Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 26

In the next few days, Taiji and Bellsprout were still training, but the extra training at noon before Bellsprout was forcibly stopped by Taiji.

Originally, Bellsprout planned to continue taking Poké Balls to learn moves at noon, but because the number of Ability Balls is limited, and every time you watch it, Pokémon's mind is depleted.

So for Normal, 4 to 5 times a day is the most. The training plan was originally scheduled to be a week, and there are still 4 days left. According to the plan, it is almost the same.

"Of course if the power of the Ability ball runs out, Bellsprout hasn't learned it yet! Then I'll have to buy the Ability videotape!" Taiji has already prepared for the worst, after all, this Ability is not bloodline inheritance , as long as you brush your proficiency!

This is based on the comprehension ability of Pokémon. For Normal, the higher the Aptitude, the better the spirituality, that is, the better the comprehension ability!

Of course there are no absolutes, there have been Pokémon with ordinary Aptitude but amazing perception before, but after so many days, Taiji thinks Bellsprout should not be a special case!

"The video tape Normal is one-tenth of the price of the Ability ball, which is 5,000 yuan, and I still have a little more than 5,600 yuan. After buying the video tape, I have more than 600 yuan left, and 300 yuan to buy another one. A piece of low-level protective clothing, the rest of the money should be enough to buy 5.6 pounds of Catterpie meat!"

After all, the video is just a Pokémon explaining to you how it feels when using it. No energy flow, just a Pokémon telling how he feels when he uses this move!

In the Ability Ball, the learner can see the energy flow trajectory of the lecturer's body, and there will be a simulated energy map of himself next to it, which can be said to be very perfect!

“If this kind of learning was in the previous life, it would be really unimaginable! But this is a world where Pokémon and technology develop in both directions, so you can understand it!” Taiji thought about the difference between the two and sighed. .

"Ai, if you have money, you can ask a Trainer Pokémon to teach it face-to-face. Before the Ability Ball, this was the best way to learn moves!"

But with Ability After the ball, this method also has a clear price, Normal is half the price of the Ability ball!

After all, there are Pokémons to explain to you, answer your questions, and if you want, you can even let the instructor use energy to drive you around!

It's definitely a lot better than videotape, but it's definitely not as good as the Ability Ball!

"My poor wallet! But after this training, Bellsprout should be able to slaughter all sides, when the time comes and earn it back! Only if you give up!"

Taiji, who came back to his senses, glanced at Bellsprout, who was immersed in the Ability ball, and a smile flashed across his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed! In addition to basic training, Bellsprout held the Ability ball during other training time during these three days.

Although it is very hard, but unfortunately some things can not be made up for by hard work!

Bellsprout is just a little bit higher than the normal Aptitude by Level 1. After watching it a dozen times, I only roughly understand the principle and energy trajectory of this move, but I haven't really used it yet!

"Moo, moo moo moo!" Bellsprout calculated the time by himself and found that the distance and Taiji's appointment time were only the last day! It's heart can't help but get impatient!

"Bellsprout, don't worry, don't worry, I have a solution, let's take a look at this first!" Said Taiji and took out a videotape.

It turned out to be last night, Taiji found Bellsprout secretly watching the Ability ball during Rest at night when he was going to the toilet.

Bellsprout, who was secretly training again, made Taiji feel moved and angry, and immediately took back the Ability Ball and drove Bellsprout back to Rest!

After all, over-exhausting the mind is much more serious for a freshman-level Pokémon than overdrafting the stamina.

In the early morning of the sixth day, after the two men finished their morning run, they immediately checked the progress of Bellsprout, and found that they had learned a rough idea, but in some places Bellsprout himself said seems right but actually isn't , he probably didn't understand it here!

So in order for Bellsprout to learn as soon as possible, while Bellsprout was immersed in the Ability ball, he went to the department store to buy video tapes, and also went to the second-hand street to buy a new low-level protective suit.

"Bellsprout, come and watch" Taiji called Bellsprout immediately after putting the tape on the TV.

"Moo?" Bellsprout at first was a little puzzled, why did Taiji come out with another small box? Is there any help for it to learn Absorb?

"moo moo moo! Moo?" Seeing an Oddish on TV explaining the Absorb move, Bellsprout was very excited and asked himself if he could watch this during his break?

"Bellsprout is ok, but you must rest for half an hour at noon, and you can watch it for an extra hour at night before Rest!

Although this consumes much less than the Ability ball, After all, it's the influence! So it can't be too long!" Taiji nodded a little and told the time.

“Moo(ง•̀_•́)ง” Bellsprout says he will keep the time! I sat in front of the TV and listened carefully to the explanation of the moves.

"Well, this video bears the official logo of Alliance. After Bellsprout learns it, it can be sold to Uncle Li at a 30% discount."

When he went out just now, he actually went first. I went to the second-hand street and wanted to find a second-hand video tape. After all, this kind of video is basically the same as new and second-hand!

But after he went there, he found that this kind of Ability video tape was only half the price of Alliance in the second-hand street!

But it's basically all the videos of Trainer's own Pokémon explanations. I tried watching a few, but I don't feel like the details of what Alliance produced!

And Li Bo did not have the Absorb move video tape produced by Alliance, so he only bought second-hand low-level protective clothing, and by the way asked Li Bo if he was willing to recycle it.

Then Taiji, who got Li Bo's answer, went to the Pokémon department store to buy a brand new video tape.

As for why he didn't buy the videotape at first, Taiji said that he believed in the existence of miracles.

And Pokémon, who can learn moves by videotape, may learn it by watching it 3-4 times with the Ability Ball!

However, it turns out that his Bellsprout is a slightly better Pokémon than the Ordinary Level, so it's still not worth the money!

I believe that Bellsprout, who already understands the approximate moves, can definitely learn it after adding the videotape explanation and the remaining times of the Ability ball.

Soon, two days later, Bellsprout finally successfully used the Absorb move on the seventh night.

But to be on the safe side, Taiji decided to train for another day, and then set off to hunt Pokémon after the move was really mastered!

"This time, I'm going to make a fortune!" Taiji muttered to himself in his sleep!

"Moo" Bellsprout also seemed to be muttering something in his sleep.

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