Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 2

Taiji rolls around the booth with his worn-out backpack, scattered about with his eye-catching Pokémon and other Items.

He also saw a Beedrill with ordinary Top Rank strength. The stall owner was a man with a fierce aura.

Unfortunately, the high price of 50,000 can only be seen by him, and Taiji continues to circulate in the black market.

Unfortunately, the lowest price of Catterpie is 6000, and it is just an ordinary low-grade Aptitude.

"Damn, I can only go to the Pokémon egg to bet, the cheapest egg is 3000 There are less than one, although most of them are dead eggs, but this is the only way." Taiji thought to himself.

Then he hurried to the Pokémon egg area, came to the Pokémon egg area, and looked at the dazzling array of eggs in the store

"My destiny is here" Tian Cizai He tightened his hand and walked in.

"Welcome, what do you need from this guest?" A hotly dressed waiter came over at the door.

"Gambler, ask for the cheapest price" Taiji's face moved under the mask.

The smile on the waiter's face faded away and he pointed to a corner, where a pile of eggs covered in Black film lay messily on the shelf

"There, the price is in the egg. It's marked on it, regardless of Attribute, life or death, choose it yourself."

Taiji walked over silently, looking at Taiji's shabby dress.

The waiter thought, "Another poor fellow who doesn't give up, a poor fellow"

Taiji is not surprised by the waiter's attitude, after all, this is a world where strength is paramount. What qualifications do you have as a poor fellow to make people look up to you?

He walked slowly to the corner and carefully observed these Pokémon eggs. Although these eggs can be seen and touched, after wearing a layer of black film, there is no difference to the touch.

"You can't really see these eggs with black films." Taiji thought angrily, but he didn't want to give up, just touched the eggs over and over again.

He hoped that there would be a live egg to give him a little reaction, so three or four hours passed.

He touched those eggs three or four times, but Taiji still had no clue

At this time, the clerk who had received the previous reception came over and said

"This Sir, if you want to buy it, please hurry up, we don't accept customers who are touching and playing in our store"

"I see, I will buy it" Taiji responded coldly to the clerk's sarcasm and continued. To touch the fifth time.

Looking at the silhouette that Taiji turned back, the clerk scolded angrily, "A poor guy, what are you doing?"

Taiji didn't take seriously the clerk's reaction,

As long as the shop is open, he can keep watching until he finds a Pokémon egg he's happy with, or at least it's a live one.

He continued to touch each Pokémon egg carefully.

Until he touched one of the tail section, he felt his palm was touched, very weak but very real,

Taiji's eyes flashed with surprise, he Carefully touching the egg back and forth, after a while, I felt touched again.

Taiji picked up the egg carefully, walked towards the counter, and said to the clerk, "I want this, this is money 2588."

The clerk took the money Said to Taiji with a smile, "Sir, do you want to check the eggs now or buy an incubator to go back, we will provide free egg inspection in our store, and we will also provide a set of incubators worth 288 and a week's worth of Pokémon feed"

"Yes, then check the eggs" Taiji lightly saying,

And handed the eggs to the clerk, the clerk took the eggs and brought Taiji to a cylindrical machine, Take off the black film, revealing the Pokémon egg with light green pattern

"It looks like it's from Grass Type, I wish Mr. Pokémon a satisfactory Pokémon" The male clerk put the egg into the machine and said to Taiji with a slight smile.

"Borrow your auspicious words" Taiji suppressed the joy lightly saying in his heart.

Taiji put the Pokémon eggs and hatching device in a battered backpack and hurried back to his home from the black market.

Looking at the Pokémon eggs in the container, his eyes flashed with anticipation and apprehension. After all, this Pokémon egg was his greatest hope and a big gamble.

After all, he doesn't know how to pick a Pokémon egg. This time, he also happened to feel the vibration of the Pokémon egg when he touched it. At least it is still alive and has the probability of hatching!

Taiji put the Pokémon eggs like treasures on his bedside, and then took out the Pokémon food from his backpack. The bag above was engraved with a Poké Ball, which read Kanto Alliance Four. big letters.

Taiji looked at this ordinary green packaging of Pokémon food, and couldn't help but fell into contemplation. Sure enough, all the items related to Pokémon have the participation of Alliance.

Ordinary person wants to open a shop to do business related to rare treasure shellfish. If he does not join the Alliance, he is afraid that he will be shut down immediately!

Of course there must be black households who secretly sell these supplies, food, etc. Cheap is cheap, but the quality of after-sales is really worrying.

He remembered that among his classmates in town there was a hapless one who bought a few copies of Flying Type food from a passing merchant and fed it to his Pidgey.

Within two days, the Pidgey had food poisoning, couldn't afford the medical bills at the Pokémon Center, and eventually watched Pidgey die.

Thinking of the unlucky guy who finally became a Trainer but lost his identity because of taking advantage of it.

Taiji clenched his fist secretly, it seems that food is also a big expense,

Fortunately, my Pokémon is Grass Type, even if I don't feed Pokémon food, rely on it. Moisture and Synthesis can also survive.

However, in the long run, Pokémon's Aptitude will degenerate and become a pet Pokémon without combat capability.

If you want to become a Trainer, Pokémon needs a lot of external energy for combat training, which is definitely not enough with Synthesis.

Infant Pokémons are best served with Miltank's milk, which allows Pokémon's Innate Aptitude to perform at its best.

"Moo milk, a bottle costs 300 yuan!!! I can't even drink 3 yuan of pure milk!" Taiji couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Why do I suddenly think so much, this Pokémon egg may not be able to hatch, although it can be a live egg, it may not be able to hatch completely.

"Ai, if it doesn't hatch, I can only take the risk of going to the wild Catterpie meadow to pick the one that's left alone and try again."

Thinking of this, he looked again. The rest of my money is only more than 6,000 yuan. If I go to the wild, I can only gamble once.

It's not worth the money to get the town's official Trainer to go out and hunt Pokémon in the wild.

Of course, if this Pokémon egg hatches, that's enough money for a Pokémon to survive its infancy.

You can also go to the second-hand market to find some outdoor essentials. After all, this Pokémon egg is a Grass Type.

Thinking about the uncertain future, Taiji lay on his bed, looked at the Pokémon egg next to him, and said softly, "little fellow, I hope you can come out, let's go to this world together. Take a look!"

Stroking the hatching device, Taiji, who was in high tension in the black market, felt sleepy and slowly fell asleep. When the night fell, the Pokémon eggs in the hatching device trembled. For a moment, I don't know if it is to respond to Taiji's expectations!

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