Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 4

Taiji took all his belongings and hurried to the second-hand street, thinking about the future of Trainer, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At the intersection of the second-hand street, Taiji without the slightest hesitation raised his foot and walked towards the Pokémon second-hand goods store with the most people and the most products.

Although it is a second-hand supply store, it has a complete range of products, such as small, medium, large, single-person tents, and even the second-generation Pokémon Pokédex produced by the Pokémon Federation.

Taiji took his eyes off this Pokémon Pokédex with difficulty. After all, the price of up to 500,000 is an amount that he is currently unattainable, let alone this kind of Pokémon Pokédex, which he got second-hand. , and cannot enjoy the various welfare policies of Alliance like the previous owner.

"But it's still very fragrant. It's rare to see a Pokémon Pokédex. I really want it!!!" Although Taiji has been looking for shortcomings for second-hand Pokédex, he is clear in his heart that this second-hand Pokédex It will definitely be sold soon. After all, Pokémon Pokédex allows Trainers to check their Pokémon status and strength anytime, anywhere, and will also give some suggestions based on Pokémon’s current status.

Although it is not as good as a professional Pokémon breeder, but for Rookie Trainer, having this Pokédex is also equivalent to having half a breeder in Coaching. You have trained and trained Pokémon, which saves the Trainer how many detours. .

Not to mention the very detailed Kanto map, the safe path, although not necessarily very safe, is also a road that has been identified as less dangerous by the Alliance.

It can be said that the annual donation of 200,000 yuan to the Pokémon Alliance, a huge sum of 3 million yuan for 15 years, is not just to buy an elite Three Founding Families, this Pokémon Pokédex is also the biggest reward for Trainer,< /p>

After all, the first-generation master can be bound inside the Alliance. It is the Alliance Trainer with a strong roots. This is the Divine Artifact that greatly increases the charm value when you go out. Think about the animation in the previous life. Ash, why is he also a Rookie Trainer, he is especially favored by the Taoist Gym Leader, Elite!

Not to mention that he can stay at the Pokémon Center for free and eat shouted.

Taiji can't help but be very jealous, especially knowing the pain of the commoner Trainer, "Of course this is also the reason why this Pokédex is given to him by Professor Oak, as far as I know, even Pokémon Pokédex is not as good as this. Let's go"

Taiji looked away from the Pokédex, and quickly went to the area where he needed travel supplies, a small travel backpack, a single tent, kitchen sundries, quilts, etc., he Quickly in the travel goods area, pick and choose.

I quickly picked up what I needed from the inside. Although the exterior is much more worn and damaged than the one hanging on the outermost side, he has tried all the internal functions one after another without any problem.

Although it took a lot of time, he was quite satisfied with the things he picked up. Looking at the pile of things, Taiji couldn't help but nodded,

"It seems that after so many years. Kung fu is not in vain!"

After all, as a child without relatives and no reason, he can live to the age of 15 with the meager living allowance of Alliance and still have savings. It can be said that he often comes to this second-hand market. In this place, he has also found practical things here over the years.

Taiji held the pile of things, walked to the counter skillfully, and put the 2896 yuan on the counter. After all, he had already calculated the price when he was choosing. Taiji said to the old man at the counter, "Uncle Li, please help me settle the bill."

The old man at the counter looked up and said in surprise, "It's Taiji you brat, these things, you are Are you going to travel? You really made up your mind!"

Taiji's eyes showed sadness and persistence, and he replied decisively: "Yes! Uncle Li, I am not willing to, these years. I can't even forget the scene where my village was destroyed in the Pokémon tide!" After all, he has lived in that small village for a long time in this world, and people are ruthless!

Li Bo sighed, shook his head and said: "Ai, you brat is also a regular customer here, I don't count the money, go there and get two more bottles of repellent spray and Potion, and a few more. A warning bell, I also watched you grow up, I hope you can become a Trainer, instead of waiting for these supplies for a while, brought back by the guards and appearing here again."

"Thank you Li Bo, I will definitely become Trainer's "Taiji heard what Li Bo said, and immediately went back and got 2 bottles of spray, 2 bottles of Potion and 2 warning bells. Originally, he planned to buy 4 warning bells, so that if he spends the night in the forest at night , A group of 4 bells can cover the surrounding of your tent well.

It's a pity that a penny beats the hero. He has to save money to buy milk, so he can only buy 2. After all, he has planned to go deep into the forest before becoming an Ordinary Level Trainer. 2 Normals on the periphery are enough, but in case, since Uncle Li is willing to send him, he will not be hypocritical, after all, it is a matter of life and death.

"Thank you Uncle Li, many thanks to you for taking care of me all these years!" Taiji bowed to Uncle Li. After all, Uncle Li has taken care of him for so many years, and some second-hand goods have been given to him. He discounts.

Taiji put all the things he bought into the space backpack, and the small backpack can already be seen to occupy more than half of the space. Then

he packed his things, then went to the town's department store and went straight to the Pokémon supplies section on the second floor. Looking at the brand new Pokémon gear, he couldn't help but look envious.

After all, no one likes to use second-hand, everything is a poor word! Just like the haunted house in the previous life, many people bought it, why, because of poverty!

He didn't go to look at those products with more functions and beautiful appearance. He quickly went to the Poké Ball showcase, took two of the most common Poké Balls, and went to the Pokémon food showcase to get 7 A bottle of moo moo milk, simply went to the cashier to pay the bill and leave.

After all, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his hands if he stayed for a while. Although he still had 750 yuan on him after his calculation, he had not bought his own food yet. This money should be kept for the next 10 days or so.

It is worth mentioning that Pokémon can't fight in the infant stage. Once Pokémon's 7-day infancy period has passed into the growth stage, you can go to the Pokémon Center to register as a Rookie Trainer, and the Pokémon Center will be free Check out the Pokémon Aptitude for the Rookie Trainer, get a physical condition once, and issue three free healing vouchers.

After all, civilian trainers are the choice of most people. Alliance also adopts an attitude of billowing waves washing the sand for civilian trainers. It can't let civilian trainers at first be eliminated directly in the Rookie stage. 99 people .

There is also a big gap in the knowledge of Pokémon between the civilian Trainer and the Trainer directly under the Alliance, which also leads to the training of many civilian Trainers for Pokémon. die.

And these three treatment coupons will allow the civilian Trainer to go through the early stages of Rookie smoothly, at least not because of overtraining or over-fighting and causing internal injury to his Pokémon.

Of course, the latter part has to pay 500 yuan for a treatment fee. After all, as long as the three coupons are used reasonably, it is not difficult for you to pass the early stage of Rookie.

Taiji put the Poké Ball and milk in the backpack, went to the vegetable market on the street, bought the ingredients for the next few days, and spent more than 300 yuan. After all, the life of this world ordinary person and the His previous life was basically the same.

After a day of shopping, he returned to his room, put the ingredients in the refrigerator, looked at the Pokémon eggs and said, "Just waiting for you, little fellow! I hope you can come out as soon as possible."

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