Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 62

"Bellsprout, don't put the Poison Powder anymore" Seeing the Rattata, which had already collapsed, Taiji didn't care that they found themselves and walked directly to Bellsprout.

"Go ahead, Pidgey Gust strikes indiscriminately, Bellsprout's whip of thorns greets the one who's still calling"



“Moo|ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ” Although the sneak attack is easy to fight, it is boring if the enemy does not resist at all.

After receiving the order, Pidgey quickly flew to Rattata and started flapping his wings

"hu hu ~hu" A gust of wind blew on Rattata who was not fully asleep.

"pu la! pu la da" The wound that had not healed before started to bleed again after being attacked by the strong wind.

There are two Rattatas who were seriously injured. The old injuries were not healed, and they were torn apart again. The wind with Flying energy added new wounds to them.

Soon these two lost their combat capability after a round of Gust attacks.

"pu la☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ" Rattata Boss, who was originally blinded by the strong wind, after gritted his teeth and endured the attack, he found that there were only three of him who could still move. Only, I couldn't help but get angry.

Fortunately, although they were both seriously injured, the effect of Sleep Powder was useless.

"pu ~pa! ”

“( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄)”Before Rattata Boss gave an order, a powerful thorn The whip slammed into its face and flew out.

"Pu la da! Pu la, pu la!" The other two Rattatas, who were barely standing, saw their leaders were speechless. Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked out of the air and panicked.

"In battle, you must be vigilant at all times, and you can't make senseless noises, Pidgey, use Tackle to defeat the nearest one first. Only."

Taiji followed Bellsprout and quickly said to Pidgey.

"Bo" Pidgey immediately dived towards the nearest Rattata, and a layer of body surface emerged. Faint white energy.

"dong!" Rattata, who was knocked out, rolled out two laps in the grass, and could not get up again.

"pa!" At the same time Bellsprout, who received Taiji's order ahead of time on the road, waved a vine with a wooden thorn, and fiercely beat the other Rattata.

"pu it! (✘_✘)↯"

"xiu!" At the same time, a flying knife stabbed behind the Rattata Boss.

"It seems that you are the only one left, why do you want to escape? I don't want your companions anymore. Are you worthy of being a Boss like this?”

He stopped the Rattata Boss who was evacuating secretly with a throwing knife, and Taiji began to taunt.

“Boom~” Pidgey immediately flew after hearing this. When you reach the sky above the Rattata Boss, it means that you are here and you can't escape.

"pu la, poo lada" Rattata Boss angrily looked at Pidgey hovering in the sky, it felt that he had also The limit is approaching. I originally wanted to sneak away, but the human found it!

"Since I can't escape, then catch the human, and I can make a comeback." Rattata Boss's eyes flashed A hint of determination.

It doesn't care what Boss is or not, if it weren't for Pidgey, it would definitely use the last strength to escape.

"Pu it!" I saw Rattata Boss The white energy suddenly appeared outside the body.

"xiu!" The purple silhouette carrying the white energy quickly rushed towards Taiji.

"Oh! It's Focus Energy plus S Park flashed, as expected of a Boss, so skilled.

It's a pity that you think Bellsprout next to me is just a decoration? "

"Moo ☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ", the Rattata on the opposite side obviously felt that he must not be able to react and didn't take himself seriously!

You say you I really couldn't react when I got too close, but I just got so far away that I couldn't react!

"peng!" Bellsprout crossed the vines to block this Rattata Boss. He was knocked back two steps by the impact.

“What is the strength of the freshman senior! With the improvement of Focus Energy, the attack power is really not weak" Taiji's eyes narrowed slightly

"Unfortunately, we are two-on-one, Pidgey Gust, scratch it! "

Seeing Rattata's body stiffened due to the flash of Spark, Taiji immediately shouted to Pidgey.

"Boom" Pidgey began to control the range of the wind, moved towards Rattata Boss Blow it away.

After the "hu hu" is compressed, the formidable power is significantly improved.

"pu ~ it! "Rattata, who couldn't open his eyes, felt that he had more scratches on his body, which were scratched by the energy of Flying Type.

"Bellsprout, it's time for Retaliate, whip of thorns, give it the last one time! "

"xiu! call out! ”

Two vines with thorns pulled towards Rattata in an instant.

Rattata heard the sound and wanted to dodge, but it was facing the strong wind and opened at all Without eyes, the strong wind pressure made its body unable to move.


"pu lah! (✘_✘)↯" The blood-stained Rattata Boss screamed, lost his combat capability, and fell to the ground.

"Well, Bellsprout, give it a large dose of Sleep Powder Seeing Rattata who lost the combat capability, Taiji moved in his heart and said to Bellsprout.

"Swish~" A large amount of Sleep Powder was inhaled by the Rattata Boss at close range, and soon fell asleep.< /p>

"Well, go, Poké Ball" took out a blank Poké Ball from the backpack and threw it at the Rattata Boss.

"ka!" Poké Ball quickly After shaking it twice, the flickering stopped, and he also heard the sound of locking, which means the success of subjugation.

"Oh, it's simple, but that's right, I was thinking of running away just now, this will Not very firm either. "

Taiji picked up the Poké Ball, put it in the backpack, and smiled at Bellsprout and Pidgey.

"Both you did good, then put the Pokémon kill it! "After he finished speaking, he took out his dagger and walked towards the pile of Catterpie that had long since lost its combat capability.

"Boom? boo boo? "Pidgey hasn't killed an opponent yet, so he's a little confused, what is a kill? He's also trained in combat at the Pokémon House, but just knock the opponent's eyes into a coma.

"Moo moo , moo moo moo ”Bellsprout took on the role of Big Brother, walked over to a Catterpie and started to explain.

We eat all worm meat, so there is no way to divide it without killing them. The insect meat of energy comes out.

And if we want to become stronger in a short time, we need to let Taiji spend money to buy us various energy crystals and ability balls...

This all requires money from the human world, and the meat and materials of these Pokémons in the wild can be sold for money. So

“puchi! ' said Bellsprout, and thrust out a thorny vine that pierced through Catterpie's eyes.

"Wu wu!" "Catterpie trembled twice, then stopped, and blood began to flow from the ground.

"Moo(´๑•_•๑)" Bellsprout stared blankly at this scene, facing the Pidgey said, got it?

"Boom, boom" Pidgey quickly nodded to understand.

The breeder at Pokémon House said to listen to Trainer and senior Pokémon And what Big Brother Bellsprout said makes sense.

“Moo(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*” Bellsprout is very pleased to see Pidgey understand it so quickly.

Then at Bellsprout's cue, Pidgey immediately kills a Rattata with his claws and beak.

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