Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 54

"Also, I don't think Zubat is the only one." Taiji hurriedly added when Sam Captain agreed to his request.

"Oh? Why is that?" Sam Captain is interested

"Actually, it was because I ran into an Ekans on the outskirts yesterday. Fortunately, I brought a repellent spray. , and that Ekans has just been promoted, and he is more concerned about his own situation

You also know that Ekans likes to prey on the bird Pokémon, I have observed it and saw red feathers when it opened its mouth." Taiji smiled wryly An adaptation of what happened to Ekans yesterday.

"Oh! you brat, I don't know whether to call you good luck or bad, didn't expect last time you caught a normal High Level Aptitude Rattata in the perimeter

< p>This time, I even met Ekans of Ordinary Level on the outside, and I also met Zubat at night. "Sam Captain glanced at Taiji in surprise, and deep in one's heart began to value Taiji more.

After all, this kind of luck, and he can still come back alive, it means that this kid should have two strokes.

"Er (︶︿︶)=convex

! Sam uncle, I don't want to either, I actually only planned to obediently and honestly hunt the insect on the periphery to save money" Taiji said helplessly that he didn't want to either.

"Listening to what you said, I feel that it has something to do with the clean-up activity not long ago, when the town was cleaned up to the depths of the inner circle.

It may be because of the large For the sake of cleaning, although the inner circle's inserts multiply quickly, they obviously can't satisfy the food supply of so many Pokémon

So some Pokémon look towards the periphery, after all, although the strength of the periphery is low, the Aptitude is poor .

But when it's not enough to eat, how can it provide energy." Sam Captain touched his chin and expressed his opinion.

"Yeah! That's how it should be, as expected of Sam uncle." Taiji next to him couldn't help nodding, and he felt pretty close after listening to it.

"pa! Okay, then I'll call up Team 2 and Team 3 to catch them together, kid, do you want to come?" Sam Captain slammed down the table, turned his head and asked Taiji road.

"Uh, Sam uncle, I won't hold back, as long as you remember to leave one extra for me." Taiji immediately called the head and politely declined.

Just kidding, the weakest member of the guards is the Ordinary Level, and the dangers encountered must be much greater than what he encountered!

And Taiji doesn't know them well, so there's no guarantee that these team members will come to his rescue if danger arises.

And with just one Bellsprout, how could he rob these guards!

It's better to stay at home obediently and honestly the past few days, anyway, Sam uncle has promised to keep one for him, it's not good to lie down and earn it.

"Okay, then you can go home first, I'll let you know when I catch it." After saying that, Captain Sam began to take out his mobile phone and start contacting his team.

"Ok, thank you Sam uncle, goodbye Sam uncle." Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Taiji exited the room and walked towards his home.

When Taiji got home, after arranging Bellsprout, he sorted out his current situation in his room.

"It is estimated that the birding gun is going to eat ashes, and the bullets still have 28 rounds. It is difficult to sell this kind of second-hand, so let's put it aside, maybe it can still be used in the inner circle of the forest."


Speaking of which, Taiji locked the shotgun and the remaining bullets in the cabinet next to him.

"There are 4 more blank Poké Balls. I have to carry this with me in case I come across a rarer Pokémon." Taiji was daydreaming and put the Poké Ball back in his backpack.

"The biggest spills of war in the past few days, a stork, two Zubat, hehehe!

Although I don't know Aptitude, but even if it is calculated according to the lowest Aptitude, A common medium is 70,000 for a strong bird, and a Zubat is a common low for 20,000, which is also worth 110,000!

It's a pity that it is only 20% off when it is recycled to Pokémon's home. I must sell them one, after all, others I've helped you identify Aptitude, and you don't sell one again, I'm afraid this is not going to be blacklisted." Thinking of the 20% off price, Taiji sighed, feeling that he lost a lot of money.

But he also understands that the only way to identify Aptitude is to go to the Pokémon House.

After all, what Sam Uncle told him was just discovered today, so these three must not be shown to him.

As for Ninghui, to be honest, she has only met twice, and there is a small family behind her, so Taiji doesn't fully believe her.

As for the two happy interactions, one was intentional, and he guessed that Ninghui might also think he had investment value.

"In addition to the one that Sam uncle promised, I made a lot of money, and hahaha (ಡωಡ)hiahiahia" couldn't control his Taiji, laughed heartily.

"Moo? moo moo moo?" Bellsprout, who trained powder Ability outside, said that his Trainer was sick again.

The recovered Taiji began to count the cash on his body again "One, two, three..."

"I can't help but spend the money, it's only 3,500 yuan. , alas╯﹏╰

But when the time comes a second Pokémon, I'll definitely make more money." Putting the money back in the battered backpack, Taiji began to count the rest.

"Alert bell, repellent spray, Potion, these are all necessary, and the travel tent can also be put up first. I feel that I bought it early, and I am too excited at that time." down the plan to make changes.

"Boom~" "pu lada~" "woo~" wakes up from sleep with various Pokémon's Growl, Taiji and Bellsprout.

They're not going out today, since Sam Captain was told the news last night.

It is estimated that these two days are surrounded by people from the town guards, and those are experts of the Ordinary Level.

You must know that the guards in the town are not just any Ordinary Level Trainer who can enter.

Ordinary Level Trainers recognized by Alliance are Pokémons with at least two Ordinary Level Lower Section strengths.

The standard for guards is to have 6 Pokémon, of which at least 4 are of Ordinary Level strength, and they must go through elimination battles to become an Alliance guard.

You must know that the establishment of this world is much more fragrant than those civil servants in his previous life. as it should be by rights competition is also much greater.

As for stronger pioneering teams, Taiji has only heard that there must be at least three Ordinary Level mid-level Pokémons to qualify for the selection.

Now a group of Ordinary Level Trainer experts are raging on the periphery, and he is a Rookie Trainer to join in the fun.

Taiji estimates that in two days at most, the Flying Type Pokémon appearing on the periphery will be captured.

"I don't know if the three Rookie Trainers caught the flying Pokémon, I'm sorry"

Taiji thought of this and could not help but mourned for the three Rookie Trainers With a bang, unless there was a harvest last night, he would probably hang.

So he won't go out these two days, he plans to train Bellsprout's powder ability at home, and try to learn the Poison Powder.

Then it's time for Sam uncle to tell him to get paid.

The last thing is to go to the Pokémon House to test Aptitude, and then decide to capture your second Pokémon.

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