Pet King

Chapter 785: Ugly duckling

The third fish tank is a bit special, flat and wide, with nothing but thick ice.

Zhang Zi'an squatted down and looked up at the bottom of the ice floe, where Xuanji was.

At first glance, the bottom of the ice floe seems to have bloomed beautiful flowers, and gently flutters with the weak current, but the flowers are far from so slender, even as ice-like crystals, almost transparent under the glimmer of the ice surface.

There are only a few of these "flowers", all of which are rooted in the ice, making it doubtful whether they are animals or plants.

On the German beach, when Zhang Zi'an stored the mermaid in his mobile phone, a large number of weird creatures retreated from the beach like a low tide, and a thin piece of ice was also slightly creeping. When he turned the thin ice over with a branch, he found these strange creatures on the back of the thin ice.

He immediately recognized that this was an ice anemone, a new species discovered in Antarctica in 2010. The number was unknown, the habits were unknown, and the whole body was a mystery.

When they were shocked, they curled up tightly, less than three centimeters in length, but when they were brought back to the pet store and adapted to the new environment, their bodies stretched about seven or eight centimeters, and more than twenty tentacles of different lengths bloomed like petals.

Fortunately, he did not rush to open the thin ice with his hands, because the tentacles of anemones are generally poisonous, and the toxicity of this newly discovered anemone is also unknown, and he does not want to test the poison by himself.

The ice sea angels, snails, and ice anemones all need to be kept at low temperature, and they can only be cooled by this simple and crude method before the cold water machine is shipped.

"Meow ~ so pretty ~" Xinghai stared at the ice anemone, "like a star."

In the dim room, the faint light on the ice floes can barely illuminate the ice itself. The sea under the ice is a thick darkness, but in this darkness, these soft ice anemones are like The cat's eyes with the light-gathering effect shine like a star.

In fact, the seawater is not empty. Some freshly hatched juvenile prawns are floating in the water. They are used as food for ice anemones. Fortunately, they are not picky like ice angels.

Zhang Zi'an carefully observed their condition, confirmed that everything was normal, and walked to the other coral reef tanks to inspect.

The reef tank is located under the other wall, because the water temperature of the reef tank is above 20 degrees, and it will affect each other when placed with the three fish tanks above zero degrees.

Thanks to high-end aquarium equipment, corals are growing well and don't need to worry too much.

Nevertheless, he still needs to measure the water quality every day, and the water quality suddenly deteriorates. After all, the equipment cannot completely replace people, and some indicators of water quality can only be determined manually.

He used a test tube to dog-like in each reef tank and labeled it to prevent confusion. Later, he will test the KH value in the bony coral tank. This is the concentration of bicarbonate ions, and it is also artificial seawater and natural. One of the biggest differences in seawater. The KH value of natural seawater is generally 7 to 8dH, and the amount of water in the fish tank is limited. In order to avoid the sudden and sudden deterioration of water quality and cause the death of scleral corals, it is necessary to plan the KH value to 9 to 12dH in advance.

Soft corals do the opposite and need to prevent KH values ​​from rising.

As he went through the reef tanks one by one, Xinghai came over, staring at the last reef tank and saying, "Zi'an, there are beautiful mushrooms in the water."


Zhang Zi'an hesitated, and said in his heart how could there be mushrooms in the water. Is it that Richard Xia egg hurt the mushroom and threw it into the coral tank? If so, he would have to scoop it out!

The last reef tank is exactly the tank that feeds the ugly coral. Although it grows day by day, it is still ugly.

Zhang Zi'an bent down and looked in through the glass. There were no mushrooms in the water, but some ugly corals seemed to have changed slightly.

He quickly took a magnifying glass and looked again.

Despite the lack of light, through the magnifying glass, he vaguely found that the edges of the ugly corals were slightly white, like a white circle.

Coral sick?

Not like that.

With a little thought, he adjusted the lighting settings to convert the original white light into a faint blue light.

Suddenly, Qi recommended it!

This dimly-colored coral glows with a dreamy combination of colors. The white circle shows a vivid blue, while the taupe inside the white circle turns light red, like a red ring with a blue ring mushroom.

As the saying goes, since ancient times red and blue came out of CP.

The light red and bright blue make this originally ugly coral turn into a most eye-catching star. Even a few other beautiful corals cannot hide its light. Even if it is placed between hundreds of corals, people also You will see it at a glance.

If the owner of the coral store before saw this scene, he would regret missing a hundred million!

Zhang Zi'an stared at it dumbfounded, and the brain monkey instantly remembered a name and an anecdote.

This rare coral is called MesophoticLeptris, so far there is no corresponding Chinese name ~ ~ The first appearance of this coral was in 2011. They were mixed in a batch of live rock produced by Yu and sent to the United States. A tropical fish shop in California was accidentally discovered by the owner, which is not the same as this time.

Not only this kind of coral, but also some rare corals have been discovered this way-people originally bought other common corals and checked them after returning home, but found that there were mysterious stowaways mixed in.

Things have become clear so far. The Yu Coral Breeding Farm, which is the source of coral specialty stores, probably not only sells farmed corals, but also quietly mines natural corals to mix and sell, thereby increasing production. The fishermen mined the coral reefs along with other corals and packed them for shipment to China.

The owner of the Coral Store and the female customer are both veterans of aquariums and have rich experience, but in the end they lack some theoretical basis to miss the opportunity.

When thinking of its name, Zhang Zi'an woke up like a dream, and immediately dimmed the lighting intensity and lowered the water temperature by 1 degree. Because he remembers that this coral lives about 30 meters underwater, and the sunlight that can reach it is already very weak. It is a low-light coral. It grows slowly because the light he gave him is too strong before. At the same time the water temperature is also somewhat high.

A lone tree cannot be a forest, and some species of corals will become more beautiful only after they form a community. This coral is also the same. When it grows and breeds into a coral, it will definitely have a breathtaking beauty.

"Meow ~ Zi'an, what is the name of this coral?" Xinghai asked curiously.

"Well," Zhang Zi'an felt that the string of English names was long and lingering. Anyway, this coral does not have a Chinese name for the time being, so he simply said, "It's called ugly coral."

One day, the ugly will grow into a white swan.

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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