Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 25

"Huh? Bellsprout mastered it so quickly this time!" Taiji was a little puzzled when he saw Bellsprout who was already quite proficient

"Moo, moo moo moo … ...moo" Bellsprout finally explained it to Taiji, saying that he didn't rest at noon, and he was training!

"Ah! Bellsprout, why don't you call me, so your body Performance supports it!" Taiji asked nervously immediately after hearing this.

“Moo, Mooヘ(;´Д`ヘ)” Bellsprout told Taiji that he didn’t have enough energy after training at noon, so he secretly went to eat the unpalatable Grass Type Pokémon food !

"Ah? You're so true, you want to train, why don't I accompany you? Pokémon is full!"

Taiji heard Bellsprout accuse the Grass Type feed It’s unpalatable, but I still eat it in order not to disappoint myself, so I have energy to practice! He couldn't help but a little didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Moo, moo..." Bellsprout said that he wanted to save a little bit, and the noon time was relatively short, Taiji, you've already worked hard, I can train this trick by myself!

"Ai, Bellsprout, thank you!" Taiji finally said nothing, just crouched down and hugged Bellsprout.

"Moo~( ̄▽ ̄~)~" Bellsprout was also very happy, and he did not disappoint Taiji after all!

"Moo, moo moo moo!" Bellsprout suddenly shouted a few more words at Taiji as if he had remembered something.

“en? You said there are surprises for me to see!” Taiji was a little surprised, did Bellsprout break through?

“Mooψ(`∇´)ψ” saw Bellsprout digging roots into the ground, while the leaves of both hands were also exposed to the sun, and a faint green energy emerged on its surface.

"This is! This is Growth in a sunny day?"

"Moo!" It's a big deal when you're not in the sun!

"Bellsprout, you're amazing too, how did you do it!" Taiji couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw that Bellsprout not only mastered the whip of thorns, but also the Growth in a sunny day.

“Moo✪ω✪” Bellsprout was very happy to see Taiji complimenting it again.

"Moo...moo" and then a bit sorry to tell the reason, that it is because Ingrain's slow recovery of energy and unpalatable feed, not enough food, lead to not much recovery energy.

In order to keep Taiji from being disappointed, you need to practice a few more times. He heard Taiji explain Growth to him before. This trick will have more formidable power in the sun, and it can also be restored by Synthesis before. physical strength.

So I thought of training Growth moves in the sun, and it can speed up energy absorption!

"Then Bellsprout, you are in the sun now, has your own Synthesis improved?" After listening to Bellsprout's long explanation, Taiji grabbed the key and asked.

"Moo" Bellsprout Nodding, saying that it was a bit faster than before.

"Okay, then it seems that Growth this move should be a double burst by absorbing the energy of the earth and the sun in a short time, thereby increasing its attack power by two steps!" Taiji immediately wrote in his notebook Add a note for Growth this move.

Don't underestimate these annotations, these are all Trainer's own understanding of Pokémon's moves after in-depth analysis, not the previous general information that only simple descriptions can compare.

If at first Taiji knew that Growth was like this, then he and Bellsprout could learn this trick in a very short time.

"Well, Bellsprout, you have worked very hard these three days, but you have also achieved great success. This is a reward for you" Said, Taiji took out a pound of Weedle meat and let Bellsprout eat it go down.

"Moo, wu wu, moo!" Bellsprout happily took it and stuffed it directly into his mouth. For it, even if it is full, energy can be stored in the body!

After all, Bellsprout in the wild are not able to hunt enough food every day. If the food is not enough, the energy stored in the executive branch of the stem is the source of their movement and battle!

"However, I also want to talk about you, although your original intention is good! In the future, you will not be able to secretly train more. This time, because of the low-level moves, and you are only a freshman, So there are no repercussions for you."

"But in the future, you will have to practice more Top Rank moves. No one is next to Coaching you, watching you, if you make a mistake, it will be over , get it! We are a family, we have to carry it together!" Taiji earnest and well-meant advised said

"Moo, moo!" Bellsprout was very well-behaved nodded, saying that he would not Will secretly act alone.

"Okay, then we will learn to absorb this move next." Seeing Bellsprout's statement, Taiji sighed in relief, took out the green Ability ball from his backpack and handed it to Bellsprout.

"Bellsprout, wrap it in energy, then feel with your heart, listen with your heart!"

"Moo!" Bellsprout nods, takes it with his hand, and emerges with energy wrapping it skill ball.

In an instant Bellsprout felt his consciousness being pulled into the Ability Ball, which contained an Oddish explaining to him the main points of the Absorb move, alongside a graph of the energy flowing in his own body.

"Moo?" Bellsprout was a little puzzled, why didn't he simulate the flow in his own body, it was a little different!

But Taiji's previous exhortation made him quickly focus on listening to Oddish's explanation in the interview!

The Absorb move was soon explained, and Bellsprout felt a blackness before his eyes, and his consciousness returned to his body.

"How is it, Bellsprout, how much have you learned?" Taiji asked quickly when he saw Bellsprout open his eyes.

"Moo, moo, moo (〃'o`)" Bellsprout first wondered why it was different from my previous moves, and then said that he only remembered some of the main points!

"Well, Bellsprout, this Ability Ball is not the same as your bloodline inheritance!

Ability Ball is another Pokémon's explanation of his moves, equivalent to having a Teacher giving you Passing on new knowledge mainly depends on the level of the teacher and your own understanding!" Taiji first explained the principle of the ability ball.

"Then your bloodline inheritance is equivalent to you entering the body of a Pokémon that knows this move, and experience the move for yourself!" He immediately said the principle of bloodline inheritance.

"So Ability balls are learned outside, bloodline inheritance is learned inside! It must be easier for bloodline inheritance, but I'm sure you can!"

"Moo ( ง•̀_•́)ง” Bellsprout said after listening to it that he would study hard, both internally and externally.

"Well, by the way Bellsprout, what Pokémon is teaching you!" After Taiji saw Bellsprout's status, nodded asked again

"moo moo moo" Bellsprout replied Said to be an Oddish.

Because Taiji had shown Bellsprout the Pokémon that often appeared in Aoki Forest before going to the wild, Bellsprout knew this Teacher!

"Well, Oddish is born with the ability to absorb, so it should be explained more thoroughly. And this Ability is not too complicated, it should be learned before the ability ball runs out of energy! Come on!"

“Moo?” Bellsprout asked in confusion. Are there viewing restrictions?

"Well, I forgot to tell you, do you see if the Ability ball is a little dim? This is the consumption after your energy and its own energy resonate. You should still be able to watch more than 20 time, so you have to pay attention every time you enter!" Taiji urged Bellsprout after explaining it again.

"Moo!" Bellsprout bowed his head and found that the halo of the Ability ball had dimmed a little, and hurriedly said that he would take a serious look.

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