Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 52

When they got home, Taiji and Bellsprout rested in bed for a while. After all, they had to work overtime at night.

"dīng líng líng!" When the time came, the alarm clock rang.

"It's half past five, get up, Bellsprout, let's eat first, then go get the throwing knife, let's go out at night!" Taiji rubbed his eyes and woke Bellsprout.

"Moo...moo~moo" Bellsprout stood up in confusion and agreed twice.

One Pokémon quickly finished his dinner and walked out of the room.

It is worth mentioning that Bellsprout has been eating poison sacs recently, so its poison attribute finally has a visible growth of naked eye.

Specifically, the effect of Bellsprout's Sleep Powder has been strengthened, and sometimes some deep black powder will be sprinkled.

Anyway, Taiji tried to kill a little bit, and he felt uncomfortable all over his body, hallucinations and trance.

He feels that Bellsprout should realize the end of Poison Powder soon, when the time comes with Poison Powder and Sleep Powder, Bellsprout should not take it too easy when dealing with insect, hahaha (ಡωಡ)hiahiahia

"Moo?" Bellsprout, who was walking beside Taiji, glanced at Taiji, who was smirking suspiciously. He felt that his Trainer had been silly recently.

"cough, cough! Bellsprout, let's speed up and try to go and return early." Taiji said quickly when he saw Bellsprout's foolish expression.

Soon, one person and one pet who accelerated their pace came to the door of the blacksmith shop.

"Little brother, it's really good, I just finished building it, look at it." The brawny man sitting in the chair saw Taiji, and quickly took out the knife he had made earlier and handed it to him. To Taiji.

"Well, let me try it." Taiji held the cold and shiny flying knife, nodded, and walked to the front of the wooden target.

"xiu!" A flying knife directly pierced through the wooden target and into the opposite wall.

"Well, yes, yes." Taiji looked at the flying knife in his hand with satisfaction.

"Moo~" Bellsprout quickly used Vine Whip to get the throwing knife back.

"Little Brother, are you satisfied, do you see the rest of the money?" Seeing Taiji, who couldn't stand nodded, the shop owner hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Here, here's the rest of the money, let's go to Boss." Satisfied Taiji settled the balance and walked out of the door with Bellsprout.

"Welcome to come again next time, little brother! hehehe" The brawny man, who was busy counting the money, just gave a token politeness and focused his attention on the red coins again.

Put the upgraded flying knife back on his waist, and Taiji hurried out to the city gate.

"Huh? You brat went out again tonight. Are all Rookie Trainers working so hard this year?" One of the guards recognized Taiji and spoke up.

“Yeah, big brother, I can’t do this either. I’m alone. Did you say that? Did Rookie go out too?” Taiji laughed and asked back immediately.

"Yeah, two Rookie Trainers just went out together, and one went out alone before. You Rookies are working too hard."

"Oh, oh, That's it, don't worry, brother, I'll be hunting at the outermost edge, and I'll definitely be back before closing." Taiji responded, and walked out with Bellsprout.

"didn't expect to be discovered so soon, it seems. The last chance is tonight, when I come back..." Taiji looked gloomy and uncertain, and finally made a decision.

"Let's go, Bellsprout, we must catch a few more this time, and just go to the Flying Type Pokémon." After making this decision, he took a breath and called Bellsprout to prepare for the final hunt. .

Taiji, who was looking for it, quickly avoided other Pokémon at night and found two Zubats under the action of the spray all the way.

Although it wasn't an order, Taiji, who had little time, decided to take a gamble.

Utilizing the shielding effect of the Supersonic speakers as usual, Taiji and Bellsprout began to work together.

"Sure enough, the protective clothing of the intermediate rank is different. This one is much clearer than the low-level ones, and there is not much color difference, and the distance is still far away."

Looking at With the clearly visible Zubat in front, Taiji can't help but sigh that you get what you pay for, which is worthy of ten times the price.

“pa!” Taiji turned off the speaker in his hand, and Zubat, who immediately got feedback from Supersonic, began to fly quickly towards here.

"xiu! xiu! xiu! "Because the intermediate rank protective clothing can see farther and clearer.

So this time he doesn't have to get so close as he did last time, with a range of about 10 meters.

That's enough range for him to fire a few shots as a distraction before Zubat pounces.

"zi zi ~呲~" Although living in the dark for a long time without vision, the corresponding hearing and skin senses will be more sensitive than Normal's Flying Type Pokémon.

The oncoming three bullets were directly predicted by the two Zubats and escaped easily.

"Sure enough." Taiji was not surprised by this result. Last time, he used Zubat's panicked emotions. This time, he made the first move, and Normal's Pidgey could dodge it, let alone the air flow. Sensitive Zubat.

This attempt also made him give up his plan to sneak attack Zubat in the cave. After all, he will definitely go out and pass through this cave in the future.

Seeing that Zubat was about to bite him, Taiji started rolling on the ground, so that Zubat wouldn't bite him for long.

"呲~zi zi! 呲!" After taking a few bites, Zubat flew back to in midair and found that the human's skin was so thick that he couldn't even bite it!

"pa!" Seeing that Bellsprout had placed the other ultrasonic speakers, Taiji immediately turned on the speaker in his hand.

"呲? zi zi ~呲!" What's going on, why can't I feel anything suddenly!

The two Zubats in midair start to panic.

"xiu ! xiu xiu !"

"xiu ! xiū xiū xiū "Taiji who seized the opportunity, kept shooting like Zubat in midair, fast reload, buckle Pull the trigger.

He knew that tonight was his last chance, so he didn't skimp on ammo at all, and the situation was different now, there was only one Zubat before.

There are two now. If you have companions, this panic will calm down faster.

In less than a while, Taiji fired two rounds or 6 rounds.

"zi zi! 呲~" As Taiji expected, Zubat, who knew that he had a companion next to him, quickly calmed down and began to dodge bullets by feeling the air flow.

“dong!” Zubat, who was lucky enough to escape two rounds of shots, was about to join his companions again, but hit a tree trunk when he was dodging the last shot.

"Good opportunity!" Taiji's eyes lit up, and he ignored the other one and started to muzzle the unfortunate Zubat

"xiu! xiu! xiu! "Three more bullets were fired at Zubat, who was still dizzy.


"呲! 呲!" Zubat, who was covered by the net, shouted in horror, wanting his companions to rescue him.

"呲~呲? zi zi!" The two Zubats were not far apart, the one still in the midair, received the Astonish sound of his companion, it shivered with obvious fear, and then immediately He flapped his wings and started flying in any direction.

"Good luck" Taiji glanced angrily at Zubat who escaped from the encirclement, then turned his head and started to concentrate on letting Bellsprout deal with this soft-shelled turtle.

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