Pet King

Chapter 784: Waltz

Zhang Zi'an had heard Shihua's ordinary singing once at the German beach-not the low-frequency singing she sang. He could not hear the low-frequency singing, which was beyond the receiving range of the human ear.

Shihua's singing is not the language of the world, let alone him, even Richard, who is known as the master of the international language plus the bird language, can't understand, but her sound quality is long and pure, and she should never be mixed into the strange ring.

Obviously, this pot should be carried by Richard.

He rushed out of the bathroom to find Richard to settle accounts, but this cheap bird had a hunch and had already disappeared.

Forget it, maybe it's okay, it's time to beat.

"When will you buy a cell phone for me?" Shihua blinked and asked expectantly, "This one, or the next one?"

Zhang Zi'an: "Your time frame is too narrow. Today is the latest, tomorrow at the latest."

"Woo ~ wait so long!" She lamented weakly, and then said something like she remembered, "right, I want a beautiful phone case!"

She pointed to the outside of the small window. "I see a lot of girls' phone cases are beautiful!"

"Okay, no problem."

Zhang Zi'an agreed, and when walking out of the bathroom with his mobile phone, he could still hear Shihua muttering excitedly, "Mobile phone! I have a mobile phone and my Majesty will surely make that fat orange cat envy and envy!"

"Π, is there time now? Let me use the computer." He came to the desk.


Hoe, save the Word document, then jump off the swivel chair and start moving around in the room.

Zhang Zi'an first imported the recording files from the mobile phone into the underwater speakers, and then opened the e-commerce website to give Shihua a chance.

Fortunately, on the occasion of the March 7th Girls 'Day and the March 8th Women's Day, major e-commerce websites have started a new round of price reduction promotions. It can be expected that many boys' wallets will experience a major contraction.

He originally planned to buy the cheapest mobile phone. Anyway, Shihua has never used a mobile phone, and ca n’t tell whether it is good or bad, but then she thinks about it-she is using the mobile phone in the bathtub, and maybe she slipped into the water Then, you have to buy a new one. It is better to buy a better mobile phone with waterproof function.

The waterproof phone is not cheap, even if the promotion has not reduced the price much, he closed his eyes and put up the order with pain and paid, and also bought the matching girly phone case.

After finishing it, he gave up Pi the computer and left his bedroom with the underwater speaker.

The door to the parents' bedroom next door had a slit open, and the door was dark.

He pushed in.

In the parents' bedroom, there are thick curtains. The only light source is the lighting of several fish tanks, and the interior is dark.

Zhang Zi'an waited until his eyes adjusted to the dim light before walking inside.

High-end aquarium players will prepare a separate room for their aquarium creatures, preferably a basement without windows, completely replacing natural light with artificial light, because artificial light can already simulate natural light almost perfectly, real natural light and artificial light. The superposition of the two phases will instead cause interference.

There is no detour room in Qiyuan Pet Store, nor is there a front shoe store next door, but the parents' bedroom is empty, which can be used.

"Meow ~"

In the dimly lit room, Xinghai's silver-gray eyes were particularly striking.

It squatted on the rug, his face almost stuck to the fish tank, staring intently at the deep and mysterious underwater world in the tank.

Hearing the sound of Zhang Zi'an opening the door, he turned his head, raised a front paw, and said happily, "Meow ~ Good morning, Zi'an!"

Before I was afraid to disturb other elves, it was really hello.

"Good morning, Xinghai, still looking at corals." Zhang Zi'an was not surprised, because in the past few days, Xinghai always came to this bedroom to take a look at the corals before running downstairs to play hide and seek.

"Meow ~ Coral is beautiful ~" Xinghai nodded and added: "The fish is also beautiful!"

The "fish" it says is not actually a fish, but an ice angel.

Indoors, several fish tanks stand against the wall, and are blocked by books, cabinets and other obstacles in the middle to avoid interference with each other's lighting.

In addition to the fish tanks that feed the corals, there is another fish tank that is dedicated to the ice sea angels.

In order to keep the temperature low, there is another fish tank on the outside of the fish tank, and the ice bag is placed in the interlayer of the two fish tanks.

Two adult ice angels hung on the cold water of the post, fanned their crystal clear wings and tried to approach each other. The antennae on their heads felt the presence of each other. In the translucent chest cavity, the heart-shaped organs became more red and red, like the burning fire of love.

Last night, Zhang Zi'an prepared the seawater, set up the equipment, and checked again and again. It was no problem before he dared to release them from the game pet bar, for fear that they might fail when they started their business.

Fortunately, after one night of adaptation, they seem to have accepted the new environment and began to think warmly ~ ~ This is exactly what Zhang Zi'an hopes.

After repeated temptations, they finally put aside their restraints, pulled out the suction cups, clung to each other, absorbed themselves through the suction cups, and then stood side by side with the water dance.

Few animals mate with each other as romantically and beautifully as a waltz that lasts for a long time.

Zhang Zi'an gently closed the door and sucked at the same time, fearing that unexpected noises would disturb them, but their mating process was actually not that fragile.

No matter how elegant the dance was, it was boring for a long time. He turned his gaze and looked at the fish tank next to him.

This fish tank is also cooled by an ice pack, and there are several snails in it.

Although they have the word "snail" in their names, their appearance is very different from that of the chicken heart snail or scapula.

Including their shells, their bodies are almost transparent, and a pair of pea-like transparent wings flickering like fluttering butterflies, so they have a more quiet nickname, called "sea butterflies".

Tiger snails are also very beautiful. Even if they are attractive as aquarium signs, their important task is to become the food of the angel of the ice sea. The recipe of the ice sea angel is extremely monotonous, comparable to the giant panda.蟠 Tiger snail.

Zhang Zi'an also expects the snails to breed and produce more snails.

Before that, he didn't worry that the Angels of the Ice Sea would be starved to death, because the Angels of the Ice Sea could starve very much, maybe the low water temperature reduced their metabolism, they could eat one meal a year.

The third fish tank is like the first two fish tanks. It is also a large tank with a small tank. The interlayer is cooled by an ice pack, but the difference is that there are still a few thick ice floating on the water surface of the third fish tank. Low temperature is almost zero.

There was nothing in the tank.

What kind of creatures can live at such low temperatures?

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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