Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 64

Taiji and Bellsprout quickly cleared the field, looking anxiously in the direction Pidgey was leaving.

To tell the truth, he is a little regretful now, why did he let Pidgey go after him alone.

If those Rattatas reunite again, Pidgey is not going to suffer.

An anxious Taiji checked his watch every few minutes, staring nervously.

"Boom!" Finally a familiar silhouette appeared in front of them.

"peng!" threw the Rattata in his claws to the ground, and Pidgey raised his head proudly.

"Finally back to Pidgey, awesome! Pidgey, you tracked and hunted this Rattata alone" Seeing Pidgey's appearance, Taiji smiled and praised.

"Pidgey ٩('ω')و" Pidgey, who was very happy, landed on his shoulders and rubbed Taiji's face.

"Okay, let's change the place, let's take a rest at noon!"

Taiji quickly dealt with the Rattata, and then took the two little ones to the outer space. walk around.

"No, this is your Bellsprout, this is yours from Pidgey." Under a big tree outside, the three of them started to eat their own lunch.

"The meat with the meat really tastes even better!"

Now that I'm making money, I have savings, and Taiji has also upgraded his food, from multigrain cakes to I had the minced meat pie and ate it with keen interest pleasure.

After he found out that he had contracted with Pidgey, his physical fitness improved a bit, and he became more light and agile.

Of course, the food intake is also larger, and the nutrition required is also more, so the multigrain cake is obviously not suitable, so the meat cake is replaced.

"With Pidgey, it's more convenient to hunt in the periphery and earn more money." Taiji was very satisfied watching Pidgey, who was eating meat while raising his head to alert all around.

We hunted 19 Catterpies and 6 Weedles and 12 Rattatas this morning!

Although it is said that there are factors of reporting and picking up leaks today, but you have to fight to get so much.

If nothing else, the 6 injured Rattatas, if Bellsprout is the only one, Taiji will take a detour even if he finds out.

"Now there are 25 wire bags, about 100 pounds of Catterpie meat, 6 sharp horns, about 65 pounds of Rattata meat, 11 front teeth, and a Rattata Boss! Blood earns blood Earn ✪ω✪”

After lunch, he took stock of this morning’s harvest, and golden light began to appear in his eyes. Roughly calculated, he had an income of more than 44,000 yuan.

The Weedle meat and 6 poison sacs are not included. The 30kg worm meat is food for two Pokémons. Bellsprout and Pidgey can eat them together in about two or three days. As for the poison sacs, Bellsprout ate all in one day.

"However, Bellsprout and Pidgey consume a lot. The energy crystal must be bought!"

Watching Ingrain resting on Bellsprout and Pidgey on the branch, Taiji couldn't help it sighed.

As far as he knows, Bellsprout and Pidgey's evolution Normal is the strength to reach the Ordinary Level Lower Section will evolve.

And to improve Aptitude, investing a lot of energy into evolution is the easiest way.

So this energy crystal must be bought!

"Go, Pidgey, Bellsprout! Let's do better this afternoon!" There was a flash of determination in his eyes, and he greeted the two little ones.

The three-person squad started the afternoon hunting again.

Probably ran out of luck in the morning, and they only found two waves of Pokémon in the afternoon.

The first wave was a team consisting of 6 Weedles and 4 Catterpies, which were quickly defeated by Bellsprout and Pidgey's dusting tactics.

No way, Pidgey's Flying Type energy does too much damage for them.

The second wave consisted of 5 Rattatas. He found that Rattatas were really smart, but after discovering that they were poisoned, they ran away.

Fortunately, under the double blow of Sleep Powder and Poison Powder, Pidgey still caught up with 2, and Bellsprout and Taiji also caught up with 2.

This time, Taiji's new flying knife finally came in handy during the split tracking, piercing directly through one of Rattata's heads.

He found that the gap between the ordinary person and the naturally extraordinary Pokémon was getting bigger and bigger. He didn't take part in today's hunting at all, and the flying knife stunt that he was proud of was not at all in front of the dusting tactics. worth mentioning.

"Alas╯﹏╰ I'm not even worthy of a support now, I'm just a handyman." Taiji dealt with the corpses of 4 Rattatas and laughed at himself for his performance today.

"But after a while, the Pokémon will no longer be in groups, I should still be useful,

After all, there are a lot of Pokémon now, and my flying knife can only interfere with two or three Pokémon. .

And when I get to the elite level, I will also have a real battle strength."

After finishing the treatment, Taiji and the two little dogs walked back on their way, looking at their throwing knives There are also calluses on his hands, and he clenched his fists.

He has always been very confident in his own strength.

Before 4:00 pm, Taiji returned to town and started processing the daytime deliveries.

As soon as he went to the grocery store and the butcher's shop to sell the materials, he had more than 44,000 yuan on him, plus the previous subsidies and his own savings of more than 3,000 yuan. The first time my income broke through 6 figures, it was probably a little over 105,000.

"We have money! We have money! We have money Bellsprout, we have money, Pidgey!" After putting the money into the card, Taiji happily held the card at Pidgey and Bellsprout said.

"啵啵✪ω✪" Pidgey, who just arrived, has no concept of human money. I am happy if the trainer is happy.

"Moo ✪ω✪ moo! Moo?" Bellsprout was really happy to be rich, but when it saw that Taiji was not holding a lot of money but A little card!

It couldn't help calling Taiji, where's our money? Shouldn't there be a lot?

"Hahaha, Bellsprout, this thing is called a bank card. Our money is stored in the card. When the time comes to buy expensive things, just swipe this card."

< p>Looking at the anxious Bellsprout, Taiji laughed, handed the bank card to Bellsprout, and explained it.

In fact, he wanted to do one before, but he couldn't save much money. Basically, he started to buy various things as soon as the materials were sold.

Besides, I was busy with training, so I forgot about it. After the sale was sold out in the afternoon, the Arai grandfather from the grocery store reminded him and went to do it.

"Moo" saw Bellsprout of the bank card for the first time, and turned over the bank card from beginning to end, but found nothing strange, so he returned the bank card to Taiji.

"Well, let's have a meal first, and we'll be out hunting at 6 pm. Pidgey still depends on you at night, so let's go to sleep later."

"啵啵(ง•̀_•́)ง” Pidgey responded loudly, saying that it’s okay!

Bellsprout next to "Moo, moo moo moo" jumped right out and said, I can too.

"Hahaha, yes yes yes, Bellsprout, you have to cheer up tonight." Taiji touched Bellsprout's head, laughed.

Soon, after dinner, the three of them closed their eyes and began to rest.

After all, if you are resting in the wild, you must need a person to guard. He only has two Pokémon, Pidgey and Bellsprout are going to participate in hunting at night.

So it's better to go home, and his small space backpack is full.

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