yu looked at her fiercely, her hands still tight. Holding a fork.

"How are you." Ye Shikai wiped his hands quickly, but fortunately the puncture was not very deep. When did he even lose this vigilance, leaving a little girl close to him without paying attention.

"Crap, if there weren't so many people today, the fork just now must be on your heart." Ji Yu looked at the crowd around and yelled low.

"Kee, I have something now, little kid, don't bother me." Ye Shikai turned her head away, got up and wanted to leave, but she pressed one hand to the chair.

"I warn you, don't think that my sister won't hold you, I will give up."

"That's the grudge between me and your sister, what is your little girl's mouth?" Ye Shikai poked Ji Yu's forehead with her hand.

"Hum, you wait for me." Ji Yu turned red with shame, and left after a rude remark.

After two hours.

"Xiao Kai, I have something to discuss with Ji's owner, you should go back first. You haven't had a good break recently, so you can make up for it." Chen Yuxin said with concern, presumably because today's events made her feel the crisis, so she came here specially Take care.

"Well, okay, I'll wait for you at home." Ye Shikai stepped out of Ji's house, just happened to meet Su Qingyu.

"Put the rain, wait a minute." Ye Shikai stepped forward and stopped her, An Lan was also nearby. Seeing this, she did not blame Ye Shikai.

"Panyu, I'll wait for you in the car." An Lan gave Ye Shikai a vague look, and then left silently.

"What did you want to say just now?" The two found a cafe nearby, which was quieter and didn't worry about others hearing it.

"Actually ... nothing, I called you at that time ... mainly because I wanted to talk to you." Su Qingyu blushed and picked up a coffee cup to cover up. It may be that Chen Yuxin's sudden appearance just left her shadow.

"Qingyu, how are you doing these days." Ye Shikai asked this question for the first time for several days.

"Very ... very good." Su Qingyu took a sip of coffee.

"Pour rain, I've always been guilty."

"You don't need to say anything, I understand all your thoughts." Su Qingyu interrupted him, "I took a gift box from the bag."

"I won't go on the wedding day. This is a gift I prepared for you." Su Qingyu paused and said, "Actually ... it's not a valuable thing."

"Thank you." Ye Shikai's heart trembled. Among the women he knew, Su Qingyu had no internal strength and was less wealthy than the rest of the women, but by this point, she was far superior to others.

Ye Shikai took the gift box slowly, and there was bitterness under the calm surface.

"Just now, Miss Chen will not misunderstand it." Su Qingyu thought of what just happened and could not help shivering. It would be terrible if it happened.

"Relax, I explained to her, nothing."

"Then ... how is your life now?" Su Qingyu hesitated and asked.

"It's also ... pretty good." Ye Shikai also answered the same as Su Qingyu, speaking right and wrong, knowing that the other party was telling lies, and still want to listen to the truth, this is a lesson in life.

"I still have something, so let's go first." Su Qingyu stood up and left the cafe without looking back.

"Sir, if you feel the coffee is bitter, you can add some sugar." The intimate waitress came forward, holding a small spoon and added two spoonfuls of white sugar to Ye Shikai's coffee cup ...


Chen family.

"Xiao Kai, how does the data look?" Chen Yuxin smiled a long time ago, and saw Ye Shikai, who was looking at the data on the sofa, hugged him directly.

Chen Yuxin looked up, and Ye Shikai was not looking at information, but more like a drawing, intersecting, like a maze.

"Xiao Kai, what is this ~ ~ The ghost sent it just now, it should be a partial map of Bai Qi's remains sold from the black market." Ye Shikai explained.

"Yes, I don't know if the black market information is accurate." Chen Yuxin asked curiously.

"You and Ji Tao should be discussing the union." Ye Shikai whispered.

"Yeah, you know that." Chen Yuxin nodded.

"The so-called confidant knows the other, the Ji family's intelligence has always been one step ahead, it is important to seize the opportunity." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"How did you know."

"Because there is Ji Yu's little girl in Ji's family." Ye Shikai smiled slightly. The name of the spy was not a nonsense. The ghost knew where her little girl got so much information, but it didn't matter. In the ruins themselves.

"Ji's family has helped us a lot. I heard that the three major Wangs in Chang'an, the Li family, the Gao family and the Gongsun family, are all ready to go. They are likely to unite. The joint decision will not let We are isolated. "Chen Yuxin analyzes, she seems to have forgotten the existence of the Hades, or in other words, she does not intend to let Hades go.

"I'll get the ghost ready, bring the Dark Guard and go in with us."

"In lower case, the Hades is a Western power after all, and it is not good to rush to the ruins of Huaxia." Chen Yuxin's face changed slightly, persuading that the so-called fat water does not flow outsiders' fields, and the things of Huaxia should not be allowed to flow out. Knowing that Western forces are involved, I am afraid that the Hades will become the target of criticism, and the Chen family will be affected along with it.

"It doesn't matter, I just let them hide their identities. The ruins are in peril, and they all have a lot of experience. Atlantis, they came through with me." Ye Shikai told Chen Yuxin at the time.

.. m.8

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