Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 98

"The next is an Ordinary Level Trainer battle! Two Trainers, please come on stage!" I saw an Alliance referee in the middle of the battlefield introducing by broadcast.

"On my left is the Ordinary Level Trainer Hirakawa Tree from Aoki Town"

Ashu, who was already standing opposite Taiji, smiled and posed to Taiji and the onlookers beside him. waved his hand.

Yes, you read that right, there are onlookers!

Although the two are not well-known Ordinary Level Trainers, the Pokémon Center's battle can still attract a group of people who are bored and watch the fun. This battle will cost 3,000 yuan once. !

"On my right is the Ordinary Level Trainer Aoki Taiji from Aoki Town!"

"Eh..." Feeling a little embarrassed, Taiji still waved like Ashu. waved.

"This battle is a 2v2 rotation mode. Only after one Pokémon is defeated can another Pokémon play! Note that Pokémon cannot be recycled during the battle, and trainers cannot be directly attacked!"

The referee said the rules aloud, then glanced at Ashu and Taiji.

Both are nodded, agree!

Then the referee continued to raise his horn and pointed his finger at Ah Shu.

"Pokémon Hirakawa player please release first"

This is what Ah Shu himself requested. After all, he is an ordinary mid-ranking player, so he must let some new teammates.

"Go, Poké Ball!" Ashu quickly took out a Poké Ball from his belt and threw it on the battlefield.

"Lada!" A red light flashed, and what appeared in front of Taiji was a half-meter-long, giant mouse-shaped Pokémon with Yellow fur.

"It's Raticate! It's not easy to fight" Taiji had a headache when he saw Raticate. This Raticate with ordinary mid-level strength is not easy to deal with.

Pidgey has enough speed, but not enough power! Bellsprout is powerful enough, but certainly not fast enough.

"Go, Pidgey!" After some thought, he decided to let Pidgey take the shot, even though it was a class away! But Pidgey, who can fly, can also cause a little damage to this Raticate.

"Boom!" With a loud growl, a yellow-red, in great spirits bird appeared on the battlefield.

"Pidgey, the breed is good! Mr. Taiji, you should attack first!"

Ashu on the opposite side saw that it was just a freshman Pidgey, although the breed's Yes, but there is a big gap here, so it is still generous to let the new players go first.

p>"Okay, then I'm welcome, Pidgey Gust!" Taiji nodded, this is not the time to be polite!

The gust of wind from "hu hu ~ hu" began to hit the Raticate on the Ground.

"Take it, Raticate" Ashu is ready to see the attack power of this Pidgey

"Da! La~da~" Raticate, who heard the order, faced the strong wind. , The gust of wind with Flying Type energy started to cut Raticate's body, and one after another tiny bloodstains could be seen under Raticate Yellow's fur.

"The damage isn't bad, be careful, let's go to Raticate, Scary Face!"

"Da!" I saw that Raticate suddenly made a fierce attack at Pidgey who was flying in the air Another weird expression.

“啵~啵(ノ○Д○)ノ” Pidgey was obviously taken aback, and Flying’s height was taken aback.

"Spark adds Bite in one flash, solve it!"

As soon as Pidgey descended the Flying height, Ah Shu's Raticate body flashed immediately, and it opened its sharp teeth and rushed up!

"Pidgey, hurry up, Spark is going up in a flash!"

Seeing the fast Raticate, Taiji immediately shouted at the scared Pidgey.

"Boom!" Pidgey, who was cold, came back to his senses after hearing Taiji's order. Looking at the front door that was close at hand, Pidgey flashed a silhouette and flew up.

"Da~" Raticate, who had nowhere to help, fell in the air because it didn't bite Pidgey.

"Good chance, Pidgey, give it a ride, hit and peck!"

Although I know that I may be attacked by Raticate at close range, but according to the previous Bite's formidable power and speed of use Come on, you can gamble!

"Boom!" I saw white energy emerge from Pidgey's body, and the bird's beak lit up with white light, rushing towards the falling Raticate!

"Yi! This move is good, and the timing is good. If it's a normal Lower Section, it might be a waste of time, but now I'm waiting for you to get close!"

Seeing the imposing manner of Pidgey, Ah Shu's eyes lit up. As for this peck, he is not surprised. He has been a trainer in the middle class for a while, and he has also fought against other family members who have Pidgey. The Pidgey will also use pecking.

In the end, this is just a basic move, and it's not a secret, anyone with a little background can know it.

"Raticate, Crunch! My Raticate is not only Bite. If I judge it based on the previous Bite formidable power, it will be a big loss, Mr. Taiji"

< p>Ashu explained it to Taiji with a smile on his face. In his opinion, Pidgey, who was close to him, received this move, and the battle was over.



Although Pidgey successfully opened a blood hole in Raticate, he was also bitten by Raticate's front teeth. , with so much force that Pidgey felt like he was about to be Crunched.

"dong!" The two Pokémon fell back to the Ground, and Raticate was still biting Pidgey in his mouth. It was obvious that he had pulled back a little.

"Pidgey! I admit defeat!" Taiji raised the white flag and looked anxiously towards Pidgey in the arena. Now that he was in Raticate's mouth, he definitely couldn't fight.

"The First Stage was won by Hirakawa Ki." Seeing Taiji raising the white flag, the referee immediately decided the winner.

"Wouldn't this kid be better if he used Gust just now!"

"Gust can only do a little damage, and I think if it weren't for that Raticate, it would have Crunch. If the combo is fully used, the formidable power will completely exceed the damage of Gust."

"Yeah, who would have known that the Raticate was so proficient in the Unique Ability of the teeth, this one Raticate not to be trifled with!"

"Anyway, this Pidgey breed is pretty good too!"

"I remember Raticate also has a Hyper Fang. !"

As the First Stage battle ended, the audience nearby were also discussing.

"Thank you Pidgey" After handing Pidgey's Poké Ball to the medical staff, Taiji solemnly looked at Raticate who was still on the field.

"Taiji players please send the second Pokémon!" The referee's voice just sounded.

"Go, Bellsprout!" The Poké Ball threw, and the fighting intent Bellsprout appeared, it was going to Retaliate its little brother!


"Bellsprout, he's really good at field control, but I don't know if his attack power is strong, is he boasting, or is he just a real reason!"


"Bellsprout p>

Ashu glanced at Bellsprout and found that the breed was also good.

"Bellsprout, Stun Spore" Taiji gave the order immediately.

"Swish ~" A large number of powders shrouded towards Raticate.

"Hey! Mr. Taiji, don't you think that Raticate can't hide from the slow powder after using Spark."

Seeing that it was just sprinkle Fan's Bellsprout, Ashshook the head, was a little disappointed.

"Raticate, dodge! Gradually pull in the distance!"

"Bellsprout, Stun Spore, keep spreading!"

Taiji didn't keep getting closer Raticate, instead, keeps Bellsprout dusting the ground!

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