Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 3

"Pidgey, Pidgey ......" Along with the Flying Type god rare treasure shell outside the forest, Pidgey's Growl, the sky is getting brighter and brighter. Taiji slowly opened his eyes, looked at the Pokémon eggs by the bed, and couldn't help but smile.

"Ah Pidgey! There's a chance I must catch one!" The shape of a red Yellow bird appeared in my mind, and it slowly turned into one after another heroic Pidgeot.

Pidgey, as a rare treasure shellfish of Flying Type, known as the house bird in the past life, is basically spread all over Kanto like Rattata.

But unlike Rattata's evolutionary Raticate, Pidgey's final evolutionary Pidgeot can be said to be a powerful and handsome god rare treasure in the hands of commoners.

Species Strength of 479 can be said to be higher than the Species Strength of most rare treasure shells, and the generous back is also a practical tool for manned Flying.

It can be said that there is a Pidgeot, you can use it to fight, and you can use it to carry people. The appearance of Shenjun is also very cool, which is the easiest dream for civilians to realize.

"Ai, don't think about it yet, after all, it's not easy to find a Pidgey with Aptitude outstanding and breed it into a Pidgeot."

Taiji silently sighed, thinking about the book Regarding the introduction of Pokémon Aptitude, Pokémon can be divided into: 1. Normal 2. Good 3. Elite 4. Boss 5. King according to Innate Aptitude.

Of course, this is just a book introduction for the general public. As for whether there are any higher than the king level, Taiji guesses that there must be, otherwise those Divine Beasts that can set off terrifying natural disasters can not only rely on Several king-level Trainers on the surface can fight.

Only Pidgeotto above the elite Aptitude can have the opportunity to evolve into Pidgeot.

It is worth mentioning that for Pokémon with an evolutionary route, Pokémon Aptitude is not static, some Heaven and Earth Treasure, appropriate training exercises, and sufficient accumulation of energy can make Pokémon evolve during evolution. Aptitude gets a boost.

Although the environment of the jungle is cruel, it also forces the Pokémon clan in the wild to fight and evolve. Only the elite-level companions in the clan can continue the race in this cruel forest.

Of course, for the rare treasure shells that cannot evolve in multiple stages or even evolve, although God closed the door for them to evolve, he also gave them compensation, such as the better Innate Aptitude, which is stronger in the same level The best battle strength, powerful reproduction ability, etc., after all, the creator of nature is the most fair.

According to what Taiji learned from books, among the Pinsir groups in the forest, the most common Pinsirs are of good mid-range quality. After all, they are also good and have some subtle differences.

People based on these differences are linked to the Trainer Level division. Pokémon with the same Grade 1 quality are also divided into lower, middle and upper qualities, corresponding to the initial, middle and high levels of the Trainer.

Of course, Innate Aptitude is good. If you don't train and fight, your strength may be similar to that of Rookie Trainer, but for a combative group like Pinsir, the basic bottom line in the group is the ordinary middle class. strength.

So in the Aoki forest, the Pinsir tribe is also a big race. Their territory is a forbidden area for Rookie Trainer, and Normal's Ordinary Level Trainer dare not step into Pinsir's territory.

Taiji woke up from his contemplation and shook the head, "I'm not sure I can become a Trainer, why do I want to go to the king level."

After washing my face, I ate it Two ordinary wheat breads, Taiji looked at the Pokémon eggs in the incubator and thought, "We will see in 3 days, whether it can hatch or not, this incubator has the function of accelerating hatching, and it is not a waste of money. , even if it can't hatch, this dead egg and the hatching device can be recycled and sold for 1200 yuan, and you can buy a Catterpie if you get together, and take a risk.

Unfortunately, with the strength of Catterpie, it is estimated that even the peripheral He can't get along, let alone the worst Catterpie in Aptitude for this money. The quality is normal. If he gets stuck in the Metapod stage, he will really cry.

Taiji Thinking of the scene where he can only guard a Metapod, shouting Harden Harden, and being a target for the other side, I can't help shivering. It's not as good as being an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes Focusing on the Pokémon eggs again, he muttered to himself: "My future is up to you, even if it's an ordinary Aptitude Volkswagen Grass Type Pokémon, I can accept it, must hatch. "

Three days passed in Taiji restless in a blink of an eye. At 6:00 a.m. on a new day, Taiji stared at the dark circles and watched the time on the hatching device pass second by second.< /p>

“ding dong!”

The time on the hatching device has been displayed to 6 o’clock.

At this time, the above voice broadcasts: “It is time to give birth to Shell During the Smash phase, detecting Pokémon eggs is fine! "

Taiji couldn't help but get excited when he heard this emotionless machine voice, "Okay! "

With a loud shout, he expressed his uneasy mood for the past three days.

In the room, Taiji couldn't help shouting and applauding for a while, but fortunately there was no one on either side of the house. I am willing to live in a house close to the garbage station, otherwise I will definitely be scolded by the neighbors.

Slowly Taiji calmed down, after all, it is two generations, "didn't expect, I actually There are times when self-control is so lost, it really concerns the future, I still don’t want to be an ordinary person, Pokémon is born soon, I am going to prepare for a trip, and the training materials of the young Pokémon.”

Take Taking out a notebook and a pen, Taiji wrote and drew on the notebook, "I still have more than 6,000 in money. Moo moo milk is 300 yuan a bottle, 7 days of infancy, one bottle a day can't be saved, this is 2100, Pokémon feed does not need to be bought first, there is a week's ration for delivery, Grass Type Pokémon can also Synthesis.

You can keep up with the main milk, it doesn't affect Innate Aptitude, just one ordinary Poké Ball 500. If you want to buy 3, maybe you should buy 2. The Pokémon that was born will occupy one, and I will have no capital in a short period of time. I'm training another Pokémon, but if I come across a good Pokémon with Aptitude, I still have to keep one.

“Tents on the go, repellent sprays, space backpacks, your own take-out rations, kitchen utensils, etc., you can go to the second-hand street to buy second-hand ones, if you don’t care about the appearance, but only about the practicality, more than 3,000 The dollars should be able to be collected.

After all, there are not a few Rookie Trainers who believe that they are the protagonists of the world every year. Bringing them back, these supplies can be said to be flooded."

Thinking of this, Taiji couldn't help sighed deeply,

"Ai, for the sake of safety, I don't want to be the only one brought back. Supplies, the invisible Rookie Trainer, I still train Pokémon in the town obediently and honestly, do the tasks in the town to accumulate capital and experience, it is best to have two Pokémon in hand, one of which has reached at least the middle Ordinary Level strength,

I'm trying to go through the forest, be prudent, live, and grow vulgarly."

After writing the plan, Taiji picked up his empty wallet, locked the door, and walked to the town second-hand street.

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