Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 53

“呲~呲~” Zubat, who was forced to inhale a lot of Sleep Powder, visibly dropped his voice.

“Bellsprout, use Absorb quickly, until you lose battle strength.” Taiji glanced at Zubat who was sleeping, and in order not to waste the Poké Ball, he still threw the ball after being disabled.

"Moo(●—●●)" Bellsprout nods, and begins to absorb blood packets.

“hiss~ hiss~ ”Taiji sprayed the repellent spray all around again, after all, it has been a while, what if there are uninvited guests.

Zubat, who was quickly maimed, was thrown in front of Taiji by Bellsprout.

This time it took two Poké Balls to capture the Zubat.

"It's almost 8 o'clock now, Bellsprout, let's go back!" Taiji looked at his electronic watch and decided to go back. Good for a visit.

"Moo? Moo" Although he didn't understand why he went back immediately, the obedient Bellsprout was still nodded and started to lead the way.

Taiji and Bellsprout made their way out of the forest safe and sound after using a repellent spray at no cost.

After all, they are still outside the forest, and the repelling spray is still very useful. I heard that some powerful Pokémon will resist the repelling spray to sneak attack the Trainer in the inner circle or even deeper.

After arriving at the city gate, several guards looked towards Taiji in surprise.

"Boy, you came back so early, it seems that you brat really cherishes your life!"

"It's only less than two hours, if you don't want to hunt Let's get some Catterpie or Oddish."

"The Rookies that set out in front of you didn't come back!"

Several guards talked at once with Taiji. .

"Yes, yes. Brothers, I'm not timid, and I made a major discovery outside tonight, so I want to come back and tell Sam uncle, is anyone else there?" Taiji responded with a wry smile< /p>

"What's the big discovery? Tell us about it." A lean man rolled his eyes and asked

"This eldest brother, sorry, this It's also what Sam uncle told me, and of course it will be beneficial to everyone in the guard." Taiji sorry replied.

"San Tian, since it's the Chief Captain's business, what are you asking about, Taiji boy, the Chief Captain should be in the guard house now, go and look for it." The middle-aged guard on the side patted the lean. The man's shoulder, said to Taiji.

"Okay, okay, thank you all, then I'll go find Sam uncle now." After speaking, Taiji thanked the guards and quickly walked towards the guard house in the center of the town.

"didn't expect Sam uncle to be promoted, he is the chief captain! You don't need to guard the city gate, you can get paid by sitting in the guard house!

But He is an elite class now, and this promotion is normal!" Taiji could not help but envy as he walked quickly.

Guardian Mansion is a building only available in cities or big towns with Gym-level Trainers.

The Gym-level Trainer is the highest status, that is, the guard, followed by the mayor or mayor.

After all, some older Gym-level Trainers would be willing to return to their small towns to protect their hometowns.

Such a town with Gym-level Trainer will quickly develop and become a big town that is not inferior to the Normal city.

After the mayor is the minister of each branch of the Alliance, and various departments will be established according to the actual situation.

As far as he knows, Aoki Town has four departments: Logistics Department, Military Affairs Department, Agriculture Department, and Civil Affairs Department.

The guard team that Sam uncle is in is a subordinate unit of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and Sam uncle is the Small Captain of a team.

Of course, now that he has become an elite trainer, Sam uncle has become the captain of the 4 guards.

The status is only under the Minister of Military Affairs, and the power in his hands is only worse than that of the Minister who holds the 6 pioneering teams.

Quickly arrived at the gate of the guard house, but was stopped by the guards at the gate.

"The guarding of the mansion is important, and no one is allowed to enter without permission!" One of the guards with an indifferent face extended the hand and stopped Taiji who came forward.

"Uh, this eldest brother, I'm a Trainer registered with Alliance, my name is Aoki Taiji, I need to contact Team Sam! Please make it easy and let me know." Said Taiji and took his ID card. When he came out, he quietly gave 500 Alliance coins to each of the two guards.

"Cough! Since it's Alliance registered for Trainer, then I'll go in and report it." Squeezing the banknotes in his hand, the guard walked inside with a straight look.

Soon he came to the guard's office and knocked on the door

"Come in!" A low voice came from the door.

"Sam Corps, there is a Rookie Trainer named Aoki Taiji outside the guard house who said he has something to look for!" The guard who came in lowered his head and said softly.

"Oh? Taiji is looking for me, let him in!" Sam, who was sitting at the desk, was a little surprised

"Yes" The guard immediately exited the room and went outside .

"Come in," the guard said to Taiji.

"Okay, okay! Thank you two big brothers."

Step into the guard house, follow the sign to find the guard's office, and knock on the door.

"dong dong dong!"

"come in"

"Sam uncle, congratulations on your promotion, congratulations! Knowing that you will definitely rise step by step," Taiji said happily as soon as he came in.

"You brat, you don't need to shoot flattery, just tell me, what are you doing?" Hearing Taiji's compliment, a smile appeared on the face of the big man sitting on the leather chair.

"cough cough, why are you filming flattery, I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart!" Taiji smiled awkwardly and started talking about business.

"That's right, Sam uncle, you know that I'm just an orphan, and I don't have anyone to help,

So thinking about hunting a few insects or Oddish in the outermost at night, It can also be considered as a supplement for the family." Said Taiji and wiped his eyes.

"Alas╯﹏╰ You are also a poor child!" The kind Sam Captain looked at Taiji whose voice was lowered and sighed. .

"sorry, I lost self-control of Sam uncle a bit, and then I saw two Zubats on the outermost edge!

You know, this Flying Type Pokémon Normal will Not appeared on the periphery, and I continued to investigate, and found a few Zubats preying!" Taiji deliberately increased the volume, expressing his shock.

"Oh? Then why did you think to tell me instead of catching it yourself?" As an elite Trainer who was promoted from a commoner, Sam was kind-hearted, but he wasn't really a fool. .

"Cough, Sam uncle, you know that I'm an orphan, and my financial strength doesn't allow me to buy Top Rank capture equipment, and my Bellsprout can't fly, so there's basically nothing I can do about these Flying Type Pokémon< /p>

Of course, I am also a little careful. As an elite level, it is very easy for you to deal with these freshman Flying Type Pokémon.

I just want you to lead the guards to capture At that time, if there is any extra to sell, can you give me a priority?" Taiji smiled awkwardly, and deliberately expressed his thoughts.

"Hahaha, you brat, it's not bad. Don't worry, if there is one, I will leave one for you for free." After listening to Sam Captain, laughed, this is money delivered to your door.

Be aware that the capture difficulty of Flying Type Pokémon is relatively high among common Pokémon.

If there are dozens of them on the outskirts of the forest, then capturing them back, no matter how you deal with them, is a fortune that even the elites cannot ignore.

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