Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 86

"Boom? Boom?" Pidgey, who was stopped, quickly threw a question: If the two Rattatas saw you, they would use Spark to run away in a flash. What to do, after all, the distance is still far away.

"moo! Moo?" Bellsprout was taken aback by the question, which he hadn't really thought about.

It is now at the Ordinary Level, so if two freshman Rattatas see it, they will most likely escape directly. This distance is coupled with the speed bonus of Spark's flash!

Although the speed of its vines is already a lot faster, it is estimated that it cannot catch up.

"Cough! Bellsprout, you forgot how much control you have over your energy right now, but you are ten out of ten. You can try lowering your breath and show the energy level in the middle of the new life."

Taiji looked at the frowning Bellsprout and had to remind him aloud.

"moo! moo moo moo ✪ω✪" was reminded by Taiji, Bellsprout suddenly realized! Hastily began to adjust their energy fluctuations.

"Boom!-_-||" Pidgey watched Bellsprout's energy gradually decline in his own perception, directly to the middle of the newborn. This operation stunned it!

"Boom?" It turned and asked Taiji, why can't it work?

"Haha, Pidgey, you can do this after you've advanced to the Ordinary Level and your energy mastery is perfect." Taiji saw the shocked Pidgey and explained.

He actually got this method from Sam Uncle. Although he doesn't know the principle, it's fine as long as he can use it.

I have to say that this trick is simply a Divine Artifact of wild fishing. He really likes playing the pig to eat the tiger.

"in order to guard against the unexpected, Pidgey, you are still hiding in the air.

Bellsprout, come here, I told you we'll wait and that's it...then And then..."

Once Pidgey was arranged, Taiji pulled Bellsprout to start talking about their decoy tactics.

"Moo~moo✪ω✪" Bellsprout nodded again and again, it believed that the two Rattatas would definitely attack first.

"Okay, let's start! Pidgey, you fly to a tree closer" Taiji said, and took Bellsprout back into the Poké Ball and walked forward.

"Boom?" Pidgey was a little puzzled, mysterious and secretive, then I'll just watch your performance quietly, it flew into the air immediately, found a suitable position, and stood on a branch ready to watch the show.

"Hu~huchi~" Taiji ran forward quickly, deliberately getting some dirt and fallen leaves on his body in the middle, which seemed to be embarrassed after all.

"Pu la da? Pu la?" The two Rattata must have noticed such a big movement, and they turned their heads and looked towards the bushes in front of them.

"What! It's actually a Rattata again!" Taiji opened the bushes and looked towards the two Rattatas with a panicked expression.

"Pu la da ✪ω✪" The smaller one was only a little puzzled. There was free food delivered to the door, and it was immediately ready to use Spark to pounce on it.

"Pu la! Pu la da ~ pu la!" Rattata, who had several scars on his body, hurriedly stopped his impulsive companion and began to warn him that it was probably a trap.

During its life, this upright walking creature is called a human, and they use all kinds of traps and have Pokémon companions, maybe his Pokémon companions are waiting for us!

Our Rattata clan, the strongest is speed and front teeth, Spark is the guarantee of our extreme speed, whether it is used to attack or escape, it is a magical skill.

So don't use Spark until the situation is clear, let's be vigilant.

"Sure enough, those with scars are not easy to fool around." Taiji felt a little pity, but it was expected.

"Help (ಥ_ಥ) Bellsprout! Help me stop these two Rattatas, please, please!"

The expression of lost one's head out of fear instantly appeared on his face, and at the same time Quickly throw out the Poké Ball, and immediately hide behind the nearby trees.

"Moo~Moo(ノಥyiಥ)" Bellsprout, who appeared in the clearing, obviously obeyed Taiji's instructions. As soon as he saw two Rattatas, he immediately showed an Astonish expression, and at the same time quickly Run to the side.

"pu?" The older Rattata wondered, wasn't it a trap? It's really a great meal delivered to your door.

I didn't fully understand it, but I could tell that the human and the Bellsprout were afraid of us.

And the strength of that Bellsprout seems to have just reached the middle of the freshman, a little worse than my companions.

"Pu la Da? Pu la!" The smaller one, seeing Bellsprout and Taiji who had already fled a few meters, was obviously panicked, and asked quickly, can they get on? Can't get on? You don't go, I go!

"Pu da!" The companion's urging, and the panicked look of the person just now made the second-long Rattata make up his mind: Go! Quickly take out the Bellsprout and attack the human together.

That human is wearing a protective suit, which we won't be able to tear open for a while, so let's use Spark to quickly solve Bellsprout.

"pu ah~ da!" The two Rattatas made up their minds, body flashed, and rushed towards Bellsprout quickly.

"Bellsprout, you who grew up in the human world must not know how to keep calm in the wild"

As the distance moves in quickly, the older Rattata can see To the overly frightened look on Bellsprout's face.

But suddenly it found that Bellsprout's breath suddenly increased, and his face became indifferent.

"Not good, I got it." As soon as this thought flashed through Rattata's mind, he felt a sharp pain in his body.

"Moo( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄)"

"pa, pa!" Bellsprout's whip of thorns directly took two Rattata They flew out.

"pu la~ puff la da~ puff!" Because the formidable power was offset by a flash of Spark, the two Rattatas were swept away, and they had more on them. Some blood holes and scars, but he still stood up.

"pu la~pu lada" bastard, what a cunning human being, Pokémon are so strong and tricky.

< p>If you know at first that this Bellsprout is of Ordinary Level, you can also use Spark to run away.

But now, both Rattatas look at each other's bleeding body, and because Using Spark's flickering and trembling limbs, they knew they couldn't escape.

"pu la~"

"pu lada!" The two Rattata glanced at each other , called out, as if they understood each other's thoughts.

"Pu Lada!" The Rattata in the middle, with pale white energy, rushed towards Bellsprout.

"Pu it!" Another high-ranking Rattata cried out in pain with a look of pain, and a lot of pale white energy appeared in the body.

"Oh, it's to let the weak delay time, After using Focus Energy, I will fight to the death."

"Bellsprout, if that's the case, then give him this chance to knock the one that rushed over first."

Since It is a test of strength. If the speed of Rattata is not fast, how can it really be tested.

In reality, the Rattata after Focus Energy will be improved in all aspects, and it will be easier to hit the enemy's key points. .

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