Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 55

A new morning, Taiji released the two Zubats and the sparrow from the Poké Ball.

Of course, Bellsprout must have been greeted by a lot of Sleep Powder immediately, so there were no surprises.

After feeding the three Pokémon some water, they checked their bodies again and found that there was nothing serious, so they took them back in.

"Well, the first Zubat was a little weak, probably because he hadn't eaten for two days. Let's feed some worm blood into it."

Taiji thought about it, or The first Zubat was released again, and then the reserve worm meat was taken out, squeezed, and put together a bowl of worm blood to feed Zubat.

"Okay, Bellsprout, our training goal today is to master the Poison Powder, do you have confidence!" After finishing the treatment, Taiji took Bellsprout to the open space and asked loudly.

“Moo(ง•̀_•́)ง” Bellsprout called out loudly, expressing that it was a trivial matter for him.

After all, it had a small amount of Poison Powder in its Sleep Powder before, and it felt like it had completely mastered the Poison Powder in the past two days.

"Well, Bellsprout, I also know you should figure it out soon, we'll speed up the process today, and give these two poison sacs the morning's share"

read Bellsprout full of confidence, Taiji laughed and handed over the two poison sacs.

"Moo?" Bellsprout said in confusion. Isn't there one per meal?

"Cough, Bellsprout, because you have released a small amount of Poison Powder before, your body's Poison Attribute energy must have a visible increase compared to before!

But why only A small amount? That's because your Poison Attribute energy has not reached the limit even though it has increased.

So in order to promote this increase, we start with two poison sacs for breakfast. If you have any discomfort, come with me Say it." Taiji looked at Bellsprout with a serious look.

After all, this is all just his speculation, and there is a certain risk.

Of course, he thinks this risk is controllable. Bellsprout has been taking a poison sac for so long, and its own poison attribute energy has increased considerably, and the corresponding poison resistance should also have increase.

"Moo(●—●●)" Bellsprout nods, it wants to believe Taiji, and quickly threw the two poison sacs into its mouth.

"Moo~Moo(ಥ_ಥ)" Bellsprout's expression was painful.

"Bellsprout, I'm not feeling well! Quickly spit it out" Seeing Bellsprout's painful expression, Taiji was a little anxious.

"Moo, moo moo moo" But instead of spitting it out, Bellsprout closed his eyes and concentrated on absorbing the poison.

"moo moo moo" quickly opened Bellsprout's eyes, saying that it was just that the taste of the two poison sacs was too strong, it was just too bitter.

"Oh, so, it scared me to death, that seems to be okay, then Bellsprout you released a lot of powder into the empty bottle this morning.

Just before a The bottles are all used up, of course, you have to mobilize your Poison Type energy every time during the release process."

Speaking, Taiji took out two more large empty bottles.

“moo! Moo(┯_┯)” Bellsprout expressed his helplessness when he looked at the two large bottles that were half his height,

Of course he also understood the pair I have my own benefits, so I still took two bottles and went to my training place.



"Well, then I'll start exercising" watching Bellsprout struggling to fill the empty bottle , Taiji nodded, and also started his own physical training.

Although most Trainers in this world rely on Pokémon feedback to improve their fitness.

But daily physical exercise can better convert this improvement into strength.

He believes that even if it is an Ordinary Level Trainer, if it has not undergone physical development, then one-on-one is not the opponent of his Rookie Trainer.

After all, physical fitness is one aspect, but combat experience and combat skills are another aspect.

"Come on, Bellsprout, here are two poison sacs for noon" Soon it was lunchtime, and Taiji brought two more poison sacs.

"Moo Ծ‸Ծ" Bellsprout who was so bitter still quickly stuffed it in, and then quickly grabbed the Pokémon meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Moo-moo" After lunch, Bellsprout put a full bottle in front of Taiji.

"Well, Bellsprout, the color is obviously a little darker, not bad, after a lunch break, keep working hard" Taiji praised after seeing the powder color in the bottle.

“Moo✪ω✪moo moo moo” Bellsprout squinted his eyes and laughed, and soon asked Taiji if he could give him two more poison sacs after his lunch break. 's Poison Type energy is approaching a threshold.

"Um...Bellsprout, are you sure you can?"


"Okay, then Let's take a lunch break first, after all, I'm so tired in the morning."


Soon Bellsprout fell asleep, but at this time Taiji, who was lying on the bed, But already out the door.

"Bellsprout is good to have this heart, but in order to guard against the unexpected, we still have to prepare"

Taiji took the one he bought at the department store The antidote, a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.

Climbing open the door, Taiji lay back on his bed and fell asleep.

“dīng líng líng!” Uproar's alarm clock woke Taiji and Bellsprout.

"Here, these are two poison sacs, Bellsprout, if you feel uncomfortable after eating it, you must spit it out in time to understand."

Taiji woke up from the backpack He dug out two poison sacs and carefully handed them to Bellsprout.

"Moo~woo~moo" Swallow went to Bellsprout, a faint layer of purple energy suddenly appeared outside his body, and then saw it scream and quickly rushed to the back door open space.

"Bellsprout! What's wrong with you!" Taiji, panicked, immediately took out the antidote he secretly bought at noon, and ran out after Bellsprout.


"Sha ~ Shasha" I saw a lot of purple powder sprinkled on the grass behind.

The poisonous powder of "zi~zi zi" corroded a little after touching the grass.

"Well! This is~" Taiji, who accidentally inhaled a little, began to feel dizzy, and his body became cold, and his blood flow slowed down.

"wu wu" He hurriedly sprayed the antidote into his mouth and quickly evacuated the area.

"didn't expect Poison Powder to have such a great effect on the ordinary person class!" Taiji, who had slowed down, sighed as he looked at the yellowish grass.

"Moo~moo" came over and apologized to Taiji in a low voice.

"Haha, it's okay, Bellsprout, you gave me a big surprise!

This Poison Powder is not only an enhanced version of Sleep Powder, but also a little corrosive ."

Taiji stroked Bellsprout's head and laughed.

“Moo-moo✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺” Bellsprout who was praised by Taiji was very happy.

"Okay, then we'll continue training Poison Powder at the end of the afternoon. Your Poison Powder is placed in this stainless steel tank.

Then your poison sac will be added to every meal in the future. 2"

Taiji immediately found a stainless steel jar from the room and gave it to Bellsprout.

In this way, the formidable power of his flying knives has been strengthened again. Of course, the flying knives made of alloy materials are definitely not afraid of this corrosiveness.

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