Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 87

"pa!" Bellsprout heard the words nodded, and after knocking the rushing Rattata into the air, he quietly watched the powerful one in Focus Energy.

"Pu da!" Looking at the companions who have lost the combat capability, and the enemies who are silently waiting for him to complete the Focus Energy, it feels despised.

"pu la☄ฺ(◣д◢)☄ฺ" Feeling his own powerful strength, Rattata jumped forward, but it was towards Taiji.

"Sure enough, those who can survive in the wild have two brushes!"

Taiji looked at Rattata who forcibly used the Spark flash and rushed towards him. There was no panic on his face, because he believed Bellsprout could definitely stop him.

This is the benefit after the training test. The values of Bellsprout have been figured out before hunting, so it can be targeted to fight.

Sure enough, a thorny vine appeared in Taiji's eyes between Rattata and himself.

"pa!" was originally aggressive, and Rattata, who was desperately fighting, was directly beaten back.

"pu ~ la, poof(✘_✘)↯" Rattata, who was beaten back, swayed a few times and tried to stand up, but in the end he fell to the ground and lost his combat capability.

Quickly tidying up the battlefield, Taiji called Bellsprout, who was elated, and Pidgey, who was on alert in the air, continued their mission.

"Moo~moo(づ●─●)づ" Bellsprout is obviously very happy that the once powerless Rattata has fallen under his Vine Whip, making it very fulfilling!

When you walk, it's all swaying!

"Boom~Boom!" Pidgey also wanted to try his new Ability, and told Taiji that he wanted to duel too!

"Okay, Bellsprout, it's still in the wild, don't take it lightly, and don't be proud!"

After admonishing Bellsprout, who was complacent, Taiji turned his head and looked towards Zai. My ear chirp chirp twitter twitter The non-stop Pidgey.

"Pidgey, you have to duel too! That's fine, then you take us to Weedle,

Your Flying Type move restrains the insect, peck this move is Flying Type , you can also see the actual combat!"

Taiji originally had this plan too, take a look at Pidgey's new move, since Pidgey himself proposed it, then it's good to follow the trend.

"Boom!" Pidgey happily agreed, immediately flew up, and started to lead the way.

"Woo~woo" Soon, Weedle grazing appeared in Taiji's telescope.

"One, two, three, four. There are 4 in total, Pidgey, are you okay? Are you sure you don't want Bellsprout to help?"

After Taiji counted, to be on the safe side, Still turned around and asked Pidgey

“Boom! (ง•̀_•́)ง” Pidgey patted his chest, indicating that I am a bird, born to eat insects, what are 4 insects!

"Okay! But I still want to teach you Pidgey, first Gust suppresses, then Spark swipes and pecks to kill the largest one, and the remaining three believe that you can do it yourself!"

"Okay! p>

Taiji stopped Pidgey, who was about to charge ahead, and hurriedly talked about the tactical arrangement.

"Boom~" Pidgey said, don't worry!

"xiu!" Pidgey quickly flew to the 4 Weedle Sky.

"Woooo~woooo ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺" Weedle is still eating young leaves and green grass.

They are born on the periphery, and the Flying Type Pokémon has basically never seen them, and has never noticed the danger from the sky.

“hu hu ~hu hu ” Pidgey quickly flapped his wings, and a cold gust of wind hit Weedle below.

"Woo? Woo~woo!" Where did this wind come from? what! Why does it hurt so much for me to shave?

The 4 Weedles began to cry out in pain, twisting their bodies.

"Boom~" At the same time, Sky's Pidgey began to pick the lucky one to be the first to solve it!

Despite the dust below, its sharp eyes found the Weedle, which was more than two laps bigger.

"Boom, boom!" Fatty, it's you, watch my combo.

I saw Pidgey suddenly stop his wings, his body was immediately protected by the normal type energy of pale white, and at the same time silver white Flying Type energy appeared at the beak.

"xiu!" In Taiji's eyes, only Pidgey could be seen shooting out like an arrow!

"puchi!" The powerful force coupled with the sharp mouth with Flying Type energy, even directly pecked this Weedle through!

"Woo! Woo!" Weedle, who was still stuck in Pidgey's mouth, felt the great pain just before he died. Struggle whined twice and died.

"peng!" Pidgey swung Weedle's corpse from his mouth, then opened his bleeding beak and cried.

"Boom!" It didn't expect to be so powerful!

This Weedle can perceive that the energy in its body is on the same level as it, but it will die after only a few seconds of support under its own hands.

"Woooo! Wooooo! Wooヘ(;´Д`ヘ)" The three Weedles who were still alive were completely frightened by the murderous Pidgey and began to flee for their lives.

"Pidgey, don't be complacent, I almost forgot to hunt with claws.

"Hi! "Quickly found the target that Taiji said, it caught up with the claw with normal type energy, and there were bloodstains on this Weedle body.

"Oh! Woohoo! (✘_✘)↯" Weedle, who was scratched in pain, cried out in pain, but his voice soon became weaker, and he lost his combat capability in the end

"Okay, then use Tackle +Peck, go and solve the one closest to you" Seeing the Pidgey that has been solved, Taiji hurriedly issued a second order.

"Boom~" Pidgey immediately dropped the Weedle and his body emerged Release the white energy and start flapping your wings to speed yourself up.

“puchi! "Slowly insect, certainly can't escape the flying bird, was hit directly by Pidgey, and then there was a blood hole on his body, he could only twitch on the ground, obviously he couldn't survive.

" Well, although the speed of this combo is slower than Spark's flash + peck, and the formidable power is also weaker, it is also faster than flying over and using peck.

And Spark can't be used continuously, so Spark's injury can only be used as a surprise attack.

Tackle + peck can be used as a regular tactic. "

Speaking, Taiji recorded it in the notebook.

This notebook is equivalent to his own breed cheats, but everything is blank, and he needs to explore by himself. Go to fill in.

And Pidgey can use the combo so directly, thanks to Sam uncle's Fearow, it not only taught Pidgey new moves, but also taught some energy control experience, so Pidgey's energy The degree of control has also reached ten out of ten.

This is the advantage of having a backer. After telling some tips, you can quickly control the energy.

The recorded Taiji, When I looked up, I found that Pidgey had already dealt with the fourth one. Taiji looked at it and saw that it was dealt with by peck.

As a Flying Type Pokémon, I definitely prefer to use Flying Type moves.

"Okay, Pidgey, Bellsprout, and you two have all tried it out, so in order to improve the speed, we will not go to heads-up, but use the dusting strategy, which is faster. "

Taiji said to Pidgey and Bellsprout after packing up.

"Boo~" Pidgey nominee

"Moo~" Bellsprout Also nodded, indicating no opinion.

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