Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 63

"Well, as expected of the Bellsprout I cultivated" Taiji, nodded, observed this scene secretly.

Originally, he was a little worried, whether Pidgey would resist the first time he hit the killer, after all, he grew up in the breed house.

It looks like Bellsprout is still a hoax, no! It should be said that the leadership is very good.

"Boom!" After killing a few Rattatas and Catterpies, Pidgey's Celestic temperament seemed to have changed in Taiji's eyes.

If Pidgey was obedient and active like a good student on campus, now Pidgey with blood on his hands has awakened the wildness in the depths of its bloodline!

Soon, Catterpie and Rattata lying on the ground closed their eyes forever, Taiji began to quickly deal with spills of war, and Pidgey and Bellsprout began to guard all around.

“Why ╯﹏╰ why don’t you accept Rattata from ordinary low-level Aptitude? Isn’t the battle strength very strong?”

Taiji sighed himself while dealing with Rattata’s corpse Lost a lot of money again.

When he went to the exchange before, he had already asked clearly that the Pokémon Pokémon House of the normal low-level Aptitude would not accept it, nor would the black market store Normal.

Of course, if there are special functions like Zubat, it will fly, and it will be collected.

From Taiji's point of view, it's actually to see if there is any additional value.

Although Rattata is strong, it is only strong in the Rookie stage, and can still be ranked in the top of the forest.

breakthrough After becoming the Ordinary Level Trainer and entering the inner circle of the forest, there are many types of Pokémon, and Rattata is just one of many Pokémon foods.

"However, this Rattata Boss Aptitude won't be inferior anyway." Taiji, who finally cleaned up, put the Rattata Boss out, sprayed some Potion, and checked it. .

He feels that it should be an ordinary medium Aptitude, and an ordinary High Level should be impossible. The Rattata incisor he gave to Sam uncle before is obviously better than this one.

"It's not bad though, selling it to the Pokémon House is 12,000."

Taiji elated put the Poké Ball back and started the next round target selection.

"Pidgey, please check the situation all around again"

Because it took a lot of time after two rounds of battles, I still need to check again.

He estimated that the nearby Pokémon Impossible did not hear any movement, and they should have been hiding farther away. This is the result of the guards raging on the periphery for the past two days!

Otherwise, with such a big bloody smell, how could there not be Pokémon coming to attack!

After much longer than the first probe, Pidgey is finally back.

"Boo? Boom" It stood on Taiji's shoulders and began to recount its findings.

As expected, all the Pokémons that I found earlier bypassed this bloody place.

The closest to them now is 5 Rattata's squares, but they are quite far away.

"Okay, then let's go find these Rattata"


Bellsprout heard I was very excited, and when it and Taiji met two or more Rattatas before, they all walked around.

Now with new companions, this group of speed-oriented Pokémon has also become their hunting target.

Walking, the sun unconsciously reached the top of people's heads.

"It's already noon" Taiji looked at his watch and found that it was already 11 o'clock.

"Boom!" Pidgey, who was exploring the trail ahead, just flew back at this time, indicating that the group of Rattata was no longer moving, and it seemed that the sun was too strong at noon, and they were resting.

"Okay, Pidgey, Bellsprout, we still use the dusting tactics! After finishing this vote, we will rest."

"Come on, let's eat worm meat first, and add more Strength, then attack." Said Taiji, took out two pieces of Weedle meat from his backpack and handed them to Pidgey and Bellsprout.

“啵✪ω✪” and “Moo✪ω✪” are actually a little hungry, after all, the first two rounds of high-intensity use of Unique Ability.

Bellsprout is actually better, it's stronger and it has a blood pack at the end to use Absorb to restore its own energy.

But Pidgey has been flying as a scout, and has used Gust several times, so it can be said that the energy is already below half.

But Taiji didn't say rest, and they still survived, so they didn't mention that in this dangerous wild, the Trainer's order is the most important.

"Come on, Pidgey, you're eating a piece! Sorry Pidgey, I forgot the way you didn't restore your own energy"

Taiji watched Pidgey gobble a bit, and he finished it in one go , he knew he was negligent.

So immediately took out the bigger piece and put it in front of Pidgey.

“啵啵~啵啵(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*” Pidgey looked at the bigger worm, he felt very happy, and met an understanding Trainer.

Soon, the recharged Bellsprout and Pidgey began to lurk forward.

After reaching the best dusting point, open the circuit with Sleep Powder first to reduce the neural response of Rattata. Next is Poison Powder to reduce their body response.

After this set, the 5 Rattatas obviously dropped several layers of battle strength.

"Okay, go to Pidgey, use Gust to suppress them,

Bellsprout you can whip them with the whip of thorns!"

Seeing the tactics work Taiji, immediately gave the next order.

The strong wind of "hu hu ~ hu" instantly blew towards the five Rattatas.

"pu la da, pu la" But this time Rattata's response was a bit beyond his imagination.

Three Rattatas shouted and used Spark to escape by force of the wind!

"wk, that's so smart, Bellsprout quickly solve these two first."

"Moo!" The whip of thorns of Ordinary Level attack power fiercely hit the two Rattatas that were abandoned.

"Pu la da! Pu la" The two Rattatas who were beaten to the ground screamed.

"Pidgey, use Tackle, and they're done!"

"Boom!" Without giving them a chance to breathe, Pidgey uses Tackle right away.

"dong! dong!" These two Rattatas were originally an arrow at the end of its flight, but after taking Tackle, they both lost the combat capability.

"Quick, Pidgey, you fly up and chase after him, Rattata is poisoned, and he uses Spark, and he won't run far.

If you find it, you'll be on your way.

Use Gust from the sky to attack it from a distance, remember not to get close to Rattata."

Seeing the two Rattatas already on the ground, Taiji hurriedly asked Pidgey to chase the one that had just escaped.

He had seen before that the three Rattatas ran in two separate ways, and he and Bellsprout had to stay here to deal with the spills of war.

Then Pidgey is the first time hunting, so let's go after one safely. As long as Pidgey obeys his orders, he should be able to bring the Rattata back.

"Boom!" Pidgey agreed and flew towards the direction Rattata fled.

"Pidgey, whether you're caught or not, you'll be back in more than 10 minutes, pay attention to safety" Taiji, who was worried, shouted again.

"Boom!" Pidgey replied confidently.

"You can't underestimate any Pokémon."

Taiji, who started to deal with spills of war, thought of Rattata who had escaped by the wind, and couldn't help shaking his head bitterly laughed.

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